

L'Autre Monde 20 janvier 2011: Reconnaissance de l'État Palestinien, fluorure, Liban, Israël, Asie et refroidissement climatique brutal
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L'Autre Monde 20 janvier 2011
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 20 janvier 2011:
Nous brossons un portrait en profondeur de l'état de l'économie mondiale et nous vous livrons les nouvelles les plus importantes. Ne manquez pas le volet concernant la peur qui est en train de secouer Wall Street et les banquiers privés.
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
La fluoration illégale.
La Ville de Trois-Rivières doit maintenant se positionner sur la question de la
Trois-Rivières qui fluore l'eau potable depuis 1962 se doit de réévaluer les
paramètres de cette pratique archaïque et obsolète, tant sur le plan légal, éthique
que des droits humains. Au plan légal, la Cour Suprême du Canada a déja eu à se
prononcer dans le cas de la municipalité de Forrest Hill contre Toronto. laquelle
refusait de se voir imposer la fluoration par la ville de Toronto. Le juge Randt de
la Cour Suprême concluait alors que la fluoration est un acte médical, une mesure de
médication coercitive. Voici ses paroles:
"La fluoration de l’eau ne peut pas être regardée comme ayant pour but de fournir de
l’eau pure et bienfaisante. Son but et son effet sont de forcer les habitants,
qu’ils le veuillent ou non, à absorber quotidiennement de petites quantités de
fluor, dans l'expectative de rendre un certain nombre d’entre eux moins sujet à la
carie dentaire. On se sert de l’approvisionnement d’eau comme d’un moyen pour ce
but. Essentiellement, le règlement de la fluoration n’est pas une mesure
d’approvisionnement d’eau ; c’est une mesure coercitive de médication préventive. La
charte de Toronto Métropolitain ne lui permet pas d’édicter de telles mesures de
médication coercitive."
En clair, les villes canadienne n'ont pas le pouvoir de prescrire un traitement
médical coercitif, forcé, à sa population.
La fluoration de l’eau est administrée comme un traitement pharmaceutique, sans
diagnostique, destiné à un patient inconnu dont on ignore l’historique médical, la
quantité de médication qu’il va absorber et la nécessité même du médicament. Quel
professionnel peut sérieusement cautionner une telle approche de la santé ? Sur la
question de l'efficacité du fluor contre la carie, même l'Association dentaire
canadienne met un bémol là-dessus. Son ancien président le Dr.Hardy Limeback déclare que la fluoration de l'eau potable ne devrait plus être une mesure de santé
publique. Il nous met en garde qualifiant cette pratique d'obsolète, inefficace,
inutile et même dangeureuse. De plus en plus de chercheurs et spécialistes abondent
dans ce sens.
Le fluor est un poison toxique qu'il ne faut pas banaliser. Ceux qui n'ont pas lu
les avis de précautions sur les tubes de pâtes dentifrices devraient le faire. "NE
PAS AVALER". "Les enfants de moins de six ans doivent utiliser une quantité de la
grosseur d'un pois seulement et être supervisés lorsqu'ils se brossent les dents."
Il est démontré qu'un verre d'eau fluorée contient la même quantité de fluor qu'un
"pois" de pâte dentifrice. Il est clair que l'on ne doit pas ingurgiter l'eau
fluorée. Pourtant, le directeur de la santé publique lui nous dit le contraire:" "
AVALEZ" "Y'en a pas d'problème!" À voir notre système de santé qui tombe en ruine il ne faut pas s'étonner que des bureaucrates de la santé nous propose une telle
sottise comme moyen de prévention. Et d'autant plus que le fluor utiliser par la
Ville n'est pas de qualité pharmaceutique en plus d'être un déchet industriel
sous-produit de l'industrie des fertilisants, Made in China. Le produit n'est pas
testé pour son inocuité par les autorités de santé canadienne et québécoise, ni
homologué par Santé Canada.
Utiliser un tel produit douteux place encore une fois la Ville dans l'illégalité. Je
souhaite de tout coeur que nos élus se réveillent et rejette ce vieux dogme, cette
vielle croyance qui est préjudiciable à la santé des citoyens de Trois-Rivières.
Disons-non à l'empoisonnement de notre eau potable par le fluor.. Disons OUI à une
eau pure et bienfaisante
Jean-François Gaudette
U.S. says too much fluoride in water
January 7, 2011, USA Today/Associated Press
Fluoride in drinking water — credited with dramatically cutting cavities and tooth decay — may now be too much of a good thing. Getting too much of it causes spots on some kids' teeth. A reported increase in the spotting problem is one reason the federal government will announce [that] it plans to lower the recommended levels for fluoride in water supplies — the first such change in nearly 50 years. About 2 out of 5 adolescents have tooth streaking or spottiness because of too much fluoride, a surprising government study found recently. In some extreme cases, teeth can even be pitted by the mineral. Maryland is the most fluoridated state, with nearly every resident on a fluoridated water system. In contrast, only about 11% of Hawaii residents are on fluoridated water, according to government statistics. Fluoridation has been fought for decades by people who worried about its effects, including conspiracy theorists who feared it was a plot to make people submissive to government power. "It's amazing that people have been so convinced that this is an OK thing to do," said Deborah Catrow, who successfully fought a ballot proposal in 2005 that would have added fluoride to drinking water in Springfield, Ohio.
Note: This article fails to mention a key recent study showing "about 28 percent of the children in the low-fluoride area scored as bright, normal or higher intelligence compared to only 8 percent in the 'high' fluoride area. In the high-fluoride city, 15 percent had scores indicating mental retardation and only 6 percent in the low-fluoride city." For a truly awesome, revealing interview with a BBC producer on the major deceptions around and dangers of fluoride in water, click here. For more on this key topic from Dr. Mercola, click here. And for the top website on the risks and dangers of flouride in water, click here.
Could other Arab countries follow Tunisia's example?
Arabs everywhere identified with Mohamed Bouazizi.
When the 26-year-old Tunisian graduate - despairing of getting a decent job and abused by the police - set fire to himself in a public square, his story resonated far beyond his provincial town.
When he later died of his injuries, he became both a symbol and a martyr.
Now the unrest sparked by his self-immolation has led to the downfall of one of the region's longest-serving autocrats.
Tunisians drive president from power
Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi says he is assuming power after the president of the North African country stepped down following weeks of riots.
At least 23 people have been killed in the riots, according to the government, but opposition members put the death toll at more than three times that.
Mr. Bareass Insane O'Bummer, your turn is coming.
The League of Arabian states has just experienced its first populist revolution in modern times in Tunisia. The prime minister has announced that he is in control now that the President of the last 23 years or so has fled the nation. The nation has only experienced 2 leaders during its existence.
There is a long list of national leaders who have to be looking around, wondering if they could be next. Autocratic dictators, despots and or Presidents for life have always ruled the region. This changed today when the population of Tunisia over-threw their President.
It is really heartening for the vast majority of Arab-Muslim masses to see the people of Tunisia rise up against one of the most decadent and repressive regimes in the Arab world, a regime that thought, mistakenly of course, that satisfying its benefactors in Paris and Washington, even by tormenting and savaging the people, would prolong its life span.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"satisfying its benefactors by tormenting and savaging the people." Congress take note.
Behind Tunisia Unrest, Rage Over Wealth of Ruling Family
Netanyahu: Tunisia turmoil shows instability of entire Mideast
The civil unrest which resulted in the ousting of Tunisia's long-time president displays an instability prevalent in the entire Middle East, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, adding that the situation highlighted the need for security assurances in a future Mideast peace deal.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Before Netanyahu goes on a similar rant in public, would one of his assistants please hand him a map?!?
In fact, here you go, Mr. Prime Minister:
Because the last time I checked,
Tunisia is in Africa, not in the Middle East!
Corée du Nord:
Japan to hold naval drills involving U.S. warships in East China Sea
Tokyo: The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will hold drills in the East China Sea involving U.S. warships on Monday, the Japanese Defense Ministry said.
The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), a U.S. Navy Nimitz class supercarrier capable of carrying 90 fighter jets and helicopters, and U.S. destroyers will participate in the exercises, to be held to the west of the Kyushu island, the ministry said.
Japan's NHK TV channel has said the drills are aimed at deterring possible naval operations by North Korea and China.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Great: rather than taking actions to calm the situation with North Korea, it appears that the US is ramping up the pressure on North Korea and China.
North Korea threatens nuclear 'holy war'
POCHEON, South Korea — North Korea's minister of armed forces said on Thursday its military was prepared to wage a "holy war" against the South using its nuclear deterrent after what he called Seoul's attempt to initiate conflict...
Video of largest-ever South Korea war games as drills nag North
South Korea to hold naval firing drills
South Korea plans to hold a fresh round of naval firing drills at 23 locations around the Korean Peninsula, excluding areas near the disputed sea border with North Korea.
"This is part of a regular practice involving army, naval and air forces... and the state-run Agency for Defense Development will also conduct ammunition tests off the west coast," a spokesman for the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff told AFP on Sunday.
