
L'Autre Monde 14 mars 2011: Situation catastrophique au Japon & menace nucléaire; économie, TSA et actualité
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L'Autre Monde 14 mars 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 14 mars 2011:
Important dossier sur le désastre au Japon, séisme de 9,0, tsunami et maintenant proche d'une catastrophe nucléaire sans précédent. Actualité mondiale, économie, la TSA qui veut votre bien dans les aéroports américains et plus!
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
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Le lien de la pétition sur le site de l’Assemblée nationale :
Merci beaucoup.
Jean-François Garneau
Chargé de la communication
Séisme de 8,9 au Japon – Danger de désastre radioactif dans les centrales nucléaires
Victims top 2,000 in Japan quake-tsunami, nuclear crisis continues
Japan continued to grapple Sunday with widespread damage from its biggest recorded earthquake and massive tsunami that hit northeastern and eastern regions two days ago, with the number of reported victims topping 2,000 and a crisis escalating at two nuclear plants.
The magnitude for the devastating quake was revised upward the same day from 8.8 to 9.0, one of the largest recorded in the world, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
Japan Declares State of Emergency On Another Nuclear Power Plant As It Preps For Another Meltdown
A state of emergency has been declared at a Japanese nuclear facility at Onagawaafter excessive radiation levels were recorded there following the major earthquake, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced.
The aftermath of the earthquake & tsunami leaves Japan in a state of emergency as over 6 million households are now without power (over 10% of Japans population) as aftershocks tremble about every two hours.
There is talk that there might be a second massive quake and a possible tsunami as nothing from mother nature is guaranteed.
Full Core Meltdown In Japan Will Send Radiation Over United States?
Full Core Meltdown In Japan Will Send Radiation Over United States Jet Stream Analysis http://squall.sfsu.edu/crws/jetstream.html
Stream Analysis http://squall.sfsu.edu/crws/jetstream.html
Chernobyl-like disaster in Japan impossible, Russian scientists say
There can be no Chernobyl-like disaster at the nuclear plant in Japan, "since there is no graphite there, so there is nothing to burn there," a Russian academician said.
Two Meltdowns Now Confirmed!!!
Japanese Officials have stated that TWO reactors have melted down. This situation has gone from bad to worse real quick.
Live Updates throughout the night
Japan Fukushima nuclear plant faces new reactor problem
A quake-hit Japanese nuclear plant reeling from an explosion at one of its reactors has also lost its emergency cooling system at another reactor, Japan's nuclear power safety agency said on Sunday.
The emergency cooling system is no longer functioning at the No.3 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, requiring the facility to urgently secure a means to supply water to the reactor, an official of the Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told a news conference.
German paper: Reactor at Fukushima was scheduled to be closed down this month
Inglorious past
In the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant, an explosion occurred. The fear of a worst-case scenario is there. What kind of nuclear power plant? Who owns it? It is a company that wanted to cover up several affairs. The complex of the Fukushima nuclear power plant is one of the largest in Japan. The power plant consists of a total of six reactors, two more are planned. The Fukushima nuclear power plant 1, which was seriously damaged in the earthquake, is 40 years old.
The problemreactor was about to be closed down according to a database of the Nuclear Research Centre Training Centre (ICJT) in Slovenia. It shows as the "expected date of closure," March 2011.
History Repeating? Fears Fukushima may turn into Chernobyl
Quake moved Japan coast 8 feet; shifted Earth's axis
The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis...
Japan to distribute iodine among people
Japan has informed the UN nuclear body that following an explosion in a nuclear power plant, it plans to distribute anti-radioactive medicine to the people in the area.
Fukushima Dai-ichi Unit 1 reactor schematic
The schematic diagram above shows the GE Mark I Boiling Water Reactor reactor building structure, the Fukushima Dai-ichi Unit 1.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I thought that before the Japan bashing gets into warp drive that someone ought to point out that the reactor that has failed is built by General Electric.
Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Escalates in Japan – ‘Worse than Chernobyl’
The Institute for Public Accuracy issued the following statement by nuclear expert, Kevin Kamp, about the risk of nuclear disaster in post-Earthquake Japan: “The electrical grid is down. The emergency diesel generators have been damaged. The multi-reactor Fukushima atomic power plant is now relying on battery power, which will only last around eight hours. The danger is, the very thermally hot reactor cores at the plant must be continuously cooled for 24 to 48 hours. Without any electricity, the pumps won’t be able to pump water through the hot reactor cores to cool them. Once electricity is lost, the irradiated nuclear fuel could begin to melt down. If the containment systems fail, a catastrophic radioactivity release to the environment could occur.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
I have to wonder if we would be facing this crisis if the International Atomic Energy Agency had focused on inspecting the safety of the very real power stations of the world instead of wasting all their time and resources trying to find the fantasy nuclear weapons of Iraq and Iran.
At Crippled Japanese Nuclear Plant: 'Last-Ditch Effort' To Prevent Meltdown
On Weekend Edition, Jon told host Linda Wertheimer that the plan to flood the core with seawater and boric acid may be unprecedented and will effectively destroy the power plant. If the plan fails and the core does meltdown, Jon said the only thing left to do will be to "seal it up with concrete. You sort of entomb it."
Japan hits panic button: using sea water to try to cool down reactor!
Japanese officials continued their battle to control dangerous reactor overheating in the nation's worst nuclear accident that followed Friday's earthquake, as they resorted to an unprecedented attempt to cool the reactor with seawater.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Using Seawater will destroy the reactor. Taking this step means they have given up all hope of recovering and repairing the reactor. Now they are just trying to shut it down by any means necessary.
Explosion en direct a la centrale de Fukushima #séisme #nucléaire
Webmaster's Commentary:
RAW video of auxiliary building (not the containment) at the Japanese reactor.
Explosion at nuclear plant in Japan
Meltdown Caused Nuke Plant Explosion: Safety Body
TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.
The same day, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), which runs the plant, began to flood the damaged reactor with seawater to cool it down, resorting to measures that could rust the reactor and force the utility to scrap it.
Cesium and iodine, by-products of nuclear fission, were detected around the plant, which would make the explosion the worst accident in the roughly 50-year history of Japanese nuclear power generation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If true, containment must be breached.
Radiation Levels Surge Outside Two Nuclear Plants in Japan
Japanese government officials say there was shaking and a trail of white smoke at a nuclear plant in the area devastated by a massive earthquake.
Fukushima Prefecture official Masato Abe says the cause is still under investigation, and it was unclear whether there was an explosion.
Another official said the utility that runs the Fukushima Daiichi plant is reporting Saturday that several workers may have been injured.
One reactor at the plant is facing a possible meltdown after its cooling system was knocked out.
Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Projections For the U.S.
We are now some 30 hours into the Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster. More and more information is unfolding by the minute. There has been an explosion zone set up around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan signifying the probable eminent meltdown of the plant.
Officials in Japan and the U.S. are scrambling to resolve the situation currently. 11 of Japans nuclear plants went offline since the earthquake. Some of the Nuclear plants have been restored, however 5 remain in an imminent emergency status at this time.
Germans rally against nuclear power
About 60,000 people formed a 45km human chain between the nuclear power station of Neckarwestheim and the city of Stuttgart in south-west Germany on Saturday, said Jochen Stay, a member of green group Ausgestrahlt (Radiated).
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is getting almost no coverage at all here in the states.
Thousands protest against Germany's nuclear plants
Tens of thousands of people have protested in Germany against the government's plans to extend the life of its nuclear reactors.
Demonstrators in Stuttgart formed a human chain reaching 45km (27 miles) for the protest, planned before the current nuclear crisis in Japan.
CERN has restarted this week the LHC. An 8.9 earthquake has hit Japan. Till when?
We warned of this situation many times. Last year when CERN put the LHC at work, within a week you had the Chilean earthquake, 8.8, 6th biggest in history, now after 3 months of halting the machine, they put it and we get the 5th biggest… 2 of the BIGGEST earthquakes of history in a year.
So now tell me… this machine is likely causing gravitomagnetic waves… It is the 2nd strongest field of magnetism on Earth after its center… Earthquakes are caused by change in magnetic fields on the planet. Whenever a new magnetic source appears a magnetic field reorders itself. Whenever the machine is switched again within a week the Earth reorders the plates and you get a massive earthquake.
Now the stress is gone, the field is reordered. But we haven’t seen anything yet… In 2014, when the machine goes over 10 tev, the threshold that makes black holes, which will not evaporate, we might all die. Anybody cares?
TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation
The Transportation Security Administration announced Friday that it would retest every full-body X-ray scanner that emits ionizing radiation — 247 machines at 38 airports — after maintenance records on some of the devices showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected.
The TSA says that the records reflect math mistakes and that all the machines are safe. Indeed, even the highest readings listed on some of the records — the numbers that the TSA says were mistakes — appear to be many times less than what the agency says a person absorbs through one day of natural background radiation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to John Pistole, head of the TSA; sir, the Bovine Excrement Meter just sucked all 12 valves on the statement that "...all the machines are safe."
You know better. But because of a possible financial interest in the companies manufacturing the full body scanners, and in the companies which shill for them, like the Chertoff Group, you don't want the danger to be made public. Sorry, but in the words of my late Grandmother, the horse is already out of the barn on this one!
