
L'Autre Monde 21 février 2011: Invité spéciale - Julie Lemieux sur le dossier nucléaire au Québec et actualité mondiale
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L'Autre Monde 21 février 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 21 février 2011:
Soyez de la partie les lundis dès 15h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Julie Lemieux
Auteure de Avez-vous peur du nucléaire? (MultiMondes, 2009)
Des risques et des coûts inacceptables:
- transport projeté de déchets radioactifs sur le fleuve,
- problèmes techniques et retards majeurs pour la rénovation du réacteur CANDU de Point Lepreau au Nouveau-Brunswick,
- importants dépassements de coûts à la centrale Bruce Power...
Canada : Transport de déchets radioactifs sur le fleuve – Quelle protection au juste?
On pourrait se concentrer sur la question des générateurs de vapeur de Bruce Power, un enjeu extrêmement important.
Je pourrais également apporter quelques infos au sujet de ce qui se passe à Pointe-Lepreau (l'avant-première de ce qui risque d'arriver à Gentilly-2 si Hydro-Québec et le gouvernement Charest ne changent pas d'idée).
Je me suis tapée quelques centaines de pages de transcription des audiences de la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire (CCSN) et j'y ai trouvé des choses étonnantes, des chose qui n'avantagent guère l'industrie.
Documentaire sur un dossier chaud
From: Julie Lemieux
Bonjour à vous tous.
Je viens de recevoir une information qui risque de vous intéresser.
Le film danois "Into Eternity".
Ce film nous permet de visiter le site d'enfouissement final de déchets nucléaires le plus avancé dans le monde, à Olkiluoto en Finlande.
Un projet d'ingénierie incroyable pour gérer des déchets dont la toxicité ne se compare à rien d'autre sur Terre, autant en termes d'intensité toxique que de durée de cette nocivité.
Ça fait réfléchir.
Ce film illustre clairement l'ampleur du défi auquel l'industrie nucléaire nous oblige à faire face aujourd'hui.
Pour nous protéger des rayonnements nocifs des combustibles usés qui ont produit de l'électricité durant moins de 30 ans, il faut un site absolument étanche durant, tenez-vous bien, 100 000 ans!
Un projet aussi compliqué que coûteux.
En fait, "Into Eternity" illustre la face cachée de cette industrie.
Il aide à comprendre l'intérêt soudain de la compagnie ontarienne Bruce Power pour le recyclage de métaux contaminés provenant des vieux réacteurs nucléaires, les fameux "générateurs de vapeur usagés" dont on parle partout depuis vendredi dernier.
J'ai écrit une lettre à ce propos dans Le Devoir d'aujourd'hui, en page "Idées", une lettre qui contient des détails techniques dont on ne parle jamais.
Bon après-midi!
Julie Lemieux
Auteure de Avez-vous peur du nucléaire? (MultiMondes, 2009)
- Un documentaire de Michael Madsen
Danemark, 2009, 75 minutes, anglais avec s.-t. anglais
Bande annonce : http://www.intoeternitythemovie.com
Gagnant de nombreux prix : Nordic panorama de Bergen (Norvège); Visions du réel (Suisse); Planet Doc Review (Pologne); CPH : DOX (Danemark).
Un voyage dans les entrailles d’Onkalo, «lieu caché» en finlandais, où le premier site d’entreposage en profondeur de déchets radioactifs est actuellement creusé. L’objectif ? Isoler ces déchets hautement dangereux pour un minimum de 100 000 ans. Une éternité.
Les bienfaits de l'industrie nucléaire.
Et ça continue... :
Lingots recyclés radioactifs remis en circulation dans les biens usuels
''Mais en octobre 2009 Bruce Power a fait pression sur OPG pour qu'on lui transfère les titres de propriété des générateurs de vapeur afin de réduire ses frais d’entreposage de déchets radioactifs en faisant affaire avec une firme suédoise. Celle-ci disperserait une partie de ces matériaux radioactifs dans des lingots de ferraille recyclée mis en vente sur les marchés, y introduisant ainsi une contamination radioactive.
«Cette pratique, la contamination du métal recyclé en y mélangeant des déchets radioactifs, a été condamnée par plusieurs organismes, dont les Nations-Unies, la Steel Manufacturers Association, et le International Recycling Bureau», a déclaré Kay Cumbow de Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, au Michigan.''
Tiré de :
Recul de la fluoration au Québec
Fév. 2011 - Fin de la fluoration à Verchères: Cliquez ici.
Janv. 2011 - Fluoration suspendue à Trois-Rivières: Cliquez ici.
Mai 2010 - Rejet de la fluoration à Gatineau: Cliquez ici.
Déc. 2010 - Rejet de la fluoration à Beaupré: Cliquez ici.
Beaupré: Non au fluor: Cliquez ici.
Fév. 2010 - Fluoration suspendue à Saguenay: Cliquez ici.
Sept. 2009 - Rejet de la fluoration à Longueuil: Cliquez ici.
Janv. 2009 - Rejet de la fluoration à Sainte-Marie: Cliquez ici.
Avril 2008 - Fin de la fluoration à Québec: Cliquez ici.
Fin de la fluoration à Calgary
Le débat y perdure depuis des décennies: Cliquez ici.
Tremor terror: The tiny town that gets a dozen earthquakes EVERY DAY after gas drilling goes awry
A tiny American town has become one of the earthquake capitals of the world after suffering more than a dozen tremors every single day.
Residents of Guy in Arkansas have lived through thousands of minor quakes in just six months after gas drilling apparently destabilised the earth beneath them.