The drills will be held around the Korean peninsula from December 27 to 31, the report added.
South Korean president ramps up aggressive stance towards North
The South said it was planning more drills this week, despite objections from Russia and China who have urged calm on both sides and increasingly bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang which promised a "sacred" nuclear war if the South impinged on its territory.
But while the world has grown inured to such language from the North in recent years, the hardening tone in the South has raised concerns among many analysts that a future provocation by North Korea could now spark a war between the two sides.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am infinitely more concerned about a US-engineered "false flag" or South Korean provocation (which is what happened on 23 November) than I am about North Korea starting a shooting war.
North Korea threatens to attack South over Christmas lights
North Korea's military is reportedly preparing to shoot down a floodlit tower decorated with Christmas lights which overlooks the border near the South's capital, Seoul – home to millions of Christians.
Webmaster's Commentary:
North Korea steps back, but South Korea remains on high alert
North Korea has stepped back from the brink of war and is ready for a new round of regional peace talks, an unofficial US envoy to Pyongyang said today as a sceptical South Korea kept its troops on high alert and lit up a provocative Christmas tree on the border.
Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico, said North Korea has promised to re-admit United Nations nuclear inspectors and to sell its neighbour 12,000 plutonium fuel rods, which would reduce its potential bomb-making stockpile.
CNN: People In South Korea Being Sent Into Military Bunkers
North Korea 'will not hit back' over Yeonpyeong drills
North Korea says it will not retaliate despite "reckless provocations" from the South, which held live-fire drills on the flashpoint island of Yeonpyeong.
The North shelled the island last month after similar drills and had threatened more retaliation this time.
But state media quoted the army as saying it was "not worth reacting".
South Korea announced today that it will go ahead with an artillery drill that will see the South Koreans lob shells close to disputed waters near North Korea.
North Korea has announced that they will view this as a direct provocation and will respond accordingly in retaliation. Any response from the North Koreans could then trigger a major conflagration on the peninsula that could even escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.
Both Russia and China have advised South Korea not to go ahead with the drill and have asked the United Nations to intervene. Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is urging North Korea to show restraint despite, it seems, it looks like being South Korea that’s going to fire the first shots.
Russia calls on South Korea to halt military drill
"The Russian Federation... calls on the Republic of Korea to refrain from holding the planned firing of artillery in order to prevent the further escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. (Reporting by Alissa de Carbonnel; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)
Webmaster's Commentary:
Russia is really behaving in a very nuanced, responsible manner by making this request.
It is obvious that Russian leadership clearly understands how volatile this situation is, and is making the logical case for restraint, caution. and calm.
One has to wonder, however, what "suggestions" the South Korean leadership, both military and political, are getting from the US regarding this upcoming live fire drill.
China to station troops in N. Korea: report
SEOUL (AFP) – China is in discussions with North Korea about stationing its troops in the isolated state for the first time since 1994, a South Korean newspaper reported Saturday.
The Chosun Ilbo newspaper quoted an anonymous official at the presidential Blue House as saying that Beijing and Pyongyang recently discussed details of stationing Chinese soldiers in the North's northeastern city of Rason.
The official said the soldiers would protect Chinese port facilities, but the location also gives access to the Sea of Japan (East Sea), while a senior security official was quoted as saying it would allow China to intervene in case of North Korean instability.
Napolitano admits airport scanners don't work, only real benefit is to "scare" terrorists.
Napolitano dismissed those results as old and questionable and said, “Let’s set those aside.” One of the real successes of the machines and procedures, Napolitano said, is that they discourage terrorists from even trying to get on planes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently in Napolitanos' delusional world, terrorists cannot read or surf the web.
Out here in reality, the fact is that if there where real terrorists, they could achieve their objective of disrupting travel by blowing up the security gates as well as airplanes. Or, they could sign onto the global warming cult, and convince the cities and airports they didn't need to prepare for a harsh winter, and screw up travel pretty damned good that way without needing to worry about scanners and pat-downs!
TSA Worker Avoids Prison After Stealing Traveler's Laptops
He's a veteran,he was in a car wreck! Blah! Blah! Blah!
TSA photocopies a mans credit cards and other personal documents
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, not happy with looting your luggage, TSA now steals your credit card info to go shopping on eBay?
TSA Now Forcing Opt-Outs To Walk Through Body Scanners
If the experience of a man traveling through Baltimore Washington International Airport last night is anything to go by, the TSA is now forcing people who opt out of the naked body scanner to walk through the machine as part of a psychological ploy to coerce subservience out of other travelers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think the obvious solution is for a TSA worker to walk through the scanner with each and every traveler. That would prove they are safe (Janet Napolitano refused, BTW). Or, when the TSA workers start dying of cancer as happened to the shoe store fluoroscope operators in the 1950s and 1960s, then the TSA will understand We The People were trying to tell them the truth and Michael Chertoff could care less how many of them die horribly as long as he gets rich.
Court Rules Government Can Keep Naked Body Scanner Images Secret
A federal judge has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security can keep images produced by x-ray body scanners out of the public domain, in a blow to privacy group The Electronic Privacy Information Center’ s (EPIC) efforts to release more than 2000 of the images that show intimate details of airport travelers’ bodies.
Do We Need the “Next Level” of State Security?
When a university hires a football coach, the athletic director often declares that the new coach will take the team to “the next level.” What the director means is that he hopes the coach will lead State U’s team to a championship or a high-ranking bowl.
However, when Transportation Security Administration head John Pistole told USA Today he wanted to bring the TSA to “the next level,” he didn’t mean better service. No, Pistole meant something more sinister: He wants the TSA to be so completely ingrained in American life that weary people simply put up with it. According to USA Today:
Pistole said he wants TSA workers, including 47,000 screeners at 450 airports, to operate as a “national-security, counterterrorism organization, fully integrated into U.S. government efforts.”
After the University of Alabama hired Nick Saban in 2006, he did take the Crimson Tide to the next level, the 2009 national championship. However, the next level for the TSA hardly is desirable, for Pistole is demanding that his organization become not unlike the infamous Stasi in the former East Germany.
For now, TSA agents work mostly at airports, although Pistole wants to expand TSA coverage to bus and train stations, so that nearly all future public transportation riders will come in contact with TSA inspectors.
Why? Pistole and his supporters reply that the TSA presence makes us safer than we were before Congress created the agency. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman agrees:
"No refusal" DUI checkpoints could be coming to Tampa
Tampa, Florida-- With New Year's Eve only days away, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration expects this to be one of the deadliest weeks of the year on the roads.
But now a new weapon is being used in the fight against drunk driving.
It's a change that could make you more likely to be convicted.
"I think it's a great deterrent for people," said Linda Unfried, from Mother's Against Drunk Driving in Hillsborough County.
Florida is among several states now holding what are called "no refusal" checkpoints.
It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory blood test.
It's already being done in several counties, and now Unfried is working to bring it to the Tampa Bay area.
"I think you'll see the difference because people will not drink and drive. I truly believe that," she said.
Not everyone is on board, though.
DUI defense attorney Kevin Hayslett sees the mandatory blood test as a violation of constitutional rights.
"It's a slippery slope and it's got to stop somewhere," Hayslett explained, "what other misdemeanor offense do we have in the United States where the government can forcefully put a needle into your arm?"
Webmaster's Commentary:
It will start with DUIs, then move to anti-terror, meaning anti-patriot.
‘Homeland’ security coming to hotels, malls
The United States is stepping up security at "soft targets" like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday.
A year after a foiled plot to bomb a US-bound passenger plane, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN's "State of the Union" program that other places and modes of transportation must now be scrutinized.
"We look at so-called soft targets -- the hotels, shopping malls, for example -- all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees," Napolitano said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After having damaged US tourism beyond recognition, DHS and TSA, in their infinite wisdom, are now looking to destroy the hospitality and retail industries in the same way.
As a thinking,peaceful human being who understands that any attempts at terrorism against the US will stop when the US stops mucking about in other people's countries, I, for one, will never accept their "new normal", even if it means I will never set foot in a mall or utilize any mode of public transport again.
As frustration grows, airports consider ditching TSA
Every spring, private security officers at San Francisco International Airport compete in a workplace "March Madness"-style tournament for cash prizes, some as high as $1,500. The games: finding illegal items and explosives in carry-on bags; successfully picking locks on difficult-to-open luggage; and spotting a would-be terrorist (in this case Covenant Aviation Security's president, Gerald L. Berry) on security videos.
"The bonuses are pretty handsome," Berry said. "We have to be good - equal or better than the feds. So we work at it, and we incentivize."
Some of the nation's biggest airports are responding to recent public outrage over security screening by weighing whether they should hire private firms such as Covenant to replace the Transportation Security Administration. Sixteen airports, including San Francisco and Kansas City International Airport, have made the switch since 2002. One Orlando airport has approved the change but needs to select a contractor, and several others are seriously considering it.
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, which governs Dulles International and Reagan National airports, is studying the option, spokeswoman Tara Hamilton said.