It is amazing how expendable your own TSA workers are to you and your cronies in upper management; but if they had any idea that consistent exposure to the radiation emitted by these machines makes them more statistically prone to cancer, they would probably be more apt to want a job cleaning the toilet stalls in Central Park with their tongues than work for the TSA!
As reported on 30 October, 2009 at:
"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why."
"Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they've found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That's a jaw dropping conclusion. "
And Mr. Pistole, every time I fly (I live on an island, so there is really no logical choice, because I am a lousy swimmer), I will bring this article with me, and hand it to the TSA person groping me after my opt-out, stating that the information represented here is my rationale for not wanting to go through the scanner. I hope at some point, some thinking TSA person might just read the article and pass it up the food chain to you: the people who work for you need to know... that you knew about the problems with these machines since October of 2009.
DNA "Genetic Patdown" Introduced to Airports by DHS
A new level of invasive screening is scheduled for airports this summer: a portable DNA scanner to conduct on-site, real-time genetic testing...
Natural News
Newly-released documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reveal that the US Depart of Homeland Security has been working on plans to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images that were banned from consumer video cameras because they allowed the camera owners to take "nude" videos of people at the beach...
After touching your junk, TSA now wants to scan and harvest your DNA
Mike Adams
Natural News
As if it’s not enough for the TSA to feel you up at the airport, now they’re experimenting with rapid results DNA scanners that can scan and analyze your DNA using just a drop of saliva. Spit at the TSA agent who is molesting you, in other words, and they can use that saliva to scan your DNA and then store it in a government database...
DNA 'Genetic Patdown' Introduced to Airports by DHS
A new level of invasive screening is scheduled for airports this summer: a portable DNA scanner to conduct on-site, real-time genetic testing.
DNA collection is actually nothing new, as the Pentagon has admitted that it currently has a DNA database with 80,000 suspected foreign terrorists on it, and growing daily. However, this collection apparatus has been secretly in place for Americans as well. Lawsuits are pending from families who uncovered a secret program to collect DNA from babies and store it in a military database. However, that was a secret that had to be uncovered. The fact that DNA screening is being rolled out openly marks a new level of blatant tyranny in America.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 27 February, 2011, at:
"NextGov reports the Homeland Security Department has plans this summer to begin testing a DNA analyzer that’s small enough to be easily portable and fast enough to return results in less than an hour."
This DNA data analyzer is designed by NetBio (Network Biosystems), out of Boston, and one has to marvel at the interesting timing of the founding of this company. As stated on its website, located at:
Founded based on pioneering microfluidic research performed at MIT's Whitehead Institute, NetBio was incorporated in 2000 in Greater Boston and has received significant support from both industry and government agencies (including the National Institute of Justice and National Institutes of Health). NetBio has developed a series of enabling microfluidic and molecular biology technologies and products for sample preparation and DNA purification, rapid thermal cycling, highly multiplexed amplification, focused DNA sequencing, optical detection of DNA sequences, and nucleic acid separation and detection. NetBio's products have been designed for use by non-technical operators outside the laboratory, a feature that is critical to address the enormous unmet needs of the rapidly emerging Rapid DNA Analysis (RDA) markets."
One also has to wonder on who within the government (or just resigned and is now a lobbyist for these units) is perfectly positioned to cash in on the sale of these units.
Again, DHS, in deploying these DNA scanners, will be in violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees American citizens against unreasonable search and seizure.
Apparently, DHS's position is, if you don't want to have your DNA collected, you are absolutely free...to not travel!
DNA "Genetic Patdown" Introduced to Airports by DHS
To a certain extent, DNA collection already has become part of the fabric of day-to-day life; police in America have had the authority to conduct warrantless searches since 2009 by taking blood and saliva during arrests, even from those not convicted of a crime. This has quickly morphed into DNA being taken through mandatory blood tests at DUI checkpoints in Florida.
It has been argued that DNA extraction is no different than taking fingerprints. This argument is patently absurd, due to the simple fact that fingerprints have no bearing on one's genetic information . . . or manipulation. It is the genetic information of individuals that has been the holy grail of all tyrannies as the endgame for their control grid.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As I understand it, the standard method for taking a DNA sample is a swab of the mouth, so, if one just finished a hot and heavy session of French kissing, how does the government know the DNA they collected is even yours?
Pucker up, everyone!
New Hampshire Anti TSA Bill Gaining Ground
Fighting a monumental battle over the TSA Scanner Operations is Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield, who is co-sponsor of bill (HB628-FN) which “makes the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault,” according to the introductory text of the bill.
WMUR 9 in Concord, NH posted an article detailing the issues and TheIntelHub.com has an interview scheduled for Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 8 pm EST.
WMUR 9 Poll results (10,456 Votes) in support of HB628-FN is Yes 9,521 or 91% and No 935 or 9%.
“Let’s put their name on the sex offender registry, and maybe that will tell them New Hampshire means business,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. Andrew Manuse, R-Derry.
Bill: TSA Screening Is Sexual Assault
Summary: A bill proposes to make some airport security pat-downs and body scans sexual assault. WMUR reports.
Texas Republican proposes criminal penalties for overly touchy TSA agents
From Republican majorities to corporate outrages, everything's bigger in Texas.
That even holds true when it comes to giving "the man" the finger, which is precisely what one conservative state representative has set about doing with a new proposal that would make airport security a much trickier business in the lone star state...
TSA "Behavioral Detection" Officer Faces Charges Of Helping Drug Dealers Through Security
Yet another TSA officer has been arrested on suspicion of abusing her position and engaging in illegal activity, adding to a long history of cases indicating that TSA workers are prone to criminal behavior.
“Behavioral detection” officer Minnetta Walker was arrested Tuesday by federal agents at Buffalo Niagara International Airport on charges that she provided information to suspected drug traffickers and helped them get past security checkpoints with minimum scrutiny, reports The Buffalo News.
Investigators say that Walker helped traffickers move large amounts of cash through the airport, escorting them through security lines, directing them away from the naked body scanners and patdown security lines, and ensuring their luggage bypassed screening areas.
According to the Affidavit in support of the Complaint, Walker also allowed at least one person to fly under a false identity and even waited with others at the aircraft departure gate, ensuring that they were able to avoid random secondary screening.
She also did this while off duty, but still in her TSA uniform.
New Airport Scanners Will See Through Bodies
Millimeter-wave and BackScatter body scanners have failed miserably in detecting dangerous weapons; an undercover TSA agent successfully passed through security multiple times with a handgun. Adam Savage from Mythbusters came out and said the “TSA x-rayed my junk, but they missed 12-inch razor blades in my coat”.
The Millimeter-wave scanner can (supposedly) detect metal objects but is incapable of detecting plastics or liquid objects. The BackScatter can detect metal objects and some plastics but both are only capable of seeing through clothing and not folds of skin. This new scanner is a hospital-grade full-body scanner, the same method used for bone fractures and mammograms.
Pharmaceutical Company Hiking Price Of Drug That Prevents Premature Births From $10 to $1,500
Next week, the cost of preventing premature childbirth will skyrocket when a drug given to high-risk pregnant women goes from around $10 a dose to $1,500 a dose. The drug, called Makena, which has been made cheaply for years and is given as a weekly shot, could make the total cost during a pregnancy as much as $30,000. Why? Because KV Pharmaceutical of St. Louis recently won FDA approval to exclusively sell Makena last month.
Forest Pharmaceuticals Fined $164 Million
Forest Pharmaceuticals Fined $164 Million
In addition to distributing unapproved drugs, employees shipped drugs after notified not to and made false statements about fixing manufacturing issues.
Drug manufacturer Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc. was given a criminal find of $150 million and was made to forfeit assets of $14 million following the company's guilty plea in November 2010 to one felony count of obstructing justice, one misdemeanor count of distributing an unapproved new drug in interstate commerce and one misdemeanor count of distributing a misbranded drug in interstate commerce, the Justice Department announced.
Cellphone study shows one-hour exposure changes brain activity
February 22, 2011, Washington Post
Scientists at the National Institute of Health on [February 22] released a study that showed 50 minutes of cellphone use could alter the activity of the part of the brain closest to a cellphone antenna. The study was led by Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Her research shows that those people exposed to 50 minutes of cellphone radio frequencies saw an increased brain glucose metabolism in the region closest to the antenna. "The dramatic increase in use of cellular telephones has generated concern about possible negative effects of radiofrequency signals delivered to the brain," JAMA wrote in background material on the study's release. "However, whether acute cellphone exposure affects the human brain is unclear." Public-interest groups say the regulatory agencies haven't updated guidelines on cellphone health in more than one decade. And the rapid adoption of cellphones -- 290 million in the U.S. -- call for greater protections, particularly among children who have thinner skulls and ears than adult cellphone users.
Japan Suspends Use Of Some Pfizer, Sanofi Vaccines
TOKYO -(Dow Jones)- Japan's health ministry said it has temporarily suspended the use of Prevnar, made by Pfizer Inc. (PFE), and ActHIB, made by Sanofi- Aventis S.A. (SNY), as it investigates whether the deaths of four children are linked to the pediatric vaccines.
The children, whose ages range between six months and two years old, died after receiving either Prevnar, ActHIB or a combination of vaccinations, the ministry said in a statement. The deaths were reported between March 2-4.
Data shows flu vaccines double H1N1 infection risk
"What was a bit surprising when we looked ...that people who have been vaccinated ...seemed to have twice the risk of getting swine flu in
After 20 years, nearly everyone still wants GM food to be labeled
At this MSNBC poll, over 40,000 people have voted strongly in favor of labeling genetically modified foods: 96% of all respondents.
