Wikileaks, la fraude et pseudo-délateur

Wikileaks, la fraude et pseudo-délateur

Je pense que beaucoup de gens manquent d'informations à propos de Julian Assange et de qui il est véritablement.

Parce qu’Assange semble à prime abord attaquer le pouvoir en place, dont particulièrement celui des États-Unis, il parait être un contre-pouvoir du côté de la population. Mais en regardant cela de plus près, bien que certaines informations rendues publiques font mal aux É-U et l’armée US, il fini par justifier la politique de ces derniers en donnant du crédit à l’Al Qaïda qui n’existe pas, justifiant ainsi la guerre contre le terrorisme et les occupations militaires du Moyen-Orient; il donne du poids à la version officielle du 9/11 en discréditant le mouvement pour la vérité, ce qui est une justification de plus pour la guerre contre le terrorisme et les mesures répressives et liberticides à la maison; et il associe faussement l’Iran à des actes répréhensibles, justifiant ainsi une attaque éventuelle contre ce pays.

Ces indices, et beaucoup d’autres, mènent à penser que Julian Assange est un « asset » de la CIA. En paraissant nuire au pouvoir des É-U, il peut plus facilement contribuer à renforcer l’agenda de l’élite.

Assange n’est pas un contre-pouvoir mais un nouvel outil du pouvoir.

Wiki-Leaks, c’est de l’intox comme disent les français. C’est l’art de mélanger du vrai avec du faux. Avec du vrai, on peut faire avaler des couleuvres à la population, et ça peut servir plusieurs objectifs. C’est pas innocent comme manoeuvre. Comment des USA si puissant disent craindre des révélations venant d’un site quand ils ne sont pas foutu de fermer de force ce site ? Ils ne faisaient qu’attendre ? C’est le point faible de l’histoire. C’est une histoire typique de False Flag. L’art de se faire des Jokers à la Ben Laden, made in CIA.

Beaucoup d’observateurs se posent la même question et particulièrement celle là : pourquoi ne révèle-t-il jamais rien sur le coup monté du 11/9 ? Est-ce parce qu’il a choisi d’en supprimer toute l’importance ?

Serait-il l’acteur d’une énorme manipulation de déstructuration contrôlée pour nous faire tourner la tête vers des faits moins graves ou plus banaux que ces attentats qui sont pourtant matière à donner prétextes à tous les malheurs du nouveau siècle ; que ces attentats qui sont la pierre de touche d’une énorme conspiration oligarchique, l’outil de la vérité qu’il ne faut laisser à aucun prix dans les mains du public ? Au milieu d’un lac de vérité, la lacune devient îlot de mensonge.

Toujours est-il que les faits qui sont exposés, soient-ils le produit d’une opération à dommages calculés –qu’on pourrait très bien imputer à un type du genre Zbigniew Brzezinski qui a très bien compris l’évolution de la conscience du public mondial, ne manqueront pas de nourrir ou de confirmer les argumentations de ceux qui se battent contre le nouvel ordre mondial, même s’ils servent aussi parfois la cause de cet ennemi.

Le nettoyage viendra par le haut, hélas, pour que le bas ne puisse pas récolter ni mettre à profit la trop belle évidence en menant ces suspects devant la justice.

La reprise en main de l’information qui a tout juste commencé –cf. sur Fox News, les propos d’un Glenn Beck se victimisant, les confessions de « Geraldo at Large » sur le 11/9 et les affirmations du lieutenant-colonel Anthony Shaffer et de l’ancien membre de la CIA Michael Scheuer– montre bien qu’une tentative de nettoyage contrôlée va se poursuivre afin de doubler le public dans sa prise de conscience et de tenter de le dévier à nouveau loin de la vérité au prochain virage.

Le choix de la grande presse de se faire l’écho des révélations de Wiklileaks va dans ce sens. Au peuple de rester éveillé et de ne plus se laisser conduire systématiquement par la manipulation de pensée des maîtres médiatiques.

  • Plus au sujet du possible traitre Assange:

    - Flashback: « Whistleblower? » Czar Julian Assange: 9/11 was NOT a Conspiracy says the Pin-Up of Web-Age « Investigative » Journalists

    Assange: « I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud. »

    Julian Assange’s comments regarding 9/11 stick out like a sore thumb given that this « whistleblowers’ whistleblower » is now feted with the title of « the most dangerous man alive ». The reality is that the CIA could nullify the threat posed by Assange and his operation any which way it wants. Assange dismissing 9/11 as a « false conspiracy » strongly suggests that that hasn’t happened yet because he is useful to the PTB in the form of controlled opposition.

  • Voici d’autres pistes sur Assange, l’homme de Soros et de la CIA:

    - WIKILEAKS – Julian Assange: 9/11 was not a conspiracy

    « I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud. »

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    More reasons to conclude that Wikileaks is a very clever propaganda operation. Well.. maybe not all that clever.