For airports, the change isn't about money. At issue, airport managers and security experts say, is the unwieldy size and bureaucracy of the federal aviation security system. Private firms may be able to do the job more efficiently and with a personal touch, they argue.
Los Alamos Scientist: TSA Scanners Shred Human DNA
Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico recently published an abstract with colleagues, "DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field " that reveals very disturbing—even shocking—evidence that the THz waves generated by TSA scanners is significantly damaging the DNA of the people being directed through the machines, and the TSA workers that are in close proximity to the scanners throughout their workday.
Odds of cancer from TSA scanners about the same as terrorist blowing up your plane
Arizona State University physics professor Peter Rez calculated the amount of radiation exposure a human is likely to receive in one of those newfangled Rapiscan porno-scanners the TSA is so fond of, and determined that exposure to be roughly one-fiftieth to one-hundredth the amount of a standard chest X-ray.
From an MSNBC report:
He calculated the risk of getting cancer from a single scan at about 1 in 30 million, "which puts it somewhat less than being killed by being struck by lightning in any one year," he told me.
While the risk of getting a fatal cancer from the screening is minuscule, it's about equal to the probability that an airplane will get blown up by a terrorist, he added. "So my view is there is not a case to be made for deploying them to prevent such a low probability event."
And in that same MSNBC item,
A group of scientists at the University of California at San Francisco laid out their concerns in a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, highlighting in particular the potential for the X-ray dose concentrated on the skin to pose a health concern for children and other vulnerable populations, such as people with HIV.
"We are unanimous in believing that the potential health consequences need to be rigorously studied before these scanners are adopted. Modifications that reduce radiation exposure need to be explored as soon as possible," the letter said. Among the signers were David Agard, John Sedat (a professor emeritus) and Robert Stroud, all professors of biochemistry and biophysics; and Marc Shuman, professor of medicine.
10,000 Child Porn Images Found On Ex-TSA Worker’s Computer
Yet another TSA worker has been exposed as a pedophile to add the the epidemic of cases that prove those who are inclined to work in jobs that allow them to sexually molest children via invasive groping measures at airports are the most unprofessional, perverted and criminally-minded individuals imaginable.
US Response To Massive Decline In Foreign Travelers: Keep Crazy Policies, But Set Up Ad Campaign
Sometimes it feels like the US government likes to take incompetence to new levels. It should come as little surprise that foreign tourism to the US is way down. Basically ever since the Patriot Act, visiting the US has become a huge pain for foreign tourists, and with our lovely new "we see you naked or we touch your private parts" strategy for airline passengers (thank you, TSA), it appears that things are getting even worse. So, if you're the US government, how do you respond? Do you start thinking about modifying such policies to make visiting the US less unwelcoming? Do you start thinking about more effective, but less insulting security procedures? Do you start looking at why those foreign tourists are staying away in droves? The answer appears to be no, no and no.
Instead, you set up a "public/private partnership" to launch an expensive ad campaign and you fund part of it by charging those very tourists to enter the country.
Yes, the US government and the travel industry have teamed up to launch the new "Corporation for Travel Promotion," (CTP) which will seek to run a huge advertising campaign to foreigners, trying to convince them that once you get past the unfriendly gropers at our borders, the US really is quite nice. The US Travel Association, which is a part of this effort, does say that it would be a good idea to use the CTP to convince the government (which, um, we thought was a part of the CTP) to create a "more efficient and friendly entrance procedure," but notes that work will be "challenging." So, for now, it sounds like the main focus will be on advertising how cool the Golden Gate Bridge looks, if you can actually get into the country.
Palestine se fait reconnaitre:
Russia's Medvedev backs independent Palestine
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev endorsed a Palestinian state on Tuesday, saying Moscow had recognized independence in 1988 and was not changing the position adopted by the former Soviet Union.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"First the oligarchs, and now Palestine! This means WAR ... as soon as we order the Americans to kill you." -- Tel Aviv
Israel concerned Russia will recognize Palestinian state
Israeli officials fear that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will announce on Tuesday during a visit to Jericho that Russia recognizes a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which Medvedev has done.
Did you ever think you would live to see the day when Russia leads the world towards peace away from the world of war desired by the US and Israel?
Of course, Israel has no place to complain with all the nations recognizing Palestine. Israel's existence goes back to a declaration by David Ben Gurion and a single recognition from Harry Truman. Israel can hardly refute the path to Palestinian statehood that Israel itself used.
Brazil just recognized the Palestinian State pre- 1967 borders !!!
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Friday (3) the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, that Brazil recognizes the existence of a Palestinian state, with the borders of June 4, 1967, before the War of Six Days between Arab and Israeli.
O reconhecimento, segundo o Ministério de Relações Exteriores, foi feito em uma carta pessoal de Lula a Abbas, enviada nesta quarta (1º). The recognition, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was made in a personal letter from Lula to Abbas, sent on Wednesday (1st).
Norway says it will be first EU nation to recognise Palestine
Norway announced on Wednesday that it will be the first EU country to recognise a Palestinian state once the Palestinian institutions are set in place.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Clarification: Norway is not a member state of the European Union (EU), but is closely associated with the Union through its membership in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Brazil donates land for Palestinian embassy
Palestinian ambassador to Brazil Ibrahim Az-Zein received the title to a piece of land Monday, where the Palestinian embassy in Brazil will stand following that country's recognition of a Palestinian state earlier in the month.
Abbas to lay cornerstone for new PA embassy in Brazil
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to lay the cornerstone of a new Palestinian Embassy in Brazil's capital, Brasilia later this week, AFP reported.
After presiding over the ground breaking ceremony on Friday, the PA president is to attend the inauguration of Brazil's next president, Dilma Rousseff, according to the report.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is going to get interesting. World respect for the United States has vanished as our government continues to bow to Tel Aviv. The numerous nations recognizing Palestine are proof of the US fall from moral leadership. Now Israel has issued orders to the United States to block Palestine at the United Nations, and the United States government, as always, will obey their masters.
But every time the United Nations fails to hold Israel to account for their obvious war crimes, the United Nations loses credibility and respect in the eyes of the world. One can hardly expect the United Nations to be the foundation of a global government if it cannot hold one single nation to the rule of international law. As the United States continues to decline to international impotence, it may well drag the United Nations down with it.
And with its slaves now helpless, and no longer able to protect it, Israel will fall.
Of course, ever unable to admit their own failings, Israel will blame their collapse on the Goyim as well.
Guyana recognizes Palestinian state
La Bolivie reconnaît la Palestine comme « État indépendant »
Ecuador recognizes a Palestinian state
Ecuador is the latest country to recognize an independent Palestinian state.
The government said on Friday that President Rafael Correa recognized "the Palestine State as free and independent within its borders since 1967."
Paraguay to recognize Palestinian state in 2011
Paraguay plans to recognize an independent Palestinian state next year, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) said Sunday.
Paraguay's Foreign Minister Hector Lacognata told the Palestinian ambassador to Paraguay that his country will recognize the Palestinian state on the lands that Israel has occupied in 1967 in the spring, the Palestinian foreign ministry said in a statement.
Chile recognizes independent Palestinian state
Chilean President Sebastian Pinera's announcement preceded by official recognition of Palestine by Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.
Israel 'Regrets' Chile's Decision to Recognize PA as a Country
The State of Israel is expressing its “regret” over the Chilean government’s decision Friday to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a new country.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looks like Israel's invitation to 'rescued Chilean miners' is not paying off as expected.
Livni meets Norway FM; slams Palestinian state recognitions
"The stagnation in the peace process is very problematic but the nations of the world should not be tempted into unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state outside the parameters of a political arrangement," Livni said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently, Tzipi Livni did not grasp the delicious irony of her comments here: Israel unilaterally declared its nationhood at the point of its founding.
Israel FM says Palestinian government illegitimate
"It is forbidden for us to reach a comprehensive deal today with the Palestinians. To put it clearly, you have to understand that their government is not legitimate," he told a meeting in Jerusalem of Israeli ambassadors.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This from the nation that has never drawn its borders or created a constitution in 60 years, that holds the world's record for defying the most UN Resolutions, that could not even survive at all were it not for the trillions it extorts from other nations around the world? I understand chutzpah, but this is just plain silly!
What is going on here is obvious. Several nations, and more on the way, have realized that the United States will not and cannot bring peace to the middle east. In yet another sign of the decline of respect for the US Government brought about by its slavery to Israel nations are acting on their own to recognize the Palestinian state. Israel is panicking. Despite all their money and political influence they cannot stem the tide of nations and of people recognizing that the state of Palestine not only exists, it has been in existence all along.
Israel is throwing a knipshen fit here. They are not used to not being able to tell the rest of the world what to think, what to believe, and what to do. They cannot stop world recognition of a legitimate Palestine, nor of world realization that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegitimate.
US House passes anti-Palestine bill
At last the United States is responding to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's refusal to freeze settlements and re-start negotiations with the Palestinians.
Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, rushed to the House floor with a resolution drafted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] condemning the Palestinians for publicly suggesting that, in the wake of Netanyahu's refusal to freeze settlements and negotiate, they will consider a unilateral declaration of statehood.
Congress passed the Berman bill, drafted only this week, on Wednesday. When it comes to pleasing AIPAC, there are simply no limits.
After two years, war looming in Gaza
Today, we mark the second anniversary of the first strike of Israel's most recent war on Gaza. It was 27 December 2008 when 80 Israeli warplanes blazed over Gaza skies and pummeled our 365-square-kilometer land with missiles. The 1.5 million residents of this, the most densely packed area on earth saw towers razed in seconds and were terrified.
That 22-day nightmare came to an end and Gaza remained steadfast. Two years later the people of Gaza are wondering: will Israel bring that nightmare back upon us?
One political analyst, Wisam Afifa, says yes, and believes that Israel is maneuvering and exploring the capabilities of the Palestinian resistance.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unfortunately, it is not a question of "if" Israel will launch another major offensive on Gaza, but "when". And the "when" will be before any more countries recognize a Palestinian state for which Israel goes back to its 1967 borders.
One wonders if this time, the Israeli government will employ the tactic of "Kill them all, God will find his own"; frankly, at this point, I wouldn't put it past them, given the sociopathic and wretchedly apartheid attitude of Israeli government officials toward Palestinians.
The Israeli government perceives the people of Gaza as the ultimate enemy of Israel, because they have refused to surrender to either the siege, or this horrendous bombardment, and other bombings which followed.
When the next attack against Gaza happens, world leadership will again stand silent, say nothing, and do nothing, because they know they are dealing with a self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.
Israel demolishes homes and classroom in West Bank village
The Guardian
In a bleak but beautiful landscape of undulating stony hills I watched a group of Palestinian schoolchildren take their lessons yesterday in the open air next to a heap of rubble that, until this week, was their classroom...
UN agency condemns Arab home demolitions in Jerusalem
The UN relief agency UNRWA has condemned Israel's demolition of homes in East Jerusalem, up 45% this year.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Oh yeah? And just what do you think you can do about it as long as the Americans and their bombs are our slaves?" -- Tel Aviv
Israeli army massing on Gaza border
Israel Prepares Major Offensive against Gaza: Hopes of Gaza Cast in Lead
Against this background, the escalation of violence along the Gaza/Israel border should set off alarm bells around the world and at the United Nations.
Israel in recent days has been launching severe air strikes against targets within the Gaza Strip, including near the civilian-crowded refugee camp of Khan Younis, killing several Palestinians and wounding others.
Supposedly, these attacks are in retaliation for nine mortar shells that fell on open territory, causing neither damage nor injury. Israel also had been using lethal force against children from Gaza, who were collecting gravel from the buffer zone for the repair of their homes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is what Israel has become in the 21st century: a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.
Israel is laying the political groundwork for an escalation of attacks on the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, the prime minister in the Hamas-led government, said Wendesday.
Israeli minister warns of new offensive against Gaza
An Israeli cabinet minister has given warning of a fresh military offensive in Gaza after Palestinian militants in the territory launched the most sustained barrage of rocket and mortar fire in 18 months.
'Israel to use all means in next Gaza war'
"We have less performance constraints there than in other areas, and we will not hesitate to use the many tools in our possession," the commander of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Gaza Division, Brigadier General Eyal Eisenberg, said about possible Israeli offensives on the coastal sliver.
The next war would be a "more painful, complex, and powerful round," he was quoted as saying by Israeli website Ynetnews on Friday.
Eisenberg was among the top military brass to command the Operation Cast Lead, the codename for Israeli army's onslaught on Gaza at the turn of 2009. According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), the Israeli act of aggression killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, including 313 children and 116 women.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported this morning at:
"UN Council Condemns Cast Lead"
"The United Nations Human Rights Council voted Monday to condemn Israel's Cast Lead operation in Gaza. The council ruled that the operation had caused “massive violations of human rights of the Palestinian people.”
"Of the forty-seven states in the HRC, 33 voted for the resolution, 13 abstained, and Canada objected to the resolution. The resolution was supported by Arab, African and Latin American countries, while European countries decided not to vote."
For Eisenberg to make these comments in advance of the UN Human Rights Council finding telegraphs that Israel is planning to annihilate the Gazan people, and he believes no one can or will do anything to stop it.
Israel launches strikes, warns on Gaza
Israel launched retaliatory air strikes on the Gaza Strip Thursday hours after its top soldier warned troops to be prepared for possible "wider action" on the enclave's volatile border.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said the strikes were aimed at three separate targets, two of which Gaza militants confirmed were sites they used for training. No casualties were reported.
The air strikes were launched overnight after a mortar fired by Gaza militants wounded an Israeli man at a farm.
Israel ended 38 years of Gaza occupation in 2005 but it began blockading the strip in 2007 after Hamas Islamists hostile to the Jewish state seized power from Palestinians prepared to negotiate peace with Israel.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Please remember: Hamas did not seize power from the Palestinians: they were elected, fair and square, by a population disgusted Fatah!
Of course, that was not the outcome the Israeli government wanted, so they quickly began a siege of Gaza, not for security reasons, but because they thought by starving Gazans outright, they could change the political landscape.
Israeli tanks take part in deadly Gaza Strip raid
Israeli tanks have entered the northern Gaza Strip, sparking fighting that killed one Palestinian and injured two.
AFP news agency reported that seven tanks had made a limited incursion 200m into Palestinian territory on Tuesday, sparking a shootout with militants.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Militant" = Anyone who objects to having a tank run through their living room.
Teenager killed as Israeli tanks enter Gaza
Israeli tanks on Tuesday entered the Gaza Strip, sparking fighting that killed a 17-year-old Palestinian and injured three others.
Israel tanks enter northern Gaza Strip: Hamas
Seven Israeli tanks entered the northern part of the Gaza Strip, near the town of Beit Hanun, on Tuesday, witnesses and members of the Hamas-run security forces said.
The tanks, which entered around 400 metres (yards) into the Palestinian territory, were accompanied by a bulldozer, but it was unclear whether a demolition was planned.
Israel has often demolished structures and cleared land along Gaza's border with the Jewish state, citing security concerns.
Israeli air strikes kill five Palestinians in Gaza
Today's air strikes come after Israeli fighter jets attacked the Gaza Strip early morning yesterday in a coordinated assault on Khan Younis in the south and Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun, Jabaliya refugee camp and Zeitoun in the north, according to a report from Al-Jazeera English ("Israeli fighter jets attack Gaza," 21 December 2010).
Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza twice overnight
Israel's airforce struck two areas in the Gaza Strip overnight, in what a statement said was a "response to this morning's firing of a Qassam Rocket," which allegedly hit outside Ashkelon on Tuesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Nobody is Gaza claimed credit for launching a bottle-rocket at Israel, and so far, nobody can even find the scorch-mark where it supposedly hit.
Israeli jets bomb Gaza as tanks line up
Israeli warplanes have bombed many targets in the besieged Gaza Strip, damaging several buildings and injuring two Palestinians.
Tensions Rise as Israel Strikes Gaza Refugee Camps
Tensions are on the rise again in the Gaza Strip after Israeli attacks on two refugee camps left at least two civilians wounded. Israel insisted the attacks were “retaliation” for rocket fire from the strip.
Israel insisted the attacks on the refugee camps were aimed at targeting Hamas and that they blame Hamas for the rocket fire, even though officials have repeatedly conceded that Hamas is not the ones firing the rockets and are indeed struggling to prevent such fire by their rivals
Webmaster's Commentary:
So let me get this straight: Israel is indiscriminately bombing a refugee camp and wounding civilians in alleged "retaliation" for alleged rocket fire Israeli officials concede Hamas didn't start?!?
Double Israeli airstrikes wound 2 in Gaza
Israel reports hitting targets in Gaza
The Israeli spokesman said the military targeted a "terror-activity center" in northern Gaza and a "weapons manufacturing facility" in central Gaza. He confirmed direct hits on both targets.
A security official for Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that controls Gaza, said the northern strike hit an airfield that Hamas uses for military training. The second strike hit an old house in central Gaza, he said.
Israeli raids claim lives in Gaza
Two Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air raids in the Gaza Strip, medics and security sources say. Another person has been critically injured.
The Israeli army launched three raids in the south of Gaza on Saturday after Palestinian fighters fired a rocket over the border.
The flare-up of violence on the Israel-Gaza border came just two days after the relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the US.
Webmaster's Commentary:
How marvelously convenient for Israel, which does not want peace, but wants territory by any means necessary!
Israeli tanks roll into Gaza Strip
According to Hamas security officials, six Israeli tanks crossed into the area and one of them fired shells at a house near the town of Khan Yunis on Tuesday, Reuters reported.
In return, Palestinians fired mortars toward the Israelis, wounding two soldiers.
Palestinian hospital officials say 15 people were wounded in overnight Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.
Officials at the hospital in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza say 15 people, mostly civilians, were injured when Israeli warplanes targeted a Hamas training camp in the area.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder how many women and kids were injured in this military operation.