But, a review of several polls going back to 1994 reveals that the numbers have always been high — the vast majority of people have always wanted GM labels. That biotech foods have remained unlabeled for nearly 20 years in the US reveals a deliberate and willful refusal by regulatory agencies to serve the will of the people, instead opting to abet industry profits through public deception.
Caught In The Act - Ombudsman Report on the G20 Summit
Bon, faisons encore une fois la job des médias traditionnels.
Voici une vidéo de l’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Pierre Marin, qui commente le rapport de l’enquete qu’il a effectué suiteconcernant le G20 de Toronto et les nombreuses arrestations et détentions non fondées qui ont eu lieu à cettte occasion.
La vidéo est particulièrement intéressante parce que M. Marin discute le fait que les policiers n’ont aucun droit en vertu de la Common Law (ou des lois canadiennes) d’arrêter les gens sur la rue (sans aucune raison) et de leur demander de s’identifier.
Il discute également le fait qu’une loi de type ‘martiale’ a été invoquée durant le G20 pour violer les droits et libertés civiles des citoyens et conclut que les agissements des forces de l’ordre étaient ILLÉGALES.
Bill Blair Toronto Cops Sexually Assault Women at G20
The G20 Police State Fiasco in Canada isn't over. 12160 is keeping a fire to their feet! Eye On Toronto G-20
Bill Blair Toronto Cops Sexually Assault Women at G20
G20 public inquiry needed: report
A full-scale public inquiry is needed in light of the widespread and violent trampling of civil rights by police at last summer's G20 summit in Toronto, a report concludes.
The call for an inquiry is among recommendations in the report — by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and National Union of Public and General Employees — which is aimed at holding governments accountable and avoiding a recurrence.
"The many violations of civil liberties that occurred during the summit, such as illegal detentions and searches and excessive uses of force, cannot have simply been the actions of a few bad apples," the report states.
Link to 2hr documentary on the police-state-tactics and brutal behavior of the Police at the Toronto G20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZxkAn-g4Xo&feature=player_embedded
Clinton asks for cash as US 'losing world info war'
Google Restricts Access To Internet Content
Google this week admitted that its staff will pick and choose what appears in its search results. It's a historic statement - and nobody has yet grasped its significance.
Not so very long ago, Google disclaimed responsibility for its search results by explaining that these were chosen by a computer algorithm. The disclaimer lives on at Google News, where we are assured that:
Make no mistake, Google is moving into new territory: not only making arbitrary, editorial choices - really no different to Fox News, say, or any other media organization. It's now in the business of validating and manufacturing consent: not only reporting what people say, but how you should think.
Who's hand is upon the wheel, here?
... an Internet company became Googlevernment.
When Robert Steele himself says that Google is in bed with the CIA, well... you see where this leads. (Downhill.)
Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger's site
The bank has instructed Wall Street law firm Chadbourne & Parke to pursue blogger Mike Morgan, warning him in a recent cease-and-desist letter that he may face legal action if he does not close down his website.
Florida-based Mr Morgan began a blog entitled "Facts about Goldman Sachs" – the web address for which is goldmansachs666.com – just a few weeks ago.
In that time Mr Morgan, a registered investment adviser, has added a number of posts to the site, including one entitled "Does Goldman Sachs run the world?". However, many of the posts relate to other Wall Street firms and issues.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Gold in My Sacks is living in the 19th century. Even if they succeed in shutting down Mike's website, 20 more will take its place the very next day.
Breaking: Newly Obtained Homeland Security Documents Reveal Radical Shift In Internet Policy
Internet user arrested for linking to other websites.
Brian McCarthy ran a website, channelsurfing.net, that linked to various sites where you could watch online streams of TV shows and sports networks. A couple months ago, the government seized his domain name and on Friday they arrested him and charged him with criminal copyright infringement -- punishable by five years in prison.
We just obtained a copy of the complaint (below) that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made against him -- and they don't even allege that he made a copy of anything! Just that he ran what they call a "linking website" which linked to various sites with copyrighted material. Under that sort of thinking, everyone who's sent around a link to a copyrighted YouTube video is a criminal.
This is another shocking overreach by DHS and ICE -- a steamship-era department that's proving once again that it doesn't understand the Internet. We need to push back -- and fast -- before they try to lock up more Americans.
PETITION TO JANET NAPOLITANO, DIRECTOR OF HOMELAND SECURITY, AND JOHN MORTON, DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT: There's nothing wrong or illegal about posting a link to a website. This is another shocking overreach by ICE: You need to drop the charges against Brian McCarthy right away.
SIGN THE PETITION HERE: we'll deliver the petition to DHS and ICE later this month.
Darpa’s Cheetah-Bot Designed to Chase Human Prey
Perhaps you thought the four-legged BigDog robot wasn’t eerily lifelike enough. That’ll change soon. BigDog’s makers are working on a new quadruped that moves faster than any human and is agile enough to “chase and evade.”
Boston Dynamics, maker of the Army’s BigDog robotic mule, announced today that Darpa has awarded it a contract to build a much faster and more fearsome animal-like robot, Cheetah.
As the name implies, Cheetah is designed to be a four-legged robot with a flexible spine and articulated head (and potentially a tail) that runs faster than the fastest human. In addition to raw speed, Cheetah’s makers promise that it will have the agility to make tight turns so that it can “zigzag to chase and evade” and be able to stop on a dime.
Cheetah builds off work on the company’s previous four legged animal bot, BigDog. It was built as a kind of unmanned pack mule, designed to carry equipment for troops on the battlefield. The robotic donkey could carry 300 lbs. over 13 miles on flat ground, take a swift kick and keep on moving. It’s creepy, lifelike movement can be seen on a number of videos online, climbing over hills and snow and hiking alongside soldiers, using GPS coordinates as its waypoints.
Aside from its unspecified military applications, Cheetah’s makers see it galloping to the rescue and building a brave new future in the fields of “emergency response, firefighting, advanced agriculture and vehicular travel.”
Think that’s creepy? Wait till you see its humanoid, Terminator look-alike buddy.
Meet Atlas, Cheetah’s humanoid pal. Atlas is supposed to look more or less like the T-800 series of Terminators, minus the head. Its designers say it’ll be able to walk like a human over rough terrain, crawling on its hands and knees when necessary and turning itself sideways to slip through any narrow passages it encounters.
The Israel Defense Forces already has a very active spokesperson unit, operating daily with 500 media outlets and 2500 journalists and civilian agents working to promote their activities worldwide.
The country actively uses social media like Facebook for public relations particularly during its controversial attacks, such as the attacks on Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, the fatal naval assault on the Freedom Flotilla aid convoy.
In 2009 the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that NIS 600,000 of the year’s budget would be devoted to the establishment of a professional team of talkback writers who will flood websites throughout the world with pro-Israeli messages.
The order of popularity of the 16 countries, based on 27 countries that were surveyed, was Germany, UK, Japan, Canada, France, U.S., Brazil, China, South Africa, India, South Korea, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran.
Photo by :BBC
BBC poll surveying 27 countries shows that Israel is viewed as having a negative influence in the world; negative opinions in U.S. and U.K. increased over past year.
A poll conducted by the BBC revealed Tuesday that Israel is one of the most negatively viewed countries in the world, ranking at the bottom of the chart along with Iran, North Korea and Pakistan.
In 2011, 22 out of 27 countries leaned toward a negative view of Israel, headed by Egypt, Turkey, and Indonesia. The countries which had the most positive view of Israel were the United States, Russia, Ghana, and China.
Netanyahu mulls Palestinian state with temporary borders as part of interim peace deal
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to cooperate with the Palestinians on the establishment of a Palestinian state with temporary borders, as part of an interim peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority that would be implemented immediately, sources in the Prime Minister's Office said on Tuesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Temporary" borders? Netanyahu wants Palestine to recognize the Jewish state and all he offers in return is a line on a map drawn in dry-erase marker?
PA rejects Netanyahu's conditions for discussing borders
The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Sunday rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's conditions to discuss the borders of future Palestinian state.
Netanyahu told the British daily the Telegraph that there is no basis to discuss the borders of Palestinian state without the Palestinian leadership recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel is asking Palestine to recognize the Jewish state without knowing where the Jewish state starts or stops. And If Israel wants recognition as a Jewish state, then it needs to start by recognizing the Palestinian state. That is the problem. Israel refuses to grant to others that which it demands for itself.
'Israel planning new war on neighbors'
Israel is reportedly planning to launch a new war to strengthen its position in the Middle East, following recent political reforms in regional states.
A Western diplomat in the Jordanian capital Amman said on Wednesday that Israel has decided to attack Syria and Lebanon following the downfall of Hosni Mubarak's regime in Egypt, which served as a great loss to Tel Aviv, the Lebanese daily Assafir reported.
The diplomat reiterated that since Tel Aviv is seriously worried about consequences of the Egyptian revolution and future developments in the region, it wants to start a new war in the Middle East in order to turn the situation back in its favor.
NYU students feature Israeli soldier who attacked Mavi Marmara during ‘Israel Peace Week’
The New York University Israel Club, called Gesher, is organizing an "Israel Peace Week" to counter Israel Apartheid Week. One of the events features an Israeli soldier who took place in the attack on the Freedom Flotilla last May.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Isn't that like inviting the Hell's Angels to speak at a conference on social conformity?