    - Iran: US behind Wikileaks revelations

    “It seems that these [revelations] are made upon the order of the US,” Secretary-General of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights Mohammad-Javad Larijani said on Monday at the summit for reviewing the human rights situation in the US.

    “The message of Wikileaks documents is that the Iraqi people have been tortured by Iraq’s security forces, and the only wrongdoing of Americans is that they witnessed the incidents and remained silent,” IRNA quoted Larijani as saying.

    “This is while the US had the main role in these incidents and is the defendant,” the Iranian diplomat added.

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    I tend to think Iran is correct. Wikileaks is a very clever propaganda stunt. And the proof is rather simple. Nowhere in those supposed leaked documents is there any mention of Israelis taking part on the torture of captured prisoners, and yet we know that this did indeed happen.

    The « leaked » documents also support the US agenda against Iran in numerous ways, from the claims that Iran is backing the Iraqi opposition (not that anyone would blame them if they were) to the already discredited claim that the three « hikers » were captured by Iranians on the Iraqi side of the border!

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange continues to attack the 9-11 truth movement, insisting that all suggestions that the official story is not accurate are « false » and « annoying. »

CIA, Mossad, allez savoir…

Comme par magie, les fuites appuient une démonisation de l’Iran et miraculeusement, Israël est complètement blanchie, le 9/11 totalement évité. Que des coïncidences, j’imagine. Israël a attaqué des navires d’aide humanitaire en pleines eaux internationales, mais AUCUNE MENTION de cela.

- More WikiLeaks propaganda; world leaders agree with Israel!

Had WikiLeaks didn’t exist, Israel would have had to invent it. The massive leak of US diplomatic documents produces a clear, unequivocal picture: The whole world, and not only Israel, is terrified by the Iranian nuclear threat.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I think Israel did invent WikiLeaks. After all, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange insists there is no 9-11 conspiracy, and not a single criticism of Israel appears anywhere in this latest dump; an impossibility in the wake of the lethal Israeli attack on the aid flotilla last May!


Israel agreed to ease its restrictions on goods and materials allowed into Gaza following its attack on a flotilla of aid boats in May, in which nine Turkish activists were killed. Since then the import of food and many other consumer items has resumed, although there is still a ban on exports and severe restrictions on construction materials. Israel argues that the latter could be used by militants for military purposes.

Tony Blair, the representative of the Middle East Quartet of the US, the UN, the EU and Russia, echoed the call for Israel to accelerate its easing of its blockade in an interview at the weekend. “There has been significant change in Gaza, but not nearly as much as we need,” he told the Associated Press.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is important to note that WikiLeaks' dump of diplomatic cables contains nothing which is critical of Israel, yet clearly such diplomatic traffic had to be occurring in the months since Israel's attack on the aid flotilla. This glaring omission by itself proves WikiLeaks is an Israeli propaganda operation.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Who is Really Leaking to Wikileaks?

Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn't think all the leaked information coming out of Wikileaks is a result of Army PFC Bradley Manning, as a matter of fact he suspects a foreign intelligence service may be providing the more embarrassing leaks.

Webmaster's Commentary:

WikiLeaks appears to be the "enforcement" mechanism by which Israel is blackmailing the US Government into sending your American children to kill Israel's enemies.

Along with the obvious pander to Israel's self-image and the pushing for war with Iran, the WikiLeaks dump did indeed contain some minor embarrassing revelations, and I think the message from Israel to the US Government is clear; "You think that was bad? Do as you are told, or we will use WikiLeaks to rip the lid off of 9-11 and put the entire blame on the US Government, and the public will believe us because the story will come from "independent" WikiLeaks, backed up by the US media Israel bribes with millions of dollars, and we in Israel will have deniability for the expose'!"

Dear Wikileaks: Leak the Bank Records NOW, Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Wikileaks head Julian Assange told Forbes that the next leak will be regarding a major American bank. He said that Wikileaks plans to release the documents early next year.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Well, this gives the banks enough time to meet Julian's price to NOT leak the really juicy stuff, doesn't it?

Seriously, I think Julian is desperate to distract from the growing awareness that WikiLeaks is an Israeli propaganda operation, and this "tease" of revelations yet to come is just a feint.

Last week, the Department of Homeland Security seized the domain names of roughly 70 websites for copyright infringement. There were no warrants, no court orders, and no court hearings before a judge. The DHS simply used their authority to grab websites on the basis they are perceived threats (apparently Osama Been Deadforawhile makes a good living with bootleg DVDs).