IDF bombs Gaza tunnel, weapons cache
The army explained that the attack was a response to the firing of rockets and mortar shells into Israel in the past two weeks, saying it viewed Hamas as solely responsible for the situation in Gaza.
On Monday, the Color Red alert systems detected a rocket fired at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. There were no reports of injuries or damage. Residents were ordered to enter fortified rooms and reported of a faint explosion sound.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Now that France has joined Venezuela, Uruguay, and Brazil in recognizing the state of Palestine with its 1967 borders, expect Israel to escalate the program to eradicate the Palestinians.
Today's attack was unprovoked.
Why would any Palestinian, just as the world starts to recognize Palestine as a nation, commit an act Israel could use to justify renewed attacks in Gaza? The answer is, no Palestinian would do that. Israel would. And the proof is simple. There were no injuries or damage from this "HAMAS rocket attack." The public reported hearing a sound. That's all. It's a fake.
"By way of deception..."
Air raid targets southern Gaza
The armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said its members clashed with Israeli forces near the Kisufim gate east of Khan Younis after shooting an Israeli soldier. leading to the aerial raid.
An Israeli military spokesman confirmed that aerial vehicles struck a building in central Gaza "where armed militants were hiding. They were suspected of planning to fire at IDF forces and attempting to plant an explosive device earlier today.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the Israeli government is so desperately trying to justify these strikes that they are resorting to alleged Palestinian "thought crimes", where people are "... suspected of planning to fire at IDF forces"?!?
Israeli warplanes fired on multiple sites in the central Gaza Strip Thursday,witnesses said.
La Grande-Bretagne craignait qu'Israël n'utilise l'arme atomique
Agence France-Presse
Les diplomates britanniques craignaient en 1980, sous le gouvernement de Margaret Thatcher, qu'Israël n'utilise la bombe atomique en cas de conflit avec ses voisins arabes, selon des télégrammes diplomatiques rendus publics jeudi, après la levée du secret défense.
Ces documents, qui comprennent des télégrammes de l'ambassade britannique à Tel Aviv, montrent qu'en dépit de la paix signée avec l'Egypte l'année précédente, les diplomates britanniques étaient inquiets d'un usage éventuel de l'arme atomique par Israël.
«La situation se dégrade dans la région, et s'accompagne d'un sentiment croissant d'isolation et de méfiance d'Israël», mettait en garde le 4 mai un télégramme de l'ambassade britannique.
«S'ils (Israël) risquent d'être détruits, ils contre-attaqueront cette fois. Ils seront prêts à utiliser leur arme atomique. Parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas mener une guerre longue, il devraient l'utiliser au début», poursuit le télégramme.
Israël n'a jamais confirmé ou démenti avoir des têtes nucléaires.
Les documents publiés jeudi montrent aussi que Margaret Thatcher, devenue Premier ministre l'année précédente, trouvait la diplomatie au Proche Orient exaspérante. Elle a confié au Président français Valéry Giscard d'Estaing qu'elle «n'avait jamais eu d'interlocuteur plus difficile» que le Premier ministre israélien Menahem Begin.
Elle a aussi tenté de convaincre Begin que sa politique de colonisation dans les territoires occupés était «irréaliste» et «absurde».
«Sa réponse était que la Judée et la Samarie étaient juives dans les temps bibliques, et qu'elles devraient l'être aujourd'hui», a-t-elle confié à Giscard.
Mais la Dame de fer était aussi sourde aux arguments de ses conseillers selon lesquels l'OLP ne devait pas être perçue «purement comme une organisation terroriste», mais aussi comme un mouvement politique.
«Cette analyse ne tient pas debout. Elle est pleine de contradictions», avait-elle gribouillé en marge d'une note diplomatique.
US Pressure Triggers Collapse of Lebanese Government
Washington has repeatedly made it clear that it would view a Hezbollah-led coalition assuming power in Lebanon as a direct threat to its strategic interests in the region and would likely respond with a concerted destabilization campaign, if not outright military aggression.
It appears that the US administration is banking on Al-Hariri being able to maintain himself in power indefinitely as an acting prime minister in a “caretaker” government.
The Israeli military, meanwhile, announced that it has placed its forces on the Lebanese border on a state of high alert.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If a provocation comes at Israel's northern border with Lebanon, I would almost be willing to bet that it will not come from Hezbullah, which has everything to lose and nothing to gain from another Israeli incursion into Lebanon.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton preemptively torpedoed negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Syria by telling "Saudi King Abdullah and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri that the U.S. would reject any settlement at the expense of the UN tribunal." (Tehran Times) Clinton knew that the Saudi-Syria team was close to a "breakthrough" that would have resolved contentious issues related to the investigation of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. She could not allow that to happen because it would derail the US/Israeli plan for regime change and another Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Hizbullah is supported by both Iran and Syria. Syria and Iran do have a mutual defense pact.
This may well be Israel's ploy; to attack Lebanon, have Hizbullah counter-attack, bring in Syria and Iran, and then the US has to strike Iran and Syria due to our defense treaties with Israel.
However, there is one issue that seems to get no real coverage in Israeli or US news outlets, and that is the following: Russia and China may well join the fray on the side of Iran, and both countries, and both countries are nuclear armed.
Hezbollah Resigns: Lebanese Government Collapses As Political Party Pulls Out
Lebanon's national unity government has collapsed after Hezbollah ministers and their allies resigned over a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the assassination of Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
The state-run National News Agency announced Wednesday that 11 ministers were stepping down from the 30-member Cabinet headed by Western-backed Saad Hariri, the slain prime minister's son.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder, with the Lebanese government in chaos, if this is the time Israel will choose for another invasion of Lebanon.
Arab League: Lebanon at risk of civil war
Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa called on Lebanon's political leaders Wednesday to "act calmly and wisely" in the wake of the local government's collapse, warning that the country faces the risk of civil war.
Moussa urged Lebanese leaders to "leave room for dialogue between the two sides, so that Lebanon will be able to avoid tensions and tragedies which won't be of use to anyone but its enemies." He stressed that "the Arab League supports Arab efforts invested in extricating Lebanon from the dangers of civil war and the deterioration to political and security disputes which will harm Lebanese interests."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Let's hope cooler heads prevail in this.
Any instability will give the Israeli government their "justification" to re-invade Lebanon, and this time, they will go all the way to the Litani River, because they so desperately need the water.
14 Israeli jets breach Lebanon airspace
Lebanon's army says 14 Israeli war planes have breached the country's airspace in a flagrant violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution.
Shami: Israel Violated of Lebanon’s Sovereignty 7,000 Times in 2010
Lebanon Foreign Minister Ali Shami uncovered in remarks published Thursday by the Kuwaiti daily al-Anbaa that Israel had committed 7,000 violations of Lebanese sovereignty in 2010.
"Concerns in Lebanon today are due to Israeli intervention," Shami said. Shami, nonetheless, voiced optimism over reaching a solution to the Lebanon crisis by Syria and Saudi Arabia.
The United Nations on Wednesday declined Lebanon's request to protect the country's natural gas reserves by demarcating its maritime border with Israel.
Six Israeli warplanes fly over Lebanon
Six Israeli military aircraft have penetrated Lebanese airspace again and have flown over parts of the country in violation of a UN Security Council resolution.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yep. As soon as Israel started waving the holocaust around, I knew they were looking to attack somebody.
Israeli troops cross into Lebanon
A statement released by the Lebanese army on Wednesday said that an Israeli patrol has crossed into the southern village of Rmeish and abducted a Lebanese shepherd.
"In a flagrant assault on residents of southern Lebanon, enemy troops crossed the technical fence south of the village of Rmeish and kidnapped a Lebanese man, whom they took back into the occupied territories," the statement said.
'Israeli troops open fire on Lebanon'
The machinegun fire came from Israeli positions near Shebaa Farms on the border between Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian land on Wednesday, dpa reported.
According to the source, the Wednesday shooting came from Israeli troops stationed in al-Sammaqa and Rwaisat al-Alam positions. No casualties have been reported.
UN sources said that they were checking the latest shooting on Lebanon by Israeli troops.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Starting another war in Lebanon will most likely bring in Syria and Iran, and the conflict could spread across the region like a wildfire, out of control.
Israeli warplanes over Lebanon
Six Israeli warplanes have penetrated the Lebanese airspace again and flew over parts of the country in flagrant violation of a UN Security Council resolution.
The Israeli aircrafts crossed into Lebanese airspace over the southern border village of Kfar Kila at 9:30 a.m. local time (0630 GMT) on Tuesday and conducted several unwarranted flights above southern Lebanon as well as the capital Beirut, a Press TV correspondent in Beirut cited a statement released by the Lebanese military.
Israel violates Lebanon's airspace on an almost daily basis, claiming they serve surveillance purposes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel appears to be hell-bent on reigniting a war against Lebanon, which could, given the number of defense pacts within the region, (and outside, as in the 30 billion dollar defense pact the US has with Israel) go regional if not global.