Ghassan Daghlas, the Palestinian Authority official in charge of monitoring settlement activity in the north of the West Bank, stated that a number of jeeps and trucks invaded the area and confiscated more than twenty tanks of water which civilians use for drinking water.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Denial of basic needs for life such as food and water is a war crime.
Israeli PM: World conditioned to back Palestinians
Israel's leader has accused the international community of automatically siding with the Palestinians.
Barak: Israel may seek additional $20b. in US defense aid
Israel may seek an additional $20 billion in US security assistance to help guard from the potential threats that could develop in light of recent changes occurring in the Middle East, the Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Wall Street Journal in an interview published Tuesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel does everything it can to anger their neighbors (they bombed a university still under construction in Gaza today) then when their neighbors do get angry, they soak the US taxpayer for more money to defend themselves! What a racket!
ALAN HART : Could pariah status spell the end for Zionism?
By Alan Hart / My Catbird Seat
Ilan Baruch Diplomat: I Can No Longer Represent Israel
One eminent Israeli who apparently thinks the answer could be yes is Ilan Baruch, a veteran diplomat who resigned ahead of his retirement because, he said, he could no longer represent his government’s “wrong” policy. He also ridiculed Zionism’s assertion that global anti-Israeli sentiments generated by occupation are a manifestation of anti-Semitism.
While serving as a tank platoon commander on the Suez Canal front, Baruch lost and eye and, Dayan-like, he wears a black eye-patch. His 30 years of service with Israel’s foreign ministry included postings to Singapore, Copenhagen and London and he served as ambassador to the Philippines and South Africa. In September 1993 he travelled with Prime Minister Rabin to Washington for the ceremony on the White House lawn which ended with the historic handshake after the signing of an interim agreement. (Prior to that trip, Baruch would have known that the Zionist lobby in America was totally opposed to Rabin going there to do business with Arafat. That was why Rabin didn’t want to go and had to be persuaded by President Clinton at his smooth talking best on the telephone. While in Washington on that occasion, Baruch would have learned what the lobby’s post handshake strategy was going to be – to rebrand Arafat as a “terrorist”).
On his return to Israel, Baruch set up and headed the foreign ministry’s desk dealing with economic relations with the Arab world. His own main focus was on relations with the Palestinians and the international donor community.
According to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Baruch’s resignation was a diplomatic “earthquake” at the foreign ministry.
In a personal letter he sent to all foreign ministry employees explaining his decision to quit, Baruch wrote: “Identifying the objection expressed by global public opinion to the occupation policy as anti-Semitic is simplistic, provincial and artificial. Experience shows that this global trend won’t change until we normalize our relations with the Palestinians.”
And he gave this warning: “Should this trend continue, Israel will turn into a pariah state and face growing de-legitimization.”
Baruch has to be saluted for his stand and the courage it required but he’s not yet up to speed with events. So far as most peoples of the world are concerned, or so it seems, Israel is already a pariah state. And the fact that all the members of the UN Security Council minus only the U.S. voted for the resolution condemning continued, illegal Israeli settlement activities on the occupied West Bank is surely an indication that governments might be catching up with their peoples.
As Aluf Benn noted in an article for Ha-aretz, the message Netanyahu ought to have got from what happened in the Security Council is that “Israel has no more friends in the international community.” Benn qualified that by adding: “It was only the flick of Obama’s finger that prevented a huge diplomatic defeat for the prime minister, and the White House went out of its way to make it clear that it does in fact support the condemnation and was voting against it only for domestic political considerations.” (For which read Obama’s fear of a confrontation with the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress).
In the countdown to Obama’s veto, I wrote that good sources were telling me that behind closed doors most if not all European governments were fed up with Israel and were ready, if only America would give the lead, to resort to sanctions in an effort to oblige Israel to comply with international law and end its 1967 occupation in accordance with Security Council Resolution 242. An indication that even Germany really is fed up with Israel’s intransigence has been provided by Uri Avnery. In his latest post, he tells of a telephone conversation between Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Netanyahu called “to rebuke her for Germany’s vote in favour of the Security Council resolution condemning the settlements.” Avnery went on:
“I don’t know if our prime minister mentioned the Holocaust, but he certainly expressed his annoyance about Germany daring to vote against the ‘Jewish State’. He was shocked by the response. Instead of a contrite Frau Merkel apologizing abjectly, his ear was filled by a schoolmistress scolding him in no uncertain terms. She told him that he had broken all his promises and that not one of the world’s leaders believes a single word of his any more. She demanded that he make peace with the Palestinians.”
In Aluf Benn’s analysis, Netanyahu now has “to choose between the ideology he was raised on and which is part of his internal belief system, and the duties of the leader of a small country entirely dependent on international support.”
A short and fairly accurate description of the ideology Netanyahu was raised on is something like this. The world will always hate Jews. Zionism must therefore do whatever is necessary to build and secure Israel as a refuge of last resort for Jews everywhere. And if that means telling the world to go to hell, so be it.” (That’s actually why David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan and others insisted that Israel should possess nuclear weapons – to have the reinforced ability to tell the world, not just the Arabs, to go to hell if necessary).
At the time of writing Netanyahu is preparing a damage limitation strategy which he will launch shortly with an “historic speech” announcing a new peace initiative. According to the leaks it will propose negotiations to set up a Palestinian state with “provisional (meaning temporary) borders” on about half the West Bank. (Roughly the same as Sharon was prepared to offer). Presumably the other half, including East Jerusalem, will remain stuffed with illegal Jewish settlements which control the West Bank’s main water resources. (Sharon once said the 1967 war was really all about water).
Netanyahu knows that even a quisling Palestinian leadership would not be able to negotiate on that basis, but peace with an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians is not his game. With its verbal re-commitment to a Palestinian state, his new peace plan will be a marketing exercise to assist the Zionist lobby in America and supporters of Israel right or wrong everywhere to rebrand him – to have him perceived as a leader who is misunderstood and even wronged, and who really is committed to a negotiated peace with the Palestinians. It’s by no means impossible that he will make some token withdrawals from the West Bank, in order to provoke a containable clash with settlers, in order for him to be able to say to the world something like, “Look, I really am serious but you must appreciate my difficulties.”
As ever the bonus will be that Netanyahu can blame the Palestinians for the failure of another attempt to get negotiations going. This is, in fact, the oldest trick in Zionism’s book. It was Ben-Gurion who invented it. Offer the Arabs something you know they can’t accept and then blame them when they don’t. (Two days after announcing that he was formulating a new peace initiative, at a press conference after his meeting with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera in Jerusalem, Netanyahu rehearsed his blame the Palestinians intention. He that it was Israel which was willing to take “many steps to promote peace and make compromises.” He added: “The Palestinians are the ones refusing to take similar steps, instead preferring to take advantage of the international community’s Pavlovian reflex in their favour.”)
It’s possible that a marketing exercise by Netanyahu will buy him and the Zionist colonial enterprise time, but in the longer term it’s unlikely to halt and then reverse the rising tide of anti-Israelism. Beyond the short term it could even be counter-productive (as almost everything Zionism does is) and reinforce the notion of Israel as a pariah state.
What then?
Is it possible that a global perception of them as citizens of a pariah state and the possibility of real sanctions will alarm enough Israeli Jews to the point where they will take to the streets in significant numbers to demand that their leaders be serious about peace on terms virtually all Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept? (Tunisia and Egypt – let’s not say Libya – on the streets of Israel?!)
I don’t pretend to know the answer to this question but for the sake of discussion I think it is worth asking.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent who has covered wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world and specialized in the Middle East. His Latest book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, is a three-volume epic in its American edition. He blogs on AlanHart.com. Visit him on Twitter
Star Eyewitness who named Queen of England in Abduction of Aboriginal Children Dies suddenly!
There seems to be an awful lot of eyewitnesses, survivors and victims of the Residential School murders in Canada dying all of a sudden. Those that are scheduled to testify. Is this coincidental? The truth will come out no matter what happens. There is nowhere for anybody to hide the truth anymore and it is better that those that have knowledge of the truth and helped to hide the truth about the murders of Aboriginal people in residential schools, speak about it and acknowledge it. If the allegation that the Queen and her husband took 10 Canadian Native children away with them is true , it proves how people of money and Caucasian people in general treated minorties/aboriginals as common “chattal”! How society thought and continue to proceed with First Nations people.
Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
This spring, the United Arab Emirates is expected to close a deal for $7 billion dollars’ worth of American arms. Nearly half of the cash will be spent on Patriot missiles, which cost as much as $5.9 million apiece.
But what makes those eye-popping sums even more shocking is that some of the workers manufacturing parts for those Patriot missiles are prisoners, earning as little as 23 cents an hour. (Credit Justin Rohrlich with the catch.)
The work is done by Unicor, previously known as Federal Prison Industries. It’s a government-owned corporation, established during the Depression, that employs about 20,000 inmates in 70 prisons to make everything from clothing to office furniture to solar panels to military electronics.
Miami Drones Can See Into Your HOUSE!
MIAMI (CBS4) – Miami-Dade’s newest crime fighting tool is a literal ‘eye in the sky’.
The Micro Air Vehicle, or MAV for short, is a small radio controlled drone aircraft equipped with a portable camera system. Miami-Dade Sgt. Andrew Cohen said drone will be used to gather real time information in situations which may be too dangerous for officers.