So, if WikiLeaks is really exposing dangerous classified diplomatic cables that are a threat to the United States, why didn't DHS seize the WikiLeaks domain? Assange was dropping hints of a major leak to come. If WikiLeaks was a real whistleblower, DHS could shut them down by grabbing their domain name just as easily as it shut down the copyright violators.

But they didn't.

The dog did not bark!

WikiLeaks is a fake whistleblower, an attempt to repackage old ABCNNBBCBS lies in a new form that the public will swallow.

There is no other possible explanation for DHS not to seize the domain as a real threat, especially since Assange was not shy about dropping hints as to what was to come!

WikiLeaks is a propaganda front.

John Young of Cryptome on Wikileaks Fraud/Psi Op

“The principal deficiency of Wikileaks is its lack of transparency about its operators and funds, characteristics of spies and secret societies up to no good and whose main purpose is to hide from public accountability and conceal corruption and criminality.

Such organizations always use a noble purpose and claim secrecy is needed to protect supporters. In practice the secrecy protects the principal beneficiaries, the operators and sources of funds, and supporters are sacrificed to protect the continuation of the enterprise.

- Iran dismisses Wikileaks release

Iran’s president has dismissed as propaganda the leaking of US cables detailing Arab calls for Washington to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply psychological warfare against Iran.

He said the release would not affect Iran’s relations with other countries.


- Wiki Leaks Founder « Exposed as a Fraud »

- CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks

WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad’s own cyber-warfare activities.

CIA, Mossad, allez savoir…

Comme par magie, les fuites appuient une démonisation de l’Iran et miraculeusement, Israël est complètement blanchie, le 9/11 totalement évité. Que des coïncidences, j’imagine. Israël a attaqué des navires d’aide humanitaire en pleines eaux internationales, mais AUCUNE MENTION de cela.

- More WikiLeaks propaganda; world leaders agree with Israel!

Had WikiLeaks didn’t exist, Israel would have had to invent it. The massive leak of US diplomatic documents produces a clear, unequivocal picture: The whole world, and not only Israel, is terrified by the Iranian nuclear threat.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I think Israel did invent WikiLeaks. After all, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange insists there is no 9-11 conspiracy, and not a single criticism of Israel appears anywhere in this latest dump; an impossibility in the wake of the lethal Israeli attack on the aid flotilla last May!

- Iran dismisses Wikileaks release

Iran’s president has dismissed as propaganda the leaking of US cables detailing Arab calls for Washington to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply psychological warfare against Iran.

He said the release would not affect Iran’s relations with other countries.

- Tick Off Israel and Wikileaks Will Call You a Terrorist

Turkey has been pissed off at Israel because the IDF illegally boarded some of their vessels in international waters that were attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and they killed some 9 Turkish citizens in the process.

So of course, Wikileaks calls the Turks “terrorists”. This of course after Wikileaks released some “secrets” that claimed the US has only indirectly caused the deaths of a mere 15,000 Iraqi civilians over and above the “official” number and that Iran is also “supporting the terrorists” in Iraq.

- Israel satisfied as WikiLeaks shows ‘consistency’ on Iran

Israel expressed satisfaction on Monday after the mass release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, saying it proved Israel’s position on Iran was consistent — in public and in private.


Surely readers will recall Times reporter Andrew Revkin’s inspiring statement of principle: « The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here. »

Interested readers may want to compare and contrast Revkin’s statement of principle with the editorial note posted by the Times on the WikiLeaks documents this afternoon. Today the Times cites the availability of the documents elsewhere and the pubic interest in their revelations as supporting their publication by the Times. Both factors applied in roughly equal measure to the Climategate emails.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If one needs further proof that today’s WikiLeaks document dump is really a propaganda operation, one need only contrast how the media is treating these documents compared to other genuine leaks in the past.

The Climategate emails were a real leak, one which exposed the reality that the push for carbon taxes and a global environmental authority was built on a massive fraud, one that is rather obvious as we head into our second record setting winter in a row. But the New York Times refused to cover that story on the grounds that the source documents were illegally obtained. Even at the time this seemed a strange editorial position to take, since the New York Times had not hesitated to report on the Pentagon Papers, even though they too were leaked.

And here we are today with the New York Times excerpting and interpreting sections of this WikiLeaks document dump, even though the government maintains that these are illegally obtained, provided by an organization which maintains there was no 9-11 conspiracy, that Osama bin Laden is still alive and running Al Qaeda, and that WMDs were actually found in Iraq!

This isn’t news; it is a sales job. The New York Times is trying to sell you a load of propaganda disguised as a leak in the hopes that claims you would discard as obvious lies in the corporate media might be more successful if presented as coming from an organization hostile to the US Government. But again, with WikiLeaks supporting the official stories of 9-11, Osama, and WMDs, it is clear that the hostility between WikiLeaks and Government is about as genuine as that seen on pro wrestling!