Israel threatens war with Lebanon
- by Stephen Lendman
Besides bordering on Israel, Lebanon's resources make it vulnerable, namely its water and natural gas reserves, one reason for the 2006 war, South Lebanon to the Litani River especially important. Also the Wazzini springs feeding into the Hasbani River tributary of the Jordan River. It flows into Israel two miles downstream from the Wazzini, then into the Sea of Galilee that's Israel's largest fresh water source.
Israel covets the 20-mile stretch from its border to the Litani to use Lebanese water for its own needs, a considerable supply if controlled, besides what's gotten from Golan, seized from Syria in 1967 and still held.
The Tamar and Leviathan offshore natural gas fields are also key, located off Israel's north coast and Southern Lebanon. Tamar contains an estimated 8.5 trillion cubic feet supply, Leviathan another 16 trillion, and on August 29, Israel National News.com said it may hold four billion or more barrels of oil, making it a richer than ever prize.
The London-based Lebanese newspaper As-Safir said if Israel attempts to siphon gas from Lebanese waters, conflict could result. The paper's Israel affairs analyst, Hilmi Mousa, said Leviathan "lies mostly off Lebanese shores and in international waters between the sea border of Palestine (and Cyprus waters). However, Israel received a guarantee from Britain, which has no rights in Palestine, to search for oil in the area near the Lebanese shores. The map of deposits, as published in the Israeli economic papers, shows the scope of the deviation into Lebanon's international waters," ones Lebanon surely will protect.
Yet Mousa headlined, "Israel preparing to steal gas fields in Lebanon's waters," saying doing so "will quickly turn into a new conflict (in which) Lebanon....will defend its rights in the water." Other sites include Rut and Alon, also off Lebanese shores or in areas far from Israel. The situation bears watching given the possibility that Israel may attack Lebanon and Hezbollah, needing or inventing a pretext to do it, an old trick it may use again, Lebanon perhaps the next target.
Israeli troops fire shots at Lebanon border: army
AFP - September 20, 2010
"Lebanese soldiers were working at their positions in the Dhayra area when Israeli soldiers fired in the air above their heads," the spokesman said on condition of anonymity.
"The Lebanese army did not respond, and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) intervened to contain the situation," he said, adding that "the situation has not yet been resolved."
Israeli Enemy Violates Lebanon Airspace Again
Israeli spy planes have again violated Lebanon's sovereignty, conducting overflights amid increasing tension between the two sides.
According to an army statement, an Israeli reconnaissance plane on Saturday entered southern Lebanon, loitering around for some time.
Israeli soldiers cross Lebanese border
Lebanon says an Israeli patrol has violated its border, crossing into its territory in the disputed area of Kfar Shuba.
"A patrol of eight enemy (Israeli) soldiers crossed the line of withdrawal at the town of Kfar Shuba in an attempt to abduct a shepherd," AFP quoted Neeraj Singh, a Lebanese army spokesman, on Thursday.
Neeraj said the shepherd managed to escape the attempt but the Israeli soldiers crossed 20 meters (22 yards) into the UN-drawn Blue Line border.
Israel rattles saber in south Lebanon
Israel continued to conduct mock air raids in the skies over Lebanon on Friday as the world awaited the findings of a United Nations investigation into the clash that killed four people along the Blue Line.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Wait a minute: Israel is still doing incursions into Lebanese air space?!?
Where the heck is UNFIL when something like this happens, and what are they gong to do about it?!?
Israeli provocation on Lebanese border could trigger new war
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel's official response is that the IDF were on "Israeli territory" and that the Lebanese forces attacked without provocation.
But the photography tells the true story, with Israel clearly violating Lebanon's borders.
Netanyahu: Lebanon Ambush a 'Violent Provocation'
Webmaster's Commentary:
Okay, let us recap...
This road represents the border between Israel (to the right) and Lebanon (to the left). This is the border as defined by the United Nations following the last invasion of Lebanon by Israel. Israel has every legal right to so whatever they wish to their side of that border (the land stretching off the right side of the frame). They have no legal right to do anything at all to the land or trees on the Lebanese side of the border without permission. And, Lebanon informed Israel, twice, that Lebanon would not allow Israel to remove or otherwise alter the trees on Lebanon's side of the border. Israel went ahead and did so anyway, uprooting a tree on the Lebanese side of the border, supposedly because it blocked the view of a surveillance camera.
The reports are that the Lebanese military fired warning shots over the heads of the Israelis, and the Israelis retaliated with gun and artillery fire. Five people are dead, three Lebanese military, a reporter and one Israeli officer.
The point is that this is hardly an "Ambush." The Israelis knew they were someplace they were not supposed to be, and that the Lebanese military knew they were there and had refused permission for Israel to remove the tree. It was a provocation, and Netanyahu calling it am ambush is the usual Israeli attempt at blaming the victim in order to avoid responsibility for their own behavior.
Report: Israel planned military op following border incident
Israel planned on launching a large-scale military operation in response to the border incident between the Israel Defense Forces and the Lebanese Army which killed Lieutenant-Colonel Dov Harari, the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reported.
According to the report, Defense Minister Ehud Barak informed French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner about the plan, which was eventually withdrawn following pressure by US, French, Egyptian and other Arab state officials.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the tree incident was indeed staged to justify an already-planned military attack by Israel into Lebanon.
Israeli Navy fires on Lebanese fishing boat
In response to the incident, the Lebanese army issued a statement in which it claimed that Israel “continues to violate UN Resolution 1701,” although no specifics were given.
While the incident was comparatively minor, it came less than a week after a flare-up on the northern border between the LAF and the IDF left an Israeli officer and three Lebanese soldiers dead.
US Outraged as Iran Offers to Replace Military Aid to Lebanon
The US State Department has reacted with outrage today after the Iranian government offered to provide military aid to Lebanon to make up for what was lost when the US pulled all such aid yesterday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"But, but, but, we yanked Lebanon's funding that so Israel would have an easy time stealing the Litani river!!!!! And now you're just messing it up for us!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
All kidding aside, this is another example of a totally failed foreign policy in service to Israel. Sanctions have driven Iran into the Russian-Chinese sphere of influence. Support for Israel has alienated the US from the rest of the Middle East. Trying to set Lebanon up as an sacrificial lamb for Israel has driven Lebanon into alliance with Iran, meaning Russia and China. The attack on the aid fleet lost Turkey as an ally in the coming attack on Iran. All of this may please the masters in mighty Israel, but it is a cluster-fuck for the US. Along with the EU, servitude to Israel is isolating us from the rest of the world. The stage is set for WW3. Enjoy the pretty flashes of light.
Israel jets, drone enter Lebanon airspace
Four Israeli warplanes and one spy drone have illegally flown over Lebanon's airspace in the third day of provocative violations of the country's sovereignty.
VINDICATION AFTER 30 YEARS! - Viking Found Organics on Mars, Experiment Confirms
More than 30 years after NASA's Viking landers found no evidence for organic materials on Mars, scientists say a new experiment on Mars-like soil shows Viking did, in fact, hit pay dirt.
The new study was prompted by the August 2008 discovery of powerful oxygen-busting compounds known as perchlorates at the landing site of another Mars probe called Phoenix.
Scientists repeated a key Viking experiment using perchlorate-enhanced soil from Chile's Atacama Desert, which is considered one of the driest and most Mars-like places on Earth, and found telltale fingerprints of combusted organics -- the same chemicals Viking scientists dismissed as contaminants from Earth.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Well, I hate to say I told you so .... no, actually, I rather like it. And in this case I deserve a good gloat, and I shall not be denied. :)
Back in 1976 the Viking Landers carried two different experiments to detect life. The first took a sample of Martian soil and dropped it into a generic nutrient solution tagged with a radioactive isotope and waited for radioactive gas to be released by metabolic processes. This experiment showed a positive result for a while, then the reaction faded away. The second experiment was an organic mass spectrometer that heated a sample of Martian soil to cause large organic molecules to leave the soil and be drawn into a mass spectrometer, but unlike the inorganic mass spectrometer the heat was kept low enough to not cause the molecules themselves to come apart. This experiment returned a negative for the organic molecules it was designed to detect.
NASA was faced with one positive and one negative result, and the positive result appeared to be fading. Most of us sitting at those consoles were convinced the positive needed to be given priority.
NASA was under a huge amount of public pressure over the issue of life on Mars. In particular the Buy-bull bangers were adamant that there could not possibly be life on Mars because the Bible did not mention it, and life on other planets meant Earth was not special in the eyes of whatever gods were being prayed to. Some of the controllers were getting death threats from fanatics like the Children of God. The post-Apollo "New" NASA was already entrenched. The scientists with the PhDs were no longer in control, but political appointees with MBAs ran the show, and so a political decision was made to ignore the positive result, rely on the negative, and declare that Viking had not found any life on Mars at all. That placated the masses at what we all felt was the expense of the truth.