So frequent are the tremors - which go up to four on the Richter scale - that they have been given their own name: the Guy earthquake swarm.
Locals however have reported strange shifts in the ground, odd movements and bizarre noises as the Earth moves beneath them.
They claim that the tremors began when a gas company began drilling nearby in a geological formation called the Fayetteville shale.
The companies dig deep wells which are injected with water, sand and chemicals at high pressure to get access to to gas pockets.
Secondary wells have to be dug for disposal of the waste, putting further strain on the area.
OGM: projet de loi C-474 battu, mais majoritaire au Québec!
Ajout de blogue par Eric Darier, Directeur - 10 février, 2011
9 février 2011. Le projet de loi C-474 proposé par un député du NPD a été battu hier à la Chambre des Communes par 176 votes contre 97. Les députés conservateurs et une partie de libéraux votant contre un projet de loi qui aurait rendu obligatoires des études d'impact sur les marchés avant l'autorisation des OGM. Ce projet de loi visait à protéger les agriculteurs et leurs marchés contre l'imposition de cultures OGM que les consommateurs ici et à l'étranger refusent. En votant contre le projet de loi C-474 ou en ne votant pas, les conservateurs et les libéraux ont préféré protéger les intérêts de compagnies comme Monsanto plutôt que ceux que des agriculteurs.
Majorité au Québec
Sur les 97 députés qui ont voté pour le projet de loi C-474, on retrouve 44 députés du Québec, dont 41 du Bloc Québécois, deux libérales (Raymonde Foclo de Laval-les-Îles et Alexandra Mendes de Brossard-La-Prairie) et un NPD (Thomas Mulcair d'Outremont) (voir liste ci-dessous). MERCI!
Les autres 21 députés du Québec ont soit voté contre le projet de loi C-474 (comme les conservateurs et certains libéraux comme Coderre, Dion, Garneau, Patry, Proulx, Rodriguez, etc.) ou se sont abstenus. Nous avons vraiment une coalition gouvernementale Conservatrice-Libérale sur les OGM.
Liste des députés qui ont voté en faveur du projet de loi C-474
André BQ, Asselin BQ, Bachand BQ, Beaudin BQ, Bigras BQ, Blais BQ, Bonsant BQ, Bouchard BQ, Bourgeois BQ, Brunelle BQ, Cardin BQ, Carrier BQ, DeBellefeuille BQ , Demers BQ, Deschamps BQ, Desnoyers BQ, Dorion BQ, Duceppe BQ, Dufour BQ , Faille BQ, Folco LIB , Freeman BQ, Gagnon BQ, Gaudet BQ, Guimond (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) BQ, Guimond (Montmorency—Charlevoix—Haute-Côte-Nord) BQ, Laforest BQ, Laframboise BQ, Lavallée BQ, Lessard BQ, Lévesque BQ, Malo BQ, Ménard BQ, Mendes Lib, Mourani BQ, Mulcair NPD, Nadeau BQ, Ouellet BQ, Paillé (Hoch elaga) BQ, Paillé (Louis-Hébert) BQ, Paquette BQ, Plamondon BQ, Pomerleau BQ, St-Cyr BQ, Thi Lac BQ, Vincent BQ
Lire le reste:
Junk food diet linked to lower IQ
Toddlers who have a diet high in processed foods may have a slightly lower IQ in later life, according to a British study described as the biggest research of its kind.
Of the 4,000 children for which there were complete data, there was a significant difference in IQ among those who had had the "processed" as opposed to the "health-conscious" diets in early childhood.
The 20 percent of children who ate the most processed food had an average IQ of 101 points, compared with 106 for the 20 percent of children who ate the most "health-conscious" food.
"It's a very small difference, it's not a vast difference," said one of the authors, Pauline Emmett of the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristol.
"But it does make them less able to cope with education, less able to cope with some of the things in life."
Taiwan rejects the US warning on restrictions
Taiwan said yesterday it will not give up restrictions it imposes on imported beef, after a warning by U.S. lawmakers that the issue could cripple free trade talks.
Taiwan pulled shipments of U.S. beef from store shelves last month after they were found to contain a drug, Paylean, used to promote leanness in animals raised for meat.
“The restrictions are in place in accordance with the laws to protect public health and they are not aimed at the U.S. We will continue to enforce the regulations,” said Wang Jet-chau, a spokesman for the health department.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 2 February, 2010 at:
Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked 'Not Safe for Use in Humans' to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter?
"Unlike the growth promoting antibiotics and hormones used in livestock which are withdrawn as the animal nears slaughter, ractopamine is started as the animal nears slaughter."
"Though banned in Europe, Taiwan and China--more than 1,700 people were "poisoned" from eating Paylean-fed pigs since 1998 says the Sichuan Pork Trade Chamber of Commerce-- ractopamine is used in 45 percent of US pigs and 30 percent of ration-fed cattle says Elanco Animal Health which manufactures all three products."
"Where was mention of the farmer phone calls to Elanco reporting, "hyperactivity," "dying animals," "downer pigs" and "tying up" and "stress" syndromes, asks the FDA letter. Where was the log of phone calls that included farmers saying, "animals are down and shaking," and "pig vomiting after eating feed with Paylean"?
"But, not to worry. Despite ractopamine's dangers and the falsified approval documents, the FDA approved ractopamine the following year for cattle--and last year for turkeys."
Your FDA at work, folks: don't you just love it?!?!?!?