And I note that despite the diplomatic crisis triggered by Israel’s attack on the aid flotilla last May, not one document critical of Israel appears anywhere in the millions of cables WikiLeaks is feeding you all.


  • Et si l’opération servirait à déclarer l’Internet comme étant une menace à la sécurité nationale des États-Unis pour justifier la mise à mort de la liberté d’expression et l’échange d’information sur le l’Internet et donc imposer un contrôle de celui-ci ou même sa fermeture?

    - Wikileaks and the Setup to End Free Speech: The US Embassy Cable « Leaks »

    Wikileaks, me thinks, is the Hegelian Dialectic, the Problem/Reaction/Solution for the coming shutdown of the internet, and dictatorial assault on free speech and targeting all of us, the new media, as enemies of the state. This is what the Rockefellers and Sen. Joe Lieberman want, being big fans of the Chinese model of a kill switch. If you believe the media darling and « whistleblower » Czar Assange is genuine, I have some property and a business offer to sell this corporation to you, Brewster Jennings and Associates. Valerie Plame would be your contact for more info.

    Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer/Able Danger said tonight, « Let me state again – and be clear here – I do not believe WiliLeaks is a legitimate whistle-blowing organization – they seems more focused on being disruptive, than working to enhance oversight of/or resolution of key military and diplomatic issues, as an objective. » He’s in good company agreeing with me. ; )

  • Cela semble l’explication la plus plausible expliquant la notoriété d’Assange, soit de fournir un prétexte pour réglementer l’Internet, limiter la liberté d’expression des utilisateurs, et donner aux autorités des pouvoirs accrus en la matière.

    Les médias jouent leur rôle en essayant de nous convaincre que les révélations d’Assange compromettent la sécurité nationale de divers pays.

  • Un truc qui résume bien la situation. Désolé pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l’anglais…
  • Rappelez-vous que dans une autre tentative de propagande honteuse, Wikileaks a essayé de nous faire croire que des armes de destruction massive avaient été trouvées en Irak, JUSTIFIANT L’INVASION EN 2003.



    Michael Rivero

    Wikileaks, following much media fanfare (reason for suspicion right there) has just released a huge number of documents supposedly leaked to WikiLeaks and no other websites’. The media is denouncing this as a threat to the United States while US politicians wring their hands and wonder when they will be free of the curse of the First Amendment and all that troublesome nonsense about Freedom of Speech. Many observers think this is a propaganda set up and that neither Julian Assange or WikiLaeks should be taken at face value. After all, Julian Assange keeps insisting there was no 9-11 conspiracy and the 9-11 truth movement a « distraction. » Apparently Julian Assange has patented conspiracy and nobody else may expose one except himself!

    Of course, there is really not that much that is new in this latest dump. Like prior WikiLeaks dumps, most of it is old news mixed with some rather dubious claims. In his last such dump, Julian Assange included a claim that Osama bin Laden is still alive and controlling Al Qaeda. Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years and that Al Qaeda itself is a fake front group created to hoax Americans into endless wars of conquest, much as the fictional Emmanuel Goldstein was used in George Orwell’s « 1984. » Of course, it is well documented outside the United States that

    In yet another infamous propaganda attempt, WikiLeaks tried to claim that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, justifying the invasion. No such weapons were ever found.

    As for the present batch of documents, again it is a rehash of stories already known to the blog-o-sphere. Even those people who did not know US diplomats spy on their United Nations counterparts did not find it surprising or in any way a new idea.

    So what is the real purpose of Assange’s little charade? Propaganda.

    Propaganda is like rat poison. 95% of it is tasty, healthy food. But the purpose is to get you to swallow the poison. The same is true of the WikiLeaks document dump. The bait are all these old stories which we already knew about, used to convince us that the entire pile is « tasty, healthy food, » except that it isn’t. Buried in the pile of delicious, albeit past the expiration date morsels are the bits of poison which the US Government knows you will no longer accept at face value from the controlled media, but hope you will eat if handed to you by a con artist posing as hostile to the government.

    So, given that 95% of the current WikiLeaks is really old news, as a public service I will point out the bits of poison that Julian hopes you will eat.

    1. Iran is bad so you should all want to kill them.

    2. Saudi Arabia is bad because they are funding Al Qaeda so you should all want to kill them.

    3. North Korea is bad because they gave really long range missiles to Iran for Iran to put their nuclear warheads in, so you should all want to kill them.

    4. China is messing with your computers, so you should all want to kill them.

    That about sums it up. Oh yes, there is nothing negative about Israel in all these diplomatic messages, an impossibility given the lethal Israeli attack on the Aid Flotilla last May. That suggests who Assange really works for.

    Funny thing about rat poison. After a while the rats learn to eat the food and leave the poison behind.