That was then and this is now. And even before today's announcement, other scientists had confirmed that our results did indeed show evidence of life. We did it, we got there first, and because Viking was sterilized prior to launch, what we found is unquestionably indigenous to Mars; something later probes can never be certain of since probes after Viking were not sterilized. I wag my finger mightily at the "New" NASA management and at the buy-bull bangers they knuckled under to. The forces that would take us back to the Dark Ages in a world lit only by fire and ruled by myths and legends of gods and demons were flat-out wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! They should stick to molesting children and leave the science to the rational humans.
NASA'S decision to allow politics to trump the science is why NASA lost two shuttles and is today caught in the lies of the Climategate scandal.
It has been thirty years. Today we are vindicated.
China to launch 1st Mars probe in 2013
Tritium Leak; Source Not Located
Threats to our water supply are popping up like crazy throughout America.
Of course the very corporations or government agencies responsible for polluting toxic waste will never admit it. They just want you to go back to sleep, “move along, there is nothing to see here.”
The Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth will start using chemical dyes this month to try and discover the origin of high levels of the radioactive isotope tritium in an onsite monitoring well….
Nuclear Testing
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998.
Nuclear waste piles up with no disposal plan
WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of tons of potentially lethal radioactive waste have been piling up across the nation for more than a generation, but the federal government has yet to decide how to get rid of it permanently.
After axing a multibillion-dollar plan to bury the waste beneath Yucca Mountain, Nev., President Barack Obama has asked an expert panel to recommend alternatives.
But the panel's report isn't due until January 2012. And the group's recommendations aren't binding on the White House or Congress.
In short, the country's political leaders are no closer to a safe, permanent disposal plan for nuclear waste than they were a generation ago, when nuclear power became widespread and the Cold War was in full swing.
The nation's accumulated 70,000 tons of extremely radioactive, "high level" waste — uranium and plutonium — has sat in "temporary" storage in 35 states since at least the 1950s.
Changements climatiques:
Europol Arrests More Than 100 In Carbon Trading Fraud
!!! UPDATE: Read the Europol Press Release here !!!
- Estimated 5 billion euros in damage for European taxpayers
- Massive fraud involving criminal networks / Middle East
Here’s more proof that trading of CO2 emission certificates is fraught with fraud and attracts seedy criminal organizations – all costing the consumers and taxpayers billions.
The Austrian online Kleine Zeitung here reports that Europol have raided an elaborate CO2 emissions scam in Italy and have arrested more than 100 persons. The Kleine Zeitung writes: “The damage runs in the billions of euros”.
According to Europol, the Italian tax authorities, directed by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office, have raided 150 companies in Italy. The fraud involves evasion of value added tax with CO2 emission certificates. More than 100 have been arrested and are suspected of being involved in organised crime.
The Kleiner Zeitung reports that the Italian Electric Utilities trading markets had earlier suspended entire trading with emissions certificates “because a high number of suspicious transactions”. The loss in tax revenue just from VAT (MTIC (Missing Trader IntraCommunity Fraud) alone is estimated to be 500 million euros, the online Kleine Zeitung writes.
The fraud is widespread
According to reports, it’s been known since June of last year that criminal organizations have been using CO2-emissions trading for defrauding governments of value added tax.
This is not the first time that police raids of this scale have taken place. It’s the latest in a series of raids that have been carried out all over Europe this year, all involving the trading of CO2 emission certificates. It seems the authorities just can’t keep up with the swindlers out there.
Norway, Switzerland and the EU countries Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic and Portugal are all among the countries trying to identify the network of criminals behind this massive fraud – a fraud with links to criminal networks operating outside the EU and in other continents, like the Middle East.
2500 investigators – trying to identify! That’s a lot of fraud. The fraud has spread from science to finance. Expect a meltdown – sooner than later.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Notice how they name the actual nations involved in the scam ... until they get to the middle east ... then the naming of actual countries suddenly stops ...
Denmark robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal
Denmark Gives Away $7B USD, or 2% of GDP to Carbon Credit Traders
The Danish tax authority has been robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal that has rocked the market for carbon off sets: while the story saw some press a year ago, significantly higher losses have since been reported and the MSM has ignored the story.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And what did Denmark get for 2% of their GDP on carbon credits?
Personally, were I the judge, I would hang the bastards. Slowly. On piano wire. As a deterrent to future Al Gore wannabes.
“Please Pay the Climate Change Tax On Your Children”
Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being…… They should pay 5,000 dollars (4,400 US) a head for each extra child and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter”
More from the IPCC’s green doctor.
This is a follow-up to my earlier article on Professor David Shearman, MD, of Adelaide University, and ‘expert reviewer’ for the IPCC.
Professor Shearman also has an article on the website of the organization Doctors for the Environment Australia (which he is president of), in which he worries that the ideal of behavior modification pursued by most global warming activists is largely negated by the fact that today’s generation has been raised in a liberal democracy, and therefore simply will not do as it is told:
We have brought up our children in overt liberal democracy. However all the evidence suggests that we will not curb rising emissions of the basis of behaviour modification alone. We are going to need enforced rules whether at the collective level through carbon trade with penalties OR at the individual level. Eventually society will have to choose between absolute individual liberty and life.
The first step to overcoming this obstacle, Professor Shearman writes, is persuading the governments of the world that curtailing the right to have children is an absolutely essential part of the fight against global warming. He quotes a letter in to the Medical Journal of Australia which notes that
Every newborn baby in Australia represents a potent source of greenhouse gas emissions for an average of 80 years, not simply by breathing, but by the profligate consumption of resources typical of our society
Barry N J Walters, Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetric Medicine, Department of Women’s and Infants’ Health, University of Western Australia, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth, WA.
What’s deeply worrying here is the reply given by the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia, which agrees with the spirit and demand of the letter, and calls for ‘a second ecological revolution’:
Read here. A new peer-reviewed study finds little, if any, causal relationship between increased fossil fuel CO2 emissions and global warming. This lack of empirical evidence is of no real surprise to skeptics, and probably is the best explanation as to why climate agencies across the world have been forced to fabricate fake global warming.
This study also indicates why the IPCC's global climate models consistently fail: the models assume human CO2 causes global warming, which this study finds to be false.
"The main conclusion one arrives at the analysis is that CO2 has not a causal relation with global warming and it is not powerful enough to cause the historical changes in temperature that were observed. The main argument is the absence of immediate correlation between CO2 changes preceding temperature either for global or local changes.....The anthropogenic wasting of fossil fuel CO2 to the atmosphere shows no relation with the temperature changes even in an annual basis. The absence of immediate relation between CO2 and temperature is evidence that rising its mix ratio in the atmosphere will not imply more absorption and time residence of energy over the Earth surface.....The main implication is that temperature increase predictions based on CO2 driving models are not reliable." [Paulo Cesar Soares 2010: International Journal of Geosciences]
Full Text (PDF, 1794KB) PP.102-112 DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2010.13014
Area Of Thick Arctic Ice Has Doubled In The Last Two Years
US Navy PIPS data shows that the area of ice greater than 2.5 metres thick – has doubled since the same date in 2008.
Hundreds of new cold and snow records set in the USA
While there have been a few high temperature records in the desert southwest and western Oregon, the majority of weather records in the USA this week have been for cold, snowfall, or rainfall. The biggest number of records have to do with the lowest maximum temperature.
Brace yourselves for a 'mini ice age': This winter set to be coldest in 300 YEARS
If you thought last week was as cold as you could bear it, brace yourself. Forecasters say the worst is yet to come, and this winter could be the harshest since the Thames froze over more than three centuries ago.
Temperatures for December are the coldest on record, with the average reading close to minus 1c – almost six degrees below normal.
And with forecasters warning that this winter’s ‘mini ice age’ might last until mid-March, this winter could be the worst since 1683-84 when a fair was held on the Thames.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.
Piers Corbyn Winters will be Coldest for Centuries - video
Piers Corbyn has suddenly been appearing in all the International media as the sole forecaster "who got it right" about our current weather patterns.
Here he responds to the question; "Is the Earth entering a climatic phase unseen for centuries?
Looking at the NCEP forecasts for the third week in January, it appears that essentially the entire planet will have below normal temperatures (including Canada.) Much of it far below normal.
This is what they expected from all the warm oceans, trapped heat, missing ice and snow – and the hottest year ever.
Oh No, Not Another Ice Age
Yes, but how can that be? Global warming is in full swing so how can an Ice Age creep or crash in on us? If you are really paying attention to what is happening all around us in the world you will see the shaping story and a tragedy of staggering proportions. Most everything is pointing away from the concept of global warming, everything but the mainstream media and the corporate tyrants that rule it.
There is no doubt that the global climate is undergoing dramatic changes of ‘biblical’ proportion. And the evidence is mounting and human experience is shouting that it’s the cold that will bury us not the heat. You think it’s cold and snowy now in the northern hemisphere? Piers Corbyn from the above video predicts it will just keep getting colder for the next 20 to 30 years.
Last Three Days : 297 Record Low Temperatures
Record lows are outpacing record highs by more than ten to one. Using Rommulan logic, that proves global cooling.