Torture complaints hit Bush on ninth anniversary of key decision
Nine years ago today, the Bush administration decided that international law does not apply to prisoners of war. It was a watershed moment in US history, resulting in a policy of torture that pervaded and darkened the Bush years, and inflamed anti-American sentiment abroad.
To mark that grim anniversary, two men who claim to have been victims of torture filed official complaints in Geneva, Switzerland, seeking a ruling on universal jurisdiction.
If the court sides with their complaints, US President George W. Bush likely would not face arrest; he would not, however, enjoy free travel around the world.
That was evidenced over the weekend, when the media speculated on why the former president canceled a trip to Switzerland.
Webmaster's Commentary:
What is monumentally unsettling here is the relative ease with which Americans have accepted the institutionalization of torture by their government, along with the evisceration of all the protections and rights which used to be afforded American citizens through the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Unless and until the US government prosecutes all who were responsible for this horrendous, dirty practice of forcing confessions through torture, to the fullest extent of the law, the US will have fallen precipitously off the moral high ground it used to command, and will never be able to regain it.
I weep for the country I used to think I knew, which for a long time in its history still carried, in its deliberations, the legacy of President George Washington, who forbade torture or ill-treatment of prisoners of war.
Rumsfeld's Award, Unrest in Egypt and Food Crises
Leading the news this week, war criminal Donald Rumsfeld was on hand at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. to receive an award signifying his status as a Defender of the Constitution.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Rumsfeld and the rest of that unholy trinity, including Dick Cheney and George Bush, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes: this is the only way in which the US can possibly regain both its moral compass, and the respect of truly freedom-loving countries around the world.
Unfortunately, in light of the fact that Obama's administration appears to be hell-bent on continuing the institutionalization of torture; the indefinite detention of prisoners of war; and the eviscerating of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, such a prosecution will never happen.
Obama warned Palestinians of 'repercussions' if Abbas goes to UN
RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories (AFP) - US President Barack Obama warned the Palestinians of "repercussions" if they pushed for a UN Security Council vote against Jewish settlements, an official said on Friday.
"President Obama threatened on Thursday night to take measures against the Palestinian Authority if it insists on going to the Security Council to condemn Israeli settlement activity, and demand that it be stopped," a senior Palestinian official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites
Ron Paul has made a huge impact on America. After winning two consecutive CPAC straw polls, the corporate media and powers that be are pulling out all the stops in a bid to destroy Ron Paul and his support for ending the Federal Reserve.
Not only did Fox News pull a major hoax live on air, neocon and devout Zionist David Horowitz has written a piece that labels Ron Paul and his supporters as Anti Semites.
In the hit piece, “Ron Paul Is A Vicious Anti-Semite and Anti-American and Conservatives Need To Wash Their Hands of Him,” Horowitz uses outright lies to label Paul and his “crazed” supporters as anti Jewish.
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am re-linking to this obvious Israeli attack on Ron Paul because reading the comments will illustrate that Israel's "megaphonies" are on overtime attacking not only Ron Paul, but myself and anyone else speaking in his defense. The constant screeching of "Anti-Semite" underscores the fact that there is nothing at all anti-Semitic in anything Ron Paul has said. WE are rightly criticizing the actions of a government, not anybody's race or religion. If you have nothing else to do, spend some time chastising these fools.
Jimmy Carter Sued for $5 Million for Criticism of Israel
In a move that calls back to the attempt by Texas cattlemen to sue Oprah Winfrey for “defamation of beef.” an Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” allegedly defamed Israel.
Breaking News: Ray McGovern Brutalized & Left Bleeding by Hillary Clinton Police, “So this is America!”
At Clinton Speech: Veteran Bloodied, Bruised & Arrested for Standing Silently
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her speech at George Washington University yesterday, condemning governments that arrest protestors and do not allow free expression, 71-year-old Ray McGovern was grabbed from the audience in plain view of her by police and an unidentified official in plain clothes, brutalized and left bleeding in jail. She never paused speaking. When Secretary Clinton began her speech, Mr. McGovern remained standing silently in the audience and turned his back. Mr. McGovern, a veteran Army officer who also worked as a C.I.A. analyst for 27 years, was wearing a Veterans for Peace t-shirt.
Blind-sided by security officers who pounced upon him, Mr. McGovern remarked, as he was hauled out the door, “So this is America?” As you see, Mr. McGovern is covered with bruises, lacerations and contusions inflicted in the assault.
100% proof McGovern was not heckling Hilary
Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing
New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City bombing warning that the attack was imminent, and that the feds tried to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table if he admitted making the call.
The documents were released to Salt Lake City lawyer Jesse Trentadue, who in the course of a 15 year battle in trying to ascertain why his brother was tortured to death during an FBI interrogation related to the case, has all but proven the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building was an inside job run by FBI agents who were handling Timothy McVeigh.
“What that indicates to me, there is a record somewhere of that phone call and the FBI needs to explain it,” said Trentadue in an interview with KTOK News. “If the call was from one of their informants with McVeigh, clearly, they had knowledge of the bombing and didn’t stop it.”
The feds’ attempt to make Nichols accept responsibility for the phone call occurred in 2005 after Nichols was visited by an attorney named Michael Selby who claimed he was working for the government and would guarantee Nichols was spared the death penalty if he played ball in covering up FBI foreknowledge and involvement in the bombing plot.
“This was the first I had ever heard of such a telephone call having made made,” said Nichols in an affidavit filed recently in Utah U.S. District court. “And I told Mr. Selby that as well as the fact that I had not made that telephone call.”
Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government
While talking heads like Glenn Beck continue to invoke the threat of radical Islam, they habitually ignore the blindingly obvious, that radical Islam is a creature of the US military-industrial complex.
Case in point – the terrorist who trained the London bombers was a US informant and has been freed after serving only four and a half years of a possible 70-year sentence.
Citing his “exceptional co-operation,” in working with US authorities, a New York Judge released Mohammed Junaid Babar despite him pleading guilty to five counts of terrorism, an outcome that has, “Raised questions over whether Babar was a US informer at the time he was helping to train the ringleader of the 7 July tube and bus bombings,” reports the London Guardian.
Is this the next generation of Taser? Prison to test new laser beam to 'burn' fighting inmates
It looks like something out of a video game, but this monstrous machine could come in very handy for breaking up prison fights.
The Assault Intervention Device (AID) emits an invisible laser-like beam to trigger a brief but painful burning sensation and has been touted as a new type of Taser gun.
Officials plan to set up the machine in a detention centre dormitory in Castaic, California, although it has not yet been given the green light by its federal sponsor.
Manufacturers Raytheon say it does not cause burning or nerve damage. The firm also produces the Silent Guardian machine, which has been sold to the U.S. military.
Napolitano: Be afraid of 'heightened' threat of attacks, pass the Patriot Act
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States is facing "heightened" threats of attacks from extremists, possibly the highest since the attacks of September 11, 2001, the head of US homeland security told lawmakers Wednesday.
"There is no question that we have made many important strides in securing our country from terrorism since 9/11, but the threat continues to evolve," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a congressional panel.
US terror threat highest since 9/11
Janet Napolitano: US terror threat highest since 9/11
The threat of terrorism against the US homeland is in some aspects "at its most heightened state" since the 9/11 attacks, US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Forget all about the economy and the mortgage-backed security fraud, and the fraudclosures, and the homelessness, and the poverty, and starvation, and the FCIC report that said it would all have been avoided if Wall Street played by the rules and the US Government had enforced the rules. And forget all about the gulf oil disaster, which also could have been avoided if the US Government has enforced the rules. And please forget all about how the US Government flat-out lied to you about Saddam's 'nookular' bombs, the level of unemployment, Iran's nuclear power station, global warming, 9-11, TWA 800, JFK, RFK, MLK, OK City and ALL that other stuff. Forget about TSA grabbing your crotch, looting (and breaking) your laptops, and giving you cancer with those scanners and STDs with those gloves. Forget about the reading of your emails, the tapping of your phones, the tracking of your movements and the raids into your computers. Forget all about that stuff; think about TERROR! There are TERRORISTS hiding under your bed and in your closets! They are coming to steal socks out of your dryer and underwear out of your drawers. They are ripping the tags off of your seat cushions. They are planning to cause errors on your 1040 forms! They are planning to fart in elevators! They are going to rig the votes on American Idol. They are coming. Any second they will attack. Any second. Any second now, Really, They are coming, Honest, Any second now. (Someone phone Tel Aviv and ask them what the holdup is.) Ooooooh, scary SCARY terrorists! " -- Official White Horse Souse
FBI: 100 Percent Chance of WMD Attack
The probability that the U.S. will be hit with a weapons of mass destruction attack at some point is 100 percent, Dr. Vahid Majidi, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, tells Newsmax.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"All we gotta do is take that nuke we stole in Minot and figure a way to frame Iran for it, and we are good to go!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Of course, if there really is a nuclear attack inside the United States, it proves that all that DHS/TSA/FBI/CIA spy-on-Americans-and-grope-their-crotch stuff was a total waste of all the trillions in tax dollars spent on it.
The fastest way to end terrorism is to stop screwing around with other peoples' countries.
The terrorism threat level within the United States is the highest it's been since the September 11, 2001 attacks, claims Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano,
Napolitano informed the U.S. House of Representatives of the heightened threat on Wednesday morning. She told Congressman from both political parties that the terrorist threat facing the U.S. homeland is significantly higher.
The United States faces threats from groups inspired by al-Qaeda that are already inside the country, and attacks, including acts of sabotage and suicide bombings, could be carried out without notice, Napolitano stated.
Port Officer Says Nukes Have Been Found In Or Near San Diego
Editors Note: This appears to be some sort of psychological mind game that certain elements of our government are using on the people, almost as if they are prepping us for the reality of a nuclear attack in America.
Al Hallor, the assistant port director and an officer with Customs and Border Protection has openly admitted that an unnamed government agency has found a nuclear weapon or weapon of mass effect at a U.S. port in the last year!
That’s right, an assistant port director has spilled the beans on a possible major government cover up. During the conversation the port authority press agent continually interrupted the officer in an attempt to get him to shut up.
Homeland Security was quick to “debunk” the officer, citing nervousness as the reason he made such a claim. Events like this make it clear that Homeland Security is far from being about actual security, instead they are a rogue agency dedicated to ushering in the police state.
“So, specifically, you’re looking for the dirty bomb? You’re looking for the nuclear device?” asked Blacher.
“Correct. Weapons of mass effect,” Hallor said.”
You ever found one?” asked Blacher.”Not at this location,” Hallor said.
“But they have found them?” asked Blacher.”Yes,” said Hallor.
The only thing this officer seems nervous about is telling the truth!
This is a very interesting story and we will do our best to do a major follow up in the next few days.
Are nukes and other bio weapons being smuggled into an America at an alarming rate? Has Homeland Security decided that we, the American people, do not have the right to know how much danger we are actually in?