US Marshal Dies in St. Louis Shootout; 37th Law Officer Killed This Year
Suspect Carlos Boles Vowed, 'I'm Only Going Out in a Body Bag'! A U.S. marshal has died after being shot in the head during St. Louis gun battle, the Marshals Service said tonight. The marshal, 48-year-old Deputy John Perry, was one of a team trying to arrest a man on charges of drug possession and assaulting a law enforcement officer.
The agency said Perry died 7 p.m. at Saint Louis University Hospital. He had been with the U.S. Marshals Service for almost 10 years.
A second marshal was wounded, along with a St. Louis city police officer.
Man falsely accused of rape released after 17 years, given bill for missed child support payments
An innocent man jailed for 17 years after being wrongfully convicted of rape will not get any compensation for the time he spent behind bars - but he has been given a $111,000 bill for backdated child maintenance payments.
When will men stand up for each other and begin being men again?
Obama creates indefinite detention system for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay
President Obama signed an executive order Monday that will create a formal system of indefinite detention for those held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who continue to pose a significant threat to national security.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: The prisoners still at Guantanamo show scars proving that far worse things than waterboarding were done to them, and the US Government will never dare allow them to be seen by the public. Germans living just a few miles from the Nazi slave-labor camps had no idea what was going on in those camps, no more than you know the full horrors of Guantanamo, Baghram, or Abu Ghraib.
'Booty' Is Given The Boot From The Bible
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has ordered up a new translation of the Bible, one it says is more accurate, more accessible and more poetic.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So much for the "immutable word of God!" Actually, this demonstrates that the bible has always been changed by the church leadership to suit their own tastes and agendas.
Gas up 33 cents — second biggest two-week jump ever
Private Lundberg survey says average cost of a gallon of regular nationwide is $3.51
NEW YORK — Gasoline prices in the United States posted their second-biggest increase ever in a two-week period, due to the rise in crude oil prices stemming from the turmoil in Libya, an industry analyst said Sunday...
Will People Drive Less if Gas Hits $7 per Gallon?
Everyone has a breaking point. Some people went full RedBox when movie tickets hit $10.50, others swore off coffee when the price rose above $5 a cup.
But with the continued unrest in Libya and the upheaval all over the Middle East, oil prices are on the rise again and experts are warning that Americans may start paying dearly at the pump. How dearly? If you thought the nearly $4/gallon of gas from 2008 was a drag, The Huffington Post reports that those days may soon feel like a picnic.
One of Wall Street's most prominent energy analysts, Oppenheimer & Co.'s Fadel Gheit, said this week that people are not fully getting the picture.
"There is no cure for what's going on," he said, explaining that the political upheaval in such oil-producing countries as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Iran could lead to, yes, $7 a gallon gas.
Those six countries produced about 21.2 million barrels of oil a day amounting to 27 percent of global oil supply. If political uprisings continue and lead to likely oil disruptions and higher crude prices, we might see the highest prices we’ve ever seen at the pump.
The domino effect could also jeopardize the fragile economic recovery if currently booming stock prices take a tumble due to fears of cut backs as a result of a gas shock. Until Thursday’s rally, that effect already seemed to be in place, as the Dow Jones stock index slid 322 points in the week’s first three sessions.
Prices for a barrel of oil reached their peak in July 2008 at $147.27, and while they’re now just under $100/barrel, experts say they’re headed to $100-$130.
The average gallon of gas is around $3.17 now, expected to climb to $3.50 by spring and possibly as high as $4.25 a gallon by July 4. And if things go haywire in Saudi Arabia, forget about it, $7 a gallon may be the low end of things.
Will you drive if gas is $7 a gallon?
Geithner confirme que la Banque mondiale est l’outil de la domination américaine
Le ministre du Budget étasunien Timothy Geithner réclame au Congrès la validation du financement de la Banque mondiale et de ses filiales. Ces programmes internationaux devraient coûter 15,8 milliards de francs [3,364 milliards de dollars] au contribuable américain en 2012, budget en très forte augmentation sur un an (+58%).
Pour convaincre les élus républicains, Geithner en a appelé à l’esprit de Ronald Reagan ; rappelant le soutien de l’ancien président et des Républicains à la Banque mondiale, il a affirmé :
« En Égypte, en Afghanistan, au Pakistan et dans bien d'autres pays du globe, nos investissements dans des institutions comme la Banque mondiale sont l'un des moyens les plus efficaces et les plus rentables dont nous disposons pour faire avancer les intérêts des États-Unis, nos intérêts économiques et nos intérêts en matière de sécurité ».
« L’Amérique a besoin [de la Banque mondiale et de ses filiales] pour alimenter les marchés du nouveau groupe de pays émergents de nos exportations, pour promouvoir la paix dans les pays en guerre ou sur le point de s’effondrer, et pour faire avancer nos valeurs dans le monde ».
La Banque mondiale n’est donc clairement pas un instrument pour aider les peuples et les civilisations en difficulté, mais créé pour alimenter l’économie étasunienne et assurer sa domination politique et culturelle.
Geithner ADMITS in testimony 'taxpayer exposed to losses' of financial crisis (Video)
Geithner in Congressional testimony admits that taxpayers are responsible for absorbing the losses of Fannie and Freddie during the financial meltdown.
"As you know, the history of financial crises is largely a history of banks and real estate together. And the government ultimately is there. It's just behind the banks with this implicit support that they don't charge for. It still leaves the taxpayer expected...I mean, exposed to loss."
DOHA, Qatar, Feb. 28 (UPI) -- There is no justification for the spike in crude oil prices and supplies are adequate despite disruptions in Libya, the Qatari oil minister said.
Oil and gasoline prices skyrocketed to two-year highs as oil production from Libya was shuttered because of ongoing political unrest.
Officials from Saudi Arabia said last week that members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries wouldn't permit any shortages.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The oil isn't any more expensive. The problem is the dollar is collapsing and the US Government is looking for someone to drop the blame onto. And we know the problem is the dollar and not the Arabs because non-oil products are also skyrocketing in price.
More confirmation: There is no oil shortage!
OIL---you better be sitting down when you read this ! !
You "will" pay $5 a gallon + again and you won't complain loud enough to make a difference, RIGHT!
Here's an astonishing read. Important and verifiable information :
About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together." Please read below.
The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana ..... check THIS out:
The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5...3 trillion.
"When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
"This sizeable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' It stretches from Northern Montana , through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves..... and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from 2006!
U.. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World
Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this mother load of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.. Here are the official estimates:
- 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
- 18-times as much oil as Iraq
- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
- 22-times as much oil as Iran
- 500-times as much oil as Yemen
- and it's all right here in the Western United States .
James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.
Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price - even with this find? Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace, - it has to. Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?
Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it, do this:
Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices - by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain.
Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to every one in your address book.
By the way...this is all true. Check it out at the link below!!!
GOOGLE it, or follow this link. It will blow your mind.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Together with OPEC's announcement today that there is no oil shortage because of Libya, nor will OPEC allow a shortage to happen, it is clear that the skyrocketing price of gas is caused by the collapsing dollar coupled with oil company greed.
Oil may hit $200 if unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia
Brent crude futures could hit $200 a barrel if political unrest spreads into Saudi Arabia, Societe Generale said on Monday.
North Sea Brent crude futures were trading about 60 cents higher at around $117 a barrel by 6pm Dubai time. US crude was around $105.70...
Economy Hit with the Ultimate Smokescreen: Biflation
You can tell when a Ponzi scheme is approaching its collapse by the number of increased smoke and mirrors needed to cover up the counterfeit foundation of the scheme.
The U.S. government, who already grossly disfigures the real numbers for GDP, unemployment and inflation, is constantly having to twist reality to keep their scheme afloat...
- Ponzi economy being exposed
Eric Blair
Activist Post
All of these real increases to the cost of living for average people are balanced out with used housing, cars, and washing machines that are declining in price to create a palatable inflation official number. This phenomenon is called biflation. First introduced by Dr. F. Osborne Brown, biflation is where inflation and deflation occur simultaneously in the economy. It is an effective tool to confuse the public and give pundits the intellectual case for spinning the numbers in either direction.
During biflation, there’s a rise in prices of commodity-based assets like food and energy (inflation) and a simultaneous fall (deflation) in the price of debt-based assets like homes, cars, and appliances. The free-market concept is that the price of all assets are based on the demand for them versus the amount of money in circulation to buy them. In other words, their sales are utterly dependent on banks for credit, which is in turn dependent on the job market.
Wikipedia clearly describes the process of biflation as follows:
With biflation on the one hand, the economy is fueled by an over-abundance of money injected into the economy by central banks. Since most essential commodity-based assets (food, energy, clothing) remain in high demand, the price for them rises due to the increased volume of money chasing them. The increasing costs to purchase these essential assets is the price-inflationary arm of biflation.
With biflation on the other hand, the economy is tempered by increasing unemployment and decreasing purchasing power. As a result, a greater amount of money is directed toward buying essential items and directed away from buying non-essential items. Debt-based assets (mega-houses, high-end automobiles and other typically debt based assets) become less essential and increasingly fall into lower demand. As a result, the prices for them fall due to the decreased volume of money chasing them. The decreasing costs to purchase these non-essential assets is the price-deflationary arm of biflation.