Wisconsin National Guard Preps For Worker Unrest After Governor Unveils Emergency Budget
Unions erupted in outrage as they learned about Walker's proposal. The Governor told Milwaukee Public Radio that he has briefed the Wisconsin National Guard to prepare them for any worker unrest today.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The revolution just arrived in America!
U.S. Government Shuts Down 84,000 Websites, ‘By Mistake’
The US Government has yet again shuttered several domain names this week. The Department of Justice and Homeland Security’s ICE office proudly announced that they had seized domains related to counterfeit goods and child pornography. What they failed to mention, however, is that one of the targeted domains belongs to a free DNS provider, and that 84,000 websites were wrongfully accused of links to child pornography crimes.
As part of “Operation Save Our Children” ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center has again seized several domain names, but not without making a huge error. Last Friday, thousands of site owners were surprised by a rather worrying banner that was placed on their domain.
“Advertisement, distribution, transportation, receipt, and possession of child pornography constitute federal crimes that carry penalties for first time offenders of up to 30 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution,” was the worrying message they read on their websites.
As with previous seizures, ICE convinced a District Court judge to sign a seizure warrant, and then contacted the domain registries to point the domains in question to a server that hosts the warning message. However, somewhere in this process a mistake was made and as a result the domain of a large DNS service provider was seized.
The domain in question is mooo.com, which belongs to the DNS provider FreeDNS. It is the most popular shared domain at afraid.org and as a result of the authorities’ actions a massive 84,000 subdomains were wrongfully seized as well. All sites were redirected to the banner below.
This banner was visible on the 84,000 sites
The FreeDNS owner was taken by surprise and quickly released the following statement on their website. “Freedns.afraid.org has never allowed this type of abuse of its DNS service. We are working to get the issue sorted as quickly as possible.”
Eventually, on Sunday the domain seizure was reverted and the subdomains slowly started to point to the old sites again instead of the accusatory banner. However, since the DNS entries have to propagate, it took another 3 days before the images disappeared completely.
Most of the subdomains in question are personal sites and sites of small businesses. A search on Bing still shows how innocent sites were claimed to promote child pornography. A rather damaging accusation, which scared and upset many of the site’s owners.
Although it is not clear where this massive error was made, and who’s responsible for it, the Department of Homeland security is conveniently sweeping it under the rug. In a press release that went out a few hours ago the authorities were clearly proud of themselves for taking down 10 domain names.
However, DHS conveniently failed to mention that 84,000 websites were wrongfully taken down in the process, shaming thousands of people in the process.
DHS Declares War: "Homegrown Terrorists Fueled by the Internet"
by Zen Gardner
Give me a freakin' break. They get away with this fascist hype and no one screams?
This tripe from the insatiable stooge Napoleon-itano was on ABC News:
"One of the most striking elements of today's threat picture is that plots to attack America increasingly involve American residents and citizens," Napolitano said, referring to so-called homegrown terrorists fueled by the Internet and connections with operatives overseas.
Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event.
If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary.
In addition to your cell phone, the government wants to take control of your internet broadband in the event another phony terror attack threatens the homeland.
The system would break into your computer or wireless device and broadcast presidential propaganda announcements, FEMA reports, so-called “Imminent Threat Alerts,” and AMBER Alerts.
Webmaster's Commentary:
George Orwell was not only a brilliant writer; over the years, he has proven to be a prophet.
FBI urges Congress to expand Internet wiretapping
The FBI urged members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security on Thursday to update the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) and make it easier for authorities to eavesdrop on Internet...
Not your grandma's white pages.
Spokeo's people search engine specializes in organizing vast quantities of white pages listings and public records. Spokeo's people search algorithm first collects and aggregates white pages information, and then synthesizes the most comprehensive snapshot of public data offered online. Find anyone by searching a first and last name.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Check out the level of detail total strangers can get on you for just a few dollars: pictures you've posted on Facebook or any other website, along with your approximate credit score, home value, income, age, etc.
You can remove yourself by first searching their site to find the URL on your page.
Copy that URL, then hit the Privacy button on the bottom of their page (in very tiny print) to remove yourself.
Check your email. Press the ‘Click Here’ button. Wait about 2 minutes then check and it should be gone.
A six-letter password in lower-case text takes a hacker's computer just ten minutes to crack, according to statistics collated by Bloomberg Businessweek.
But make those letters upper-case and it takes ten hours for it to randomly work out your password.
However, the security conscious among you may want to try this - choose a nine letter password that includes numbers and/or symbols as this would take a hacker's computer a staggering 44,530 years to break.
Length - 6 characters
Lower-case: 10 minutes
+ Upper-case: 10 hours
+ Numbers and symbols: 18 days
Length - 7 characters
Lower-case: 4 hours
+ Upper-case: 23 days
+ Numbers and symbols: 4 years
Length - 8 characters
Lower-case: 4 days
+ Upper-case: 3 years
+ Numbers and symbols: 463 years
Length - 9 characters
Lower-case: 4 months
+ Upper-case: 178 years
+ Numbers and symbols: 44,530 years
Data: Gartner, Forrester, Duo Security, Imperva, LastBit Software as collated by Bloomberg Businessweek
Group plans to beam free Internet across the globe from space
The charity group A Human Right said it was planning to purchase a satellite that would provide free basic Internet access to developing countries around the world...
Two TSA agents arrested at JFK Airport for stealing $39K from passenger's bag
Two TSA agents were busted Wednesday at Kennedy Airport for stealing $39,000 from a passenger's bag, a law enforcement source said.
The rogue agents, Coumar Persad and Davon Webb, have admitted to other thefts of up to $160,000, the source said.
Persad, who turns 36 today, and Webb, 30, were arrested by Port Authority cops.
They were charged with grand larceny, possession of stolen property and official misconduct.
The investigation started on Jan. 30 -- the day of the $39,000 theft, the source said.
The source said the agents worked in tandem. One would watch for money as the bags were screened, then notify the other about the loot. One would swipe the money once the luggage was placed in a baggage room.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This might be a good time to remind everyone that in all its years of operation, all the stolen goods, all the ruined tourism, all the groped crotches; the TSA has yet to actually find a single real terrorist. Clearly the American people suffer more actual harm from TSA than they would from Osama bin Laden (even if he were still alive).
TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers
The revelation that TSA workers have admitted to stealing huge amounts of cash from passengers they singled out for enhanced security screening is far from an isolated incident, and underscores how armies of degenerates are being employed by the federal government to push around and dominate members of the public going about their daily business.
Obama allocates $44 billion more for TSA Body Scanners
The Obama administration recently announced its $3.73 trillion dollar budget plan for the 2012 fiscal year beginning on October 1. The new budget includes a more than $44 billion allocation for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to purchase 275 more naked body scanners to be installed at U.S. airports, despite continued outcry from health experts and the public about the machines' safety hazards, threats to personal privacy, and complete ineffectiveness.
Army's latest $4million spy drone disguised as a hummingbird
Daily Mail
A pocket-sized spy drone disguised as a hummingbird has been unveiled by a major Pentagon contractor measuring just 16 centimetres and weighing less than an AA battery.
The mini spy plane can fly up to 11 miles an hour and took five years to develop at a cost of $4million...
Cop Threatens To TASER Handcuffed Man In The Genitals To Get Information
Cops commit sex crimes almost 3 times as often as general public
According to the 3rd Quarter Report of The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project, police officers committed sexual assaults at a rate of 79 per 100,000 law enforcement personal. That rate is over two times the rate of the general public (28.7 per 100,000). The fact that rapists seem to be concentrated among a group of armed individuals who have the purported authority to detain and arrest other individuals, should be more than a little alarming for even the most prolific bootlicker. In just the last month several stories of officers committing disgusting crimes have been in the news.
US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina
Argentina’s foreign ministry has issued a press release stating that it will be making a formal protest over undeclared weapons and drugs brought into the nation at Ezeiza last Thursday.
A manifest provided by the US did not list war materiel and drugs which were seized by Argentine authorities.
Among the confiscated materiel were communications interception equipment , encrypted communications equipment, sophisticated GPS devices, high power rifles, a machine gun and narcotics as well as a full trunk of expired pharmaceuticals including stimulants. All boxes had the stamp of the 7th Army Airborne Brigade based in North Carolina.
The Argentine government estimates the value of the goods and the C17 transport expenses to exceed $2 million.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Ezeiza is right on the border with Uruguay, which along with neighbors Bolivia and Paraguay, and of course Argentina itself, recognizes the Palestinian state within its 1967 borders. Is the US once again doing Israel's dirty work?
Republican Lawmaker Connie Mack Proposes U.S. Embargo on Venezuela
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the largest yearly gathering of conservative activists which serves as a place for presidential hopefuls to measure their early support, Mack on Saturday devoted almost his entire speech to Chavez, whom he called a “thugocrat” who resorts to using weapons such as oppression, aggression, terrorism and drugs to “destroy” Latin American freedom and democracy.
Republican Congressman Connie Mack of Florida, who has been very critical of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, on the weekend once again called for Washington to place Venezuela on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism and to impose a “full-scale economic embargo” on Caracas
Webmaster's Commentary:
An embargo is usually the prelude to some kind of military confrontation. And the vast oil reserves of Venezuela might make that kind of activity look attractive, to some in the bowels of power in DC as did the invasion and occupation of Iraq: we all know just how catastrophically that ended for US oil interests.
And a short memo to Congressman Mack: you cannot begin to fix the very real problems in this country by demonizing the leadership somewhere else.
As reported on 31 January, 2011 at:
Hugo Chavez’s election promise was to work for the benefit of the working poor majority who were living in poverty. Venezuela was a wealthy country due to natural resources, mainly oil, but the wealth was all going into the coffers of the elites, and multi national oil, and mining companies. By nationalizing oil Hugo Chavez has been able to eradicate illiteracy, provide free health care, education, pensions, and numerous other social programs. Venezuela is also the refuge of four and a half million Colombian refugees, acknowledged by the UN as the largest refugee problem in the world, who are supported by the government of Hugo Chavez. Colombian refugees are still entering Venezuela in the hundreds every day, and coming from the drug producing capital of the Americas that poses the problem of weeding out smugglers, drug dealers, and other criminals from Colombia that he is accused of harbouring. Nationalization of natural resources has definitely made him a dictator in the opinions of the corporate elites, but a hero to his people and most of the Colombians who have found refuge in Venezuela."
CRTC plan to lift ban on false news prompts political investigation
A CRTC proposal that could make it easier to broadcast false or misleading news has prompted confusion and criticism among opposition MPs and consternation in at least one of the unions that represents Canadian journalists.
It has also led to allegations of interference by the Prime Minister’s Office and a hastily called investigation by federal politicians, who were caught off guard by the move.