This biflationary period will likely continue, as money will continue to be printed to cover bank losses and government debt, while hardships will likely continue to mount for the average consumer. Although the deflationary debt-based products seem like necessities in our modern world, their demand elasticity is far greater than that of food and energy, meaning they should not be equally weighed to determine the struggle of middle-and-lower class households.
So don’t be fooled; biflation is being used as a smokescreen to keep the public from becoming alarmed about rapidly rising food and energy prices. Those who recognize the severity of the problem would be wise to prepare for massive inflation of human necessity today before the problem gets even worse.
US budget deficit hits record in February
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States scored a record $222.5 billion public budget deficit in February, not surprising to analysts but still likely to fuel a raging battle in Congress over cutting government spending.
The figure from the US Treasury surpassed the old record of $220.9 billion from the previous February as federal receipts plunged for the month, as they often do in February each year.
For the first five months of the 2011 fiscal year that started on October 1, 2010, the deficit at $641.2 billion was 1.6 percent smaller than the same period last year.
Legislation proposes Utah adopt a gold-based system
Imagine paying your next parking ticket in gold Krugerrands or renewing your driver license using American Gold Eagles.
A proposal in the Utah Legislature would require the state to allow just that, requiring government agencies to accept gold for transactions, and creating a parallel monetary policy for intrastate commerce tied to the price of gold.
So the U.S. mint has not sold a single Silver Coin in the month of March. Wow, guess they haven't had a single person wanting to buy one so they have not minted any. Geez, what a shame. That has to be the case right? It wouldn't be they haven't been able to get any silver, especially since JP Morgan has hundreds of millions of ounces of silver for sale. They even put up millions for for sale over the weekend. JP Morgan obviously has silver everywhere, in fact so much of it they keep putting more and more offers on the Comex to try and get rid of it.
Hmm.... yet the U.S mint has not sold nor minted any coins so far for the month of March.
The Sixteen States That are Killing Their Pensions
For decades, public employees have had pension plans identical to those provided by most large American companies. These are defined benefit plans that pay workers a fixed sum each year after they have retired based on the amount of years they have worked and their salaries at the time of retirement. The trouble this causes for governments is that these funds often do not grow as quickly as the obligations they have to pay out, creating a budgetary crisis. It is not unusual to for a plan to have an obligation to offer its members a guaranteed level of growth which allows retirees to be able to rely on future payments, no matter how the funds perform financially. During a period like the market collapse of 2008, the value of many large pension funds plunged.
Webmaster's Commentary:
More confirmation that Wall Street, not the teachers, wrecked Wisconsin's budget.
The Birth of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank - How usury destroyed America
What’s driving the Silver Price?
The Silver Price is hitting new recent highs at $36.55 today in a more vigorous performance than even gold. Many in the developed world precious metal markets are amazed at the performance of silver and see this continuing, whereas others feel it is running away with itself. The “backwardation” in silver [when ‘spot’ – or immediate delivery prices are higher than for future delivery] has stressed just how much immediate demand there is for silver and clearly a physical shortage of the metal has arisen. There are two apparently conflicting pictures of the role of silver. The industrial side of silver demand, currently thriving and the investment side, which is also thriving and should continue to do so.
Meanwhile, demand growth from not only the developed world, but from the emerging world should continue to outweigh such new sources of supply. The last year has been an eye-opener in the silver market as we watched China turn from a net exporter of silver to a net importer. China had gross exports of 1,575 tonnes of silver last year, down 58% from a year earlier. China’s gross imports of silver increased 15% to 5,159 tonnes in 2010. In 2005, China was a net exporter of nearly 3,000 tonnes of silver. Last year, in 2010, China was a net importer of more than 3,500 tonnes of silver. Incredibly, Chinese net imports of silver surged four fold in just one year from 2009 to 2010. We fully expect this growth of demand from that source to continue in 2011 and possible for the next decade.
Demand for silver in China has risen sharply in recent months and years. Growing middle classes and savers in China, India and other Asian countries have been turning to “poor man’s gold” and using silver as a store of value. Gold has risen above its historical nominal high in local currency terms internationally and silver is seen by many as a cheaper alternative.
8 Reasons Why Silver Is the Investment of the Decade
Before you sell, consider the following reasons for why silver may be the best investment of the decade:
1. Demand is not only up, but still rising
2. Supply and Delivery Challenges for Physical Bullion
3. Technological demand for silver is increasing
4. Silver is closing the margin on the gold-to-silver ratio
5. There is a silver shortage
6. More (Paper) Money
7. Gold for Main Street
8. Crisis
Forbes 400 Triple Wealth in 5 years
If you've ever listened to Rush Limbaugh, you've probably heard him talk about the "liberals" and their 'communist/socialist plot" to redistribute the wealth.
But that's in the make believe Limbaugh-land. In reality, the redistribution of the wealth has already happened, but it was in the opposite of direction of Rush's claim.
From 1995 to 2000, the Forbes 400 tripled their wealth!
£7.7million for boss of a bank WE bailed out . . . even though they lost £1bn last year
Royal Bank of Scotland was branded ‘a disgrace’ after handing its chief executive Stephen Hester a £7.7million pay package for last year – even though the bailed-out bank lost more than £1billion.
The bank revealed that Mr Hester and eight of his top team are sharing a bonus and shares windfall totalling £28million for 2010, despite presiding over a dismal performance.
D.C. Bank of America branch shut down by protesters
'In Washington, D.C., 600 activists with National People’s Action shut down a branch of Bank of America Monday to protest the bank’s record of dodging taxes. National People’s Action recently issued a report about how Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have avoided paying billions of dollars in taxes. The study found that over the past two years, the six banks paid income tax at an approximate rate of 11 percent of their pre-tax earnings in the United States, far less than the 35 percent that they are legally mandated to pay.
London arrests made in Icelandic banking case
Sigurdur Einarsson, former chairman of Kaupthing Bank, and Robert Tchenguiz, who was the now-defunct bank’s biggest customer, were both arrested this morning in London in a joint operation by the Serious Fraud Office and Iceland’s Special Prosecutor into the banking crash.
Searches were carried out at two business premises in the British capital this morning and at the homes of eight people.
Nine People Involved in Iceland's Banking Crash of 2008 Under Arrest
No more plea deals for the Bankers. We need Public Trials to get on record all the crooks involved
Billionaire brothers arrested over Icelandic bank collapse
The Tchenguiz brothers seemed to come from nowhere and were identified with the boom years leading up to the banking crash. They were in deal after deal.
But yesterday it all came crashing down as they were arrested by investigators probing the collapse of the Icelandic bank Kaupthing.
The pair were held during simultaneous dawn raids in London and Reykjavik amid claims they withdrew vast sums of cash just days before the crisis broke.
Even as police knocked on their doors yesterday morning they were preparing to stage a champagne party on their super-yacht at a prestigious trade fair in the south of France.
The high-rolling businessmen – once ranked among the richest in Britain – were questioned over the collapse of the Icelandic bank in October 2008.
$50 or $100 Spending Limit Coming to Debit Cards? Those Bankers Are at it Again
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Declined! Your debit card may soon be denied for purchases greater than $100 -- or even as little as $50.
JPMorgan Chase, one of the nation's largest banks, is considering capping debit card transactions at either $50 or $100, according to a source with knowledge of the proposal. And the cap would apply even if you run your debit card as credit.
Why? Because of a tricky thing called interchange fees.
Right now, every time you swipe your debit card your bank charges the retailer an average fee of 44 cents, which it shares with its partners. Those little fees, however, add up to about $16 billion per year, according to 2009 data from the Federal Reserve.
But as part of the Wall Street reform legislation that was passed last year, these fees are being slashed. The Fed is currently proposing rules that would go into effect in July and would cap interchange fees at 12 cents.
That's a big enough cut to cost Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) more than $1 billion a year. And Chase may not be alone. Other major issuers are also projecting huge losses from the interchange fee cap.
Those Banksters are at it again sticking it to the account holders. Through the Financial Reform Bill that made the Federal Reserve Bank the economic dictator over the US economy. In that bill caps the interchange fees that will hurt the banks and not the retailers. Right now the interchange fees the retailers pay the banks are at 44 cents would be capped at 12 cents. This they say would hurt the big banks, This is what the Federal Reserve bank is recommending.
So what is the banks way of compensating for this loss? Their solution is limiting ATM purchases to as much as $100 and as little as $50. They are looking into monthly bank fees on debit and checking accounts. All this is proposed by the big banks. All these banks have been involved in fraudulent foreclosures and committing fraud on overdrafts manipulation people accounts to get a check to bounce that should have never have bounced in the first place. Not they want to limit access to people's own money limiting debit purchases. Why limit purchases.Should the banks encourage more debit purchases to compensate the losses instead of limiting the amount on transactions?
Britain could be brought to its knees by waves of crippling strikes as millions of workers walk out over explosive reforms to public sector pensions which will mean having to work for more than a decade longer and smaller payouts.
In a bid to save billions of pounds, a major Government report set the stage for early retirement for state workers to become a thing of the past.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Why are the pensions running out of money? Because the global bankers got greedy, and bought into the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities offered by Wall Street. And it seems that governments everywhere, afraid of standing up to the globalist bankers to demand the stolen money be returned, are uniformly telling their people, "You must make do with less, so that the bankers can have more!"