- ‘False or misleading news’ only part of TV’s murky future
- CRTC appointment smacks of cronyism, NDP says
- Majority scoffs at usage-based Internet billing in poll
A little-watched committee of Parliament has been pressing the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for many years to do something about a regulation that bans the broadcast of false or misleading news because the wording appears to contravene the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Andrew Kania, the rookie MP who is the chairman of the joint committee for the scrutiny of regulations, said on Monday the committee has been asking the CRTC about the regulation for a decade.
Government officials said the problems with the ban were noted as early as 1996 – four years after the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel that the right to freedom of expression meant a person could not be charged for disseminating false information.
The regulations committee pointed out to the CRTC in 2000 that its regulation seemed to be out of step with that ruling and asked the commission what it planned to do about it. Letters were intermittently exchanged, but the CRTC indicated no interest in responding to the committee’s concerns.
Then, on Jan. 10, the commission announced it was seeking comments on a proposal to change the wording of the regulation to say that it applied only in cases in which broadcasters knew the information was false or misleading and that reporting it was likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public. The cut-off date for public input was set at Feb. 9.
The decision caught many people by surprise.
“We’ve looked everywhere to try to find out who’s pushing this, and we can’t find anybody,” said Peter Murdoch, the vice-president of media for the Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union, which represents more than 20,000 journalists, including those at The Globe and Mail.
“It’s totally bizarre. Nobody in the industry has called for it,” Mr. Murdoch said. “Where is the motivation for change that would lower the standards of truth and fairness in broadcast journalism?”
NDP MP Charlie Angus noted that the proposed change precedes the start of Sun TV, a network that has been shepherded in large part by Kory Teneycke, the former director of communication to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
“We all know our Prime Minister well enough to say we don’t have to be in the realm of conspiracy theory here,” Mr. Angus said at a news conference on Monday. “We can draw our conclusions and they are pretty clear.”
Behind the scenes, officials say the timing is purely coincidental, the PMO had nothing to do with it, and that the CRTC simply realized it eventually had to answer the concerns of the regulatory committee.
But Mr. Angus persuaded the Commons committee on Canadian heritage to initiate a study of the CRTC proposal. And he urged Canadians to let the commission know how they feel about it before the Wednesday deadline.
“What’s disturbed us with this [proposed] regulation change is that it’s happening very quickly and there’s very little awareness of it,” Mr. Angus said.
“It seems astounding that the CRTC would consider such a move at a time when we see the growing backlash in the United States to the poisoned levels of political discourse in the American media.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Canadian media gets license to lie!
DHS Seizes Websites for Merely LINKING to Copyrighted Material
Apparently the Department of Homeland Security is now authorized to rewrite and enforce copyright infringement laws. In a stunning precedent, the recent round of domain seizures to shut down websites that allowed illegal streaming of the Super Bowl also included a few other websites that were seized simply for linking to infringing content.
Inter-Korea military talks collapse: official
Military talks aimed at easing high tensions between North and South Korea collapsed Wednesday when the North's delegation walked out, Seoul's defence ministry said.
A ministry spokesman told AFP the North's negotiators crossed the borderline 10 minutes after walking out of the meeting. "They even failed to discuss when to meet again," he said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The talks collapsed because South Korea made it a precondition that North Korea confess to sinking the Cheosan. Given that there is serious doubt North Korea had anything to do with that, the North refused and the talks ended.
Iranian warships sailing through Suez poses prickly decision for Egypt
Iran has submitted an official request for two of its warships to sail through the Suez Canal, an Egyptian official told CNN Thursday, in a move that puts Egypt's new military regime in a prickly position with Israel.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The only country in the region who wants this to be "prickly", and which is trying to blow this all out of proportion, is Israel.
The truth here is that Israel desperately wants any excuse, perhaps even to the creating of a false flag incident, as the "justification" for a military confrontation with Iran... to be paid for and fought by Americans.
If Israel winds up shutting down the Suez Canal in some way, through a false flag scenario, it will definitely bring war to the region, and perhaps the world.
Egypt is bound by treaty to let all ships, including Israeli ships, pass through the Suez.
But Israeli leadership, in its hubristic, paranoid thinking, believes that such a passage by Iranian ships might be a wonderful way to provoke a confrontation.
And of course, like the schoolhouse bully, should such a confrontation happen, Israel will run to the US, claiming Iran started it, and because of our treaty obligations with Israel, the US will be forced to join the fray. That's how Israel fights its wars against alleged "existential threats" to its existence; though the shedding of American blood and money.
I hope the Egyptian caretaker government will be sending a very clear, unambiguous message to Israel not to meddle in this event, and stay the heck away.
Enterprise Strike Group Transits Suez Canal, Enters US 5th Fleet
Enterprise Carrier Strike Group (CSG) transited the Suez Canal and entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR), Feb. 15.
Enterprise transited the canal along with guided missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) and fast combat support ship USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8).
"Our ability to use the Suez Canal in a routine manner and according to long-standing plans demonstrates the ongoing stability of this important waterway," said Rear Adm. Terry B. Kraft, commander, Enterprise CSG.
The 120-mile Suez Canal, constructed in 1869, runs north to south across the Isthmus of Suez in northeastern Egypt. It connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez, a northern arm of the Red Sea, and is overseen by the Egyptian military.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Take a good look at a map:
Bahrain is home to the US's 5th Fleet.
If Israel boards or strikes (or creates a false flag attack) against those two Iranian ships due to transit the Suez soon, the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group will be in perfect position to launch an attack against Iran.