The people are rediscovering their right to say "No."
memo to Hutton: I have been to the Tower. That large wood block is still there.
Million-strong strike planned over pensions
Trade unions representing a million state employees are drawing up plans for strikes that could bring Britain's schools, universities, courts and Whitehall to a standstill as early as June in protest over government plans to end so-called "gold-plated" public sector pensions, the Guardian has learned.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Why are the pensions running out of money? Because the global bankers got greedy, and bought into the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities offered by Wall Street. And it seems that governments everywhere, afraid of standing up to the globalist bankers to demand the stolen money be returned, are uniformly telling their people, "You must make do with less, so that the bankers can have more!"
The people are rediscovering their right to say "No."
U.S. makes huge purchase of key Canadian commodity
WINNIPEG, Manitoba/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Canadian feed wheat is flowing into the southeastern United States in the largest quantities for more than a decade, highlighting tight U.S. corn supplies and a surplus of feed wheat in Canada, several trade sources said.
Wilmington Bulk LLC, a consortium of North Carolina poultry and swine producers including Smithfield Foods, has bought between 100,000 and 200,000 tonnes of Western Canadian feed wheat, industry sources in Canada and the United States said.
Strong demand from ethanol producers has driven corn stocks to a 15-year low, while Canada has more feed wheat than usual after excessive rain last year and untimely frost.
COLLAPSE IS UNAVOIDABLE Likely by Christmas - W. O'Brien
Obama Administration Pushing For A Global, $20 Billion Settlement To End Foreclosuregate
The Obama administration wants to push through a massive settlement over mortgage-servicing breakdowns that could force the nation's biggest lenders to shell out more than $20 billion in fines, or to at least fund the same amount in loan modifications for troubled borrowers, the WSJ reports.
The White House hopes such a deal would allow the foreclosure process to start ramping up again.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The choice has been made and it is obvious what the US Government policy is and continues to be. In order to protect the banks from collapsing under the losses resulting from the forced repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage backed securities, the US Government has taken away the high paying jobs of Americans, to make it easier for the banks to confiscate homes to put on the balance sheets. But the banks forgot this was supposed to be a clandestine wealth confiscation. The public were supposed to be bamboozled into thinking it was their own fault they were losing their homes to the banks, and it would have worked but for a shortcut called MERS, and a lot of reckless mistakes. That led to "Foreclosuregate."
So, the foreclosures have ground to a halt and Wall Street is crying that if Obama doesn't find some way to crank the wealth confiscation machine back up to rock and roll full-tilt boogie warp drive soon, the banks, unable to confiscate more homes for their balance sheets, will start failing in record numbers.
So Obama's solution is to slap the mortgage industry with a token fine that is really just a tiny fraction of the trillions stolen from the American people, declare the problem is solved, retroactively legalize the thefts so the banks cannot be sued, and let them go back to doing what they were doing before. Obama's agenda is clear from that line quoted from the original story. "The White House hopes such a deal would allow the foreclosure process to start ramping up again." Obama's priority is Wall Street, not Main Street. If Wall Street cannot go back to stealing your homes, the economy will fail. They are not even bothering to hide what they are doing! Obama is going to save Wall Street by making more Americans homeless!
17) Tampa, Fla. -- 1 in 20 homes in foreclosure
Image: Courtesy of Google Maps
Note: The red dots shows homes currently in foreclosure. The slide title describes the fraction of homes that received foreclosure filings in 2010.
"Less Than A 3 Percent Drop In Asset Values Makes Wall Street INSOLVENT" - Says Crisis Panel
We found this nugget found buried deep in the report...
Just a 3% loss on total assets and Wall Street is left completely insolvent...
DEADBEAT MILLIONAIRES: Biggest Defaulters On Mortgages Are The Rich - NYT
Walking Away From Million-Dollar Mortgages
Whether it is their residence, a second home or a house bought as an investment, the rich have stopped paying the mortgage at a rate that greatly exceeds the rest of the population.
More than one in seven homeowners with loans in excess of a million dollars are seriously delinquent, according to data compiled for The New York Times by the real estate analytics firm CoreLogic.
Deadbeat Millionaires...
Debt Collection Agencies Use Facebook to Track Down People and Stooping to More New Lows
This madness has to stop. The only way to be broken free from this predatory system is to return back to honest money. I find it is wrong to kick people while they are down when they are struggling to pay for a roof over their heads.It is time we know our rights when confronted with these predatory lenders and collection agencies. I still say the only winning move to keep the collection agencies and creditors off our backs is not to use credit and live with our means.
China inks $6.7 bln U.S. soybean deal, largest ever
Webmaster's Commentary:
Commodities will most likely be soaring this year, due to bad harvests and some wicked weather.
The Chinese government understands this, and wants to stave off inflation in food prices for their people the best they can.
E-mails Show Bear Stearns Cheated Clients Out of Billions
Former Bear Stearns mortgage executives who now run mortgage divisions of Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Ally Financial have been accused of cheating and defrauding investors through the mortgage securities they created and sold while at Bear. According to e-mails and internal audits, JPMorgan had known about this fraud since the spring of 2008, but hid it from the public eye through legal maneuvering. Last week a lawsuit filed in 2008 by mortgage insurer Ambac Assurance Corp against Bear Stearns and JPMorgan was unsealed. The lawsuit's supporting e-mails, going back as far as 2005, highlight Bear traders telling their superiors they were selling investors like Ambac a "sack of shit."
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a confirmation of what I have been saying for months now. Wall Street was selling fraudulent mortgage-backed securities!
In February 2009 CNBC broke the story that many of the mortgage bundlers had pledged individual mortgages as collateral over and over into different CDOs, when legally, they can be pledged as collateral only once.
Chris Whalen tells CNBC's Larry Kudlow that Bear Stearns will be exposed as having sold the same loan to different investors on numerous occasions.
Then Wall Street got caught. Investors and foreign banks demanded Wall Street buy back the fraudulent MBS and make good on the credit default swaps. But the losses threatened to sink the criminal firms behind the fraud, so they turned to their good buddies in the US Federal Government, who decided to help (as they had back during the S&L melt-down of the 1980s) by transferring the losses from Wall Street onto the backs of the American people. That is what the "Toxic Assets" the government had been buying up with your money really are; the fraudulent Mortgage-backed securities.
$14 trillion and counting, and all on the backs of the American people. Those toxic assets, being fraudulent to begin with, can never pay a return, despite the promises of the politicians. That is why the banks are confiscating Americans' homes with "fraudclosures" while the Federal Government looks the other way! They pulled a fast one on you and so far, they think they got away with it!
They are all laughing at how stupid and easy to rob you were!
Madoff Trustee Says A High-Level JPM Exec Was Warned About Madoff Well In Advance
A high-level JPMorgan risk officer was warned that Bernie Madoff had “a well-known cloud” over his head and was suspected of running a Ponzi scheme nearly 18 months before he was charged, according to the FT.
The lawsuit in which it's alleged that the executive was forewarned was filed against JPMorgan by Irving Picard, the trustee responsible trying to recover as many funds as possible for Madoff. It has just been unsealed, and was filed secretly at JPMorgan’s request.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Wall Street money-addicts knew! They knew Madoff was screwing his investors, and stayed silent!
Lloyd got lucky. He stole from shareholders and got away with it. Includes a classic clip from Michael Moore and Dylan Ratigan on Wall Street bonuses.
Look at the bottom right corner of the screenshot image above.
Total Return During Tenure.....-6%
The Bloomberg headline of $125 million just counts cash bonuses. Including stock bonuses given to Blankfein, the true number is $425 million.
Dylan Ratigan: Blankfein Stole More Than $400 Million (must read op-ed)
Goldman Sachs bankers to receive $15.3bn in pay and bonuses
Goldman Sachs has set aside $15.3bn (£9.5bn) to pay its staff in 2010 – an average of $430,000 each – in a move that re-ignites the controversy over City pay and bonuses at a time when youth unemployment is hitting record highs in the UK.
Citi claims net income this of $1.3 billion, but there were two large, offsetting charges that produced this very misleading number.
Back out both charges, and Citigroup earned barely $150 million for the quarter, while J.P. Morgan earned $4 billion during the same 3 months. Ouch.
Bank of England chief Mervyn King: standard of living to plunge at fastest rate since 1920s
Families will see their disposable income eaten up as they “pay the inevitable price” for the financial crisis, Mervyn King warned.
With wages failing to keep pace with rising inflation, workers’ take- home pay will end the year worth the same as in 2005 — the most prolonged fall in living standards for more than 80 years, he claimed.
Mr King issued the warning in a speech in Newcastle upon Tyne after official figures showed that gross domestic product fell by 0.5 per cent during the final three months last year. The Government blamed the unexpected reduction — the first since the third quarter of 2009 — on the freezing weather that paralysed much of the country last month.
Quantitative Easing Is Causing Food Prices to Skyrocket
As I've previously noted, interest rates have risen both times after the Fed implemented quantitative easing.
Graham Summers points out that food prices have also skyrocketed both times:
As Abdolreza Abbassian, chief economist at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), put it, “We are entering a danger territory.”
As the Wall Street Journal, Tyler Durden, the Economic Policy Journal and others note, inflation in food prices isn't limited to developing nations, but is coming to the U.S.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Intelligent people are stocking non-perishables and buying gold and silver when they can; it appears that things cannot hold together in the US for very much longer.