And the date of this story of the Enterprise heading for Bahrain matches the time when Israel started screaming about Iran's ships being a provocation.
The money addicts are desperate to start a world war that YOU will pay for and your children will die in.
Israel threatens to invade Lebanon again
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says Israeli armed forces may cross into the southern Lebanese territory again and engage in a military confrontation with Hezbollah resistance fighters.
“Israel Defense Forces (IDF) may be called into Lebanon in the future,” Ha'aretz newspaper quoted Barak as saying on Tuesday during his first military tour with new IDF Chief Benny Gantz in the Granit brigade situated along the border with Lebanon.
Israel breaches lebanese airspace/increases border activity.
Israel ratcheted up its activities close to the Blue Line Monday, violating Lebanese airspace, according to reports from the south.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=1&articl...
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)
US vetoes UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements
Washington was under pressure from Israel and Congress, which has a strong pro-Israel lobby, to use its veto.
Webmaster's Commentary:
We are past all pretense. The United States is Israeli occupied territory. We are all Palestinians now!
Pirates hijack 4 Americans; US mulls responses
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Somali pirates figured they could get away with it because after all, when Israel attacks and kills Americans in international waters, the US Government doesn't do anything about it at all!
Quite a quandary, isn't it? If Obama fails to react to the Somali pirates the USA is seen as weak and easily preyed upon. But if Obama goes after the Somali pirates, it only underscores his failure to do the same when Israel attacked the aid flotilla.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. This is what happens to an American government that forgets to put America first, second, and third.
Army wants rapid-fire rubber bullets for crowd control
Anybody who deosn't think the U.S.Army wont fire these or full metal jacket rounds at them is a fool.
THE US army is planning to field "rubber bullets" for machine guns. Military officials claim the ammunition will allow them to more effectively quell violent protests without loss of life, but human rights campaigners are alarmed by the new weapon.
The final design for the XM1044 round has not been selected, according to an order placed on the Federal Business Opportunities website last month, but the army's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate has been working on a ring aerofoil projectile for some years. The round is a hollow plastic cylinder 40 millimetres across, looking something like a short toilet-paper roll. In flight its shape generates lift, giving it a longer range.
Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
These days, with Facebook and Twitter and social media galore, it can be increasingly hard to tell who your "friends" are.
But after this, Internet users would be well advised to ask another question entirely: Are my "friends" even real people? ...
In the continuing saga of data security firm HBGary, a new caveat has come to light: not only did they plot to help destroy secrets outlet WikiLeaks and discredit progressive bloggers, they also crafted detailed proposals for software that manages online "personas," allowing a single human to assume the identities of as many fake people as they'd like.
The revelation was among those contained in the company's emails, which were dumped onto bittorrent networks after hackers with cyber protest group "Anonymous" broke into their systems.
In another document unearthed by "Anonymous," one of HBGary's employees also mentioned gaming geolocation services to make it appear as though selected fake persons were at actual events.
"There are a variety of social media tricks we can use to add a level of realness to all fictitious personas," it said.
Government involvement
Eerie as that may be, more perplexing, however, is a federal contract from the 6th Contracting Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base, located south of Tampa, Florida, that solicits providers of "persona management software."
Unfortunately, the Air Force's contract description doesn't help dispel suspicions. As the text explains, the software would require licenses for 50 users with 10 personas each, for a total of 500. These personas would have to be "replete with background , history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographacilly consistent."
It continues, noting the need for secure virtual private networks that randomize the operator's Internet protocol (IP) address, making it impossible to detect that it's a single person orchestrating all these posts. Another entry calls for static IP address management for each persona, making it appear as though each fake person was consistently accessing from the same computer each time.
The contract also sought methods to anonymously establish virtual private servers with private hosting firms in specific geographic locations. This would allow that server's "geosite" to be integrated with their social media profiles, effectively gaming geolocation services.
CIA & Pentagon Knew Their Methods Were Torture
The CIA and Pentagon used "enhanced interrogation techniques"(EIT) on Middle East prisoners knowing they were illegal and considered to be torture by the United Nations, according to an article published in the January issue of the American magazine "Science."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Welcome to Ameristan, courtesy of the last two administrations, where torture has become not only institutionalized,
Alan Dershowitz to join WikiLeaks founder Assange's legal team (ça vient d'un journal israélien mainstream faque c'est sérieux, même si, comme on dit, "c'est une vraie joke"! )
Army admits Gulf War medical records destroyed
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - A letter from the Department of the Army telling units to destroy their records after the end of Operation Desert Storm has made it more difficult for injured veterans to get the medical benefits they need.
The letter, never made public before now, says units were told to destroy their records because officials had no room to ship the paperwork back to the United States. The letter goes on to say it was in direct contradiction to existing Army regulations.
Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks
Harvard Law School Professor Alan M. Dershowitz will join Wikileaks founder Julian P. Assange’s legal defense team, according to a Wikileaks statement released yesterday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Thereby confirming for all that Wikileaks is indeed an Israeli propaganda operation.
World to observe Israeli Apartheid Week
Activists across the world are preparing to hold “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW) next month, amid growing international outrage against Israeli actions.
IAW organizers plan to hold the event in support of Palestinian Civil Society's call for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.
Due to the popularity of IAW, which is held for the seventh consecutive year this year, organizers have extended its duration to allow the participants from different regions with different schedules to take part.
The occasion will be held from March 7 through March 20 across the world and March 21 through March 26 in Britain, the IAW website reported
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