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Reserve Bank of New York bought $8.36 billion in Treasury debt on Friday, adding to the $312 billion the central bank has bought already since August.
Click for more details - It's a quick read
Insider Selling To Buying Ratio: DIV/0, As No Insiders Bought Any Stock In Prior Week
According to Bloomberg, in the week ended January 14 S&P 500 insiders sold $163 million worth of stock in 54 separate transactions. They bought exactly $0. That's right, in the last week, there was no insider purchasing. This is the first time in years (and possibly for ever) in which we have seen a week during which there was not one purchase by an insider. Surely, there is no need to comment on this result.
The Baltic Dry Index is Shouting "Danger, Will Robinson!" But Are Investors Listening?
Back in May 2008, when global investors still expected economic growth to continue, a thinly followed index began to broadcast a "red-alert" warning to those few who were watching.
The index proceeded to drop by more than 90% in the next six months.
Had you been watching - and heeded its warning - this index would have saved you from the fallout of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
And here's the thing. This index is updated five days a week and is readily available to anyone who wants to track it.
The index in question is called the "Baltic Dry Index," or BDI, and it once again merits a closer look: After peaking in May, the BDI has fallen for 35 straight days.
Is this another economic red alert, or merely a statistical red herring, like so many of the other economic reports that have appeared during the often-contradictory, whipsaw markets we've seen of late?
Federal regulators closed United Western Bank on Friday evening, ending the $2 billion thrift's long struggle to raise capital and survive.
United Western is the state's largest bank failure since the collapse on April 10, 2009, of New Frontier Bank, a $1 billion bank in Greeley.
The FDIC on Friday also took over Bank of Asheville, based in Asheville, N.C., with $195.1 million in assets, and CommunitySouth Bank and Trust, based in Easley, S.C., with $440.6 million in assets.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One cannot possibly be looking at these escalating bank failures and talk about "economic recovery" with a straight face.
FDIC moves to limit maximum potential damage from mortgage-fraud scandal.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chairman Sheila Bair said this claims commission could be modeled on those created to compensate victims of the BP oil spill and Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. She said the size of such a claims fund would have to be negotiated.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As both 9-11 and Gulf Oil victims will attest, this is a move to put a cap on the maximum potential losses stemming from this scandal, even before the true nature and scale of the scandal becomes publicly known.
Three more banks fail
Federal regulators closed United Western Bank on Friday evening, ending the $2 billion thrift's long struggle to raise capital and survive.
First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of Raleigh, N.C., will assume United Western's deposits, valued at $1.65 billion last September, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said in a statement.
Data Shows Less Buying of U.S. Debt by China
The Treasury Department estimated that China reduced its holdings of Treasuries by nearly $11 billion in November alone. For the 12 months through November, as the accompanying charts indicate, China reduced its holdings of Treasuries by more than $36 billion.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That creaking sound you hear is the floor at the US Treasury!
No doubt the US Government and media will attempt to portray this action by China as a hostile act. They might even call it the opening shot in an economic war leading to a real war with which the US can erase its debts by trading the blood of your children for gold.
But look at this from China's point of view. The US Government acts like one of the "too big to fail" Wall Street firms. No matter what happens, the people are made to pay for all. But China realizes a truth that Wall Street and the US Government remain blind to; the American people have run out of money. The Federal Reserve System that was designed to transfer all the wealth from the people to the bankers has succeeded, and nobody in Government or Business had a plan for when that happened.
China understands that no matter how hard the government whips the taxpayer, there is no more money to pay the bills. The people are poor and the Wall Street robber barons will not surrender a single penny. So China is doing the smart thing and quietly trying to reduce their exposure to US debt, because the US hovers at default, and must eventually plunge into the abyss no matter what fancy paper tricks Wall Street and DC try to play.
We're printing billions, just to save the banks
With the Central Bank now effectively printing the money that the Irish banks need to pay off their depositors, the moment of truth is rapidly approaching.
Webmaster's Commentary:
When the central bank prints up new money to give to the banks, the resulting inflation destroys the buying power of the money still in the hands of the people. So this is just another covert way to steal real wealth from the people and give it to the banks so the banks can loan it back to the people at interest!
Inflation jumps to 8-month high in December
The pace of price rises surged to a shock eight-month high last month, piling pressure on Bank of England policymakers to raise interest rates to stop inflation spiralling higher.
School Without Power After Falling Behind On Bill
Webmaster's Commentary:
But your taxes can go to buy brand new F-35 warplanes for Israel.
California - Possible Class Action Suit against Deutsche Bank and Aurora Loan - Please Call the number and join - Class Actions are FREE to all who join!
Only 47% of working age Americans have full time jobs
Ilargi: VK, roving reporter for The Automatic Earth, has been playing with the numbers from the January 7 employment report issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It seems valuable to look at unemployment from this, a different, angle. Some of it may even surprise you.
If you count the "Part time employed for non-economic reasons", you get 126.8 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, working part time or "Not in the labor force". That represents 53% of working age Americans.
So only 47% of working age Americans have full time jobs. While the official unemployment rate is 9.4%. Something's missing somewhere.
Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 937 Institutions
Unofficial Problem Bank List Jan 21, 2011
Is your bank on this list?
Since Feb, 2007 to January 21st, 2011
338 failed banks
Total Assets $366.4 billion
Total Deposits $329.7 billion
Total Cost to FDIC $72.879 billion
Data compiled from: http://fdic.gov/bank/individual/failed/banklist.html
In testimony on Friday before the Senate Budget Committee, Federal Reserve, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, was asked specifically about providing assistance to state and local governments facing budget deficits and high borrowing costs. His short answer: It’s not going to happen.
Illinois Lawmakers Approve 66% Tax Hike
By a single vote, Illinois lawmakers approved a 66 percent increase to the personal income tax, and soon, your paycheck will be shrinking.
Here Come the Huge Property Tax Increases
Co-op and condo owners will pay sharply higher property taxes next year in NYC, under a preliminary assessment roll released Friday by the Bloomberg administration, WSJ reports. The city attributed the rises, due to take effect in July, to higher market values placed on apartment buildings by tax assessors.
Taxes collections are expected to rise by 7.5% for co-op owners, and 9.6% for condo owners across the city, according to a summary report released by the Department of Finance.
These are, of course, higher assessments than the actual property value increases. It's Bloomberg's sneaky way of raising tax revenue. But there has been some strength in the NYC market to provide cover for Bloomberg's high assessments.
Fed Chairman Bernanke's first money pump (QE1) went directly to Wall Street and that's why you see the higher assessments in NYC, but QE2 is about the rest of the country.
What's going on in NYC is what Bernanke wants nationwide. One of the main reasons he is goosing the money supply is so that state and local governments will collect more in taxes to pay off their huge debts. If he can get an uptick in property values nationwide, then the assessors will takeover from there, and spike the valuations. Bottom line: Expect much higher assessments across the country over the next two years.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is as close to an admission as you will ever get. The Federal Reserve and the US Government screwed up the economy and their only solution to fix it is to loot the public. They will never stop. They have no reason to stop. Until the people give them a reason to stop. Iceland did it. Tunisia just did it. Greece is about to do it. So is Ireland. So is the rest of the world. Freedom or slavery. Time to choose.
Wage Drop Has Been Worst In Decades
Wages for American workers have fallen dramatically since the financial crisis, in what will likely turn out to be the worst such plunge since the Great Depression, the Wall Street Journal reports...
Housing Market Slips Into Depression Territory
Things were bad but the broader economy never reached Depression territory. The housing market, on the other hand, just crossed that threshold.
Home values have fallen 26 percent since their peak in June 2006, worse than the 25.9-percent decline seen during the Depression years between 1928 and 1933, Zillow reported.
November marked the 53rd consecutive month (4 ½ years) that home values have fallen.
Congress approves largest military budget ever
725 billion dollars was approved by Congress for the military last week, while most of the media coverage was about Don't Ask Don't Tell. This bill is the largest military budget ever approved amid a poor US economy and a deficit that continues to inflate. Author and activist David Swanson says this is an outrage in the face of the deficit and all of the war crimes shed to light by WikiLeaks.
JP Morgan bankers to share $10bn bonus pot after profits leap
JP Morgan's investment bankers are to receive an average payout of $369,651 (£233,000) after the bank set aside almost $10bn to cover basic pay and bonuses.
Goldman Sachs pay out $111million in bonuses despite taking billions in bailout money
Goldman Sachs bosses are to pick up $111million in bonuses in an 'outrageous' pay deal that flies in the face of the worst recession for 80 years.
The investment banks' chief executive Lloyd Blankfein and president Gary Cohn will get $24million each under the bumper agreement that will see thousands of others get huge rewards.
The bonuses were agreed in 2008 months before Goldman took $10billion of U.S. bailout money, but due to technicalities there is no way to stop the bank from paying them out.
George Soros: Time For US To Get Used To New World Order
Putin VS Jews Of The New World Order
JEWS FEAR STRONG Christian leaders. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is an Orthodox Christian. Putin has publicly stated that he is a Christian — his continual Church appearances are proof of it. Recently the BBC published a major article complete with pictures of Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox Christian affiliations.
And pointing to the New World Order oligarchs, the Orthodox Christian Vladimir Putin said in a November 2007 speech to Russian Military Cadets:
— “There are those who would like to build a unipolar world, who would themselves like to rule all of humanity.” —Reuters
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