Snow on the ground in 49 out of 50 U.S. states
Get out the toboggans and winter gloves: There's snow on the ground in 49 out of 50 U.S. states - including Hawaii.
The only state that isn't at least partially a winter wonderland today is Florida, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The agency estimates that 70.9 percent of the country is currently covered by snow.
"It's not typical," NWS public affairs officer James Peronto told LiveScience. The National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center, which tracks snowfall, doesn't keep statistics on the average snow cover, Peronto said. However, in December, an average of 35 percent of the United States had snow on the ground.
FYI, it has snowed in Florida this winter!
Florida's freeze wipes out thousands of acres of agriculture
Plan on paying more for fruits and vegetables over the next couple of months.
Florida's freezes wiped out thousands of acres worth of agriculture and millions of cases of food...
National Guard Deployed in Mass.
Due to a massive snowstorm sweeping the northeast, blizzard conditions and the potential for danger; the National Guard has been deployed in Massachusetts as of Wednesday afternoon.
Patrick Deval the governor of Mass. has declared a state of emergency.
At least 250 National Guard troops have been deployed to the region.
A local source also reported power outages.
Blizzard 2010 Timelapse Video: New Jersey & Minnesota
VIDEO - Canon DLSR on tripod with remote timer taking a photo once every five minutes. Approximately 20 hours in 40 seconds.
This is madness - New Jersey might be worse than Minnesota...
Snowpocalypse: New York digs itself out of the snow, but travel delays continue (28 Pics)
More travel chaos is expected in the US northeast after hundreds of flights were cancelled and the region dug out from what what some are calling "Snowpocalypse." The frustration for travellers remains after one of the biggest blizzards in years. The system, packing enormous snowfalls and gales, left piles of snow as deep as 80 centimetres (32 inches). Airlines have resumed limited service, but some 800 flights were cancelled on Tuesday, mostly in the New York area.
Many streets remain unploughed in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn
Wind-Driven Snow Blankets East Coast, Snarls Air, Ground Travel
New York City’s major airports resumed operations after the heaviest December snowfall in six decades left travelers in the Northeast struggling amid waist- high drifts and blizzard winds.
The city’s Central Park had 20 inches (51 centimeters) of snow by 8 a.m., the most for the month since 1948, the National Weather Service said. Skies cleared over New York by daybreak as the agency issued blizzard warnings for Boston and into Maine.
The storm forced airlines to cancel more than 6,000 flights since yesterday, when airports began to close. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International and Newark Liberty airports opened tonight for outgoing traffic.
Dangerous Blizzard to Slam Philadelphia to Boston
A storm system off the Northeast Coast will unleash a paralyzing blizzard along a vast swath of the I-95 corridor today.
The storm is no joke and threatens to shut down major highways in the region and could close some major airports, creating a nightmare for those souls heading home after the Christmas holiday.
People will get stranded on highways and at airports in this storm.
Webmaster's Commentary:
We are under a thunderstorm as I type these words, our fourth in a week. This is an unusually high incidence of such storms which means there is a greater amount of ice in the upper atmosphere, a requirement for the creation of lightning.
Eastern US braced for winter storm
A swathe of the US eastern seaboard is braced for an intensifying winter storm that is dumping heavy snow as it sweeps north.
Hundreds of flights have been cancelled and severe weather warnings are in place from Georgia to Vermont as temperatures continue to plummet.
Blizzards dropping up to 1ft (31cm) of snow are expected to hit New York and parts of New England.
South Carolina had its first Christmas snow since records began in 1887.
Snow storm bears down on Mid-Atlantic, Northeast
(*Boston)State of Emergency Declared in Advance of Storm
Gov. Patrick: 'We are ready,' for massive snowfall.
"We expect blizzard conditions," said Patrick. "We are ready."
Flights out of Logan International Airport have been cancelled, so Christmas weekend travelers are being urged to check with their airlines before heading to the airport.
"The snow will be wet and heavy, the temperatures will be at or below freezing, and winds will be high," said Patrick. "These are conditions that pose a substantial risk of power outages."
State Of Emergency in North Carolina, NJ and Mass. National Guard Called In
North Carolina leaders have declared a State of Emergency for the entire state as winter weather is expected to bring significant snowfall to the Triangle region.
A State of Emergency declaration enables the governor or lieutenant governor to mobilize resources to respond to storm related issues
34 soldiers reported on Christmas evening to armories in Butner, Rocky Mount, Elizabeth City, Winterville and Mount Olive, North Carolina. They are set to provide transportation, recovery or other missions in the emergency response.
Blizzard unleashing fury on New York, New England
A blizzard bearing down on the northeastern United States on Sunday led officials to declare weather emergencies, forced the postponement of a scheduled National Football League game in Philadelphia and grounded tens of thousands of homeward-bound Christmas travelers.
Winter Blast Causes 3 Southern States to Declare Emergencies
Associated Press
ATLANTA — A blast of winter weather rolled across the South on Sunday, coating bridges and roads with snow, sleet and freezing rain and causing thousands of flight cancelations...
Unpredictable Epic Arctic Storm System to Bring Deep Freeze to the US For Much of January 2011
Global Warming in Las Vegas
Snow Closes Schools, Slows Traffic in Las Vegas
Hard freeze expected overnight in Tucson area
Snow In The Desert
Snow in the desert: Now the U.S. West Coast is hit by storms as blizzards, hurricane-strength winds and heavy rain shut roads and cut power
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1343007/The-weather-Its-prickly-subject-Now-U-S-West-Coast-hit-snow-storms-heavy-rain.html#ixzz19uA3Hz3j
Cold Causes Problems Around Western Washington
Lake Washington High School closed early on Monday because it was simply too cold inside. The Lake Washington School District said it wasn't sure if the heat would be fixed in time for classes on Tuesday.
Escorts begin on Interstate 5; snow level could drop to 1,000 feet
The California Highway Patrol began escorting cars across the Grapevine on Monday morning, but thousands remained stranded amid a snowstorm that stymied traffic between Northern and Southern California.
Even with escorts, Interstate 5 remained jammed along with other routes into the Los Angeles area. While rains will die down this afternoon, snow is expected to continue not just in the mountains but in valley locations as low as 1,000 feet, according to the National Weather Service. In fact, the Santa Clarita Valley could see an accumulation of 4 inches of snow.
163121.ME.0103.Weather.14.KDM The National Weather Service issued a hazardous weather outlook Monday for area mountains and valleys.
Bitter cold brings danger of freezing deaths
Webmaster's Commentary:
Gee, you think? We've already had a couple dozen homeless people freeze to death in Santa Barbara California. WE probably will not have a full body count until after the spring thaw next year!
Record cold in Tampa, but Carbonazis still trying to hijack comments.
Miami experiencing its coldest December in 115 years
Miami is experiencing its coldest December in 115 years, according to the local branch of the National Weather Service, where employees have exhausted their thesauruses trying to describe the anomaly.
Atlanta’s First White Christmas Since 1882
Snow, wind blasts western New Mexico
Winter Storm Hits New Mexico
January Could be Coldest for U.S. since 1980s
Winter has only just begun, and many people across the country are already sick of the cold. On the heels of a record-cold December, frigid weather will continue seizing areas from coast to coast through mid- to late January.
Based on this forecast, AccuWeather.com Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi says this month could turn out to be the coldest January for the nation as a whole since 1985.
Overnight snow makes it one of whitest of white Christmases
Record broken, broken record: Snow on way
Two weather systems next week likely to add to December snowfall.
One of the snowiest Decembers on record just keeps getting snowier as the metro area awakens Friday to several inches of new snow layered over the piles and piles of not-so-old snow.
People were still trying to figure out where to throw and blow up to 6 inches of snow that fell in the latest storm. It pushed the monthly total to 33.4 inches at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The previous December record was 33.2 inches, set in 1969.
Actually the deep snow above at Mammoth Mountain is nothing compared to the snow at one Vancouver Island ski resort, which was practically completely snowed-in. Mount Washington has been pummeled with three meters of fresh snow over a recent three-day period, burying lodges, cars, and even ski lifts.
“If you thought it was especially cold in December, it’s not just your imagination. The facts prove it, according to the National Weather Service, which announced Saturday that December 2010 set a record as the coldest December ever in Ft. Lauderdale. Miami, and Key West,” writes CBS News. It is also confirmed now that that Dec 2010 in Britain and probably West Europe, was indeed the coldest for at least a 100 years...
ICE AGE: Emerald Island Covered in White (NASA Photo of Ireland)
Jeff Schmaltz
Ireland enjoys a "temperate ocean climate" (Cfb) based on the Koopen climate classification system. Such climates normally enjoy cool, cloud-covered summers and mild winters. Ireland’s climate is also moderated by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, which flows off the western shore. Snow commonly falls only in the highest elevations; dustings may occur elsewhere a few times each year. Significant accumulations anywhere in the country are rare.
The winter of 2009-2010 was unusually cold and snowy. Called “The Big Freeze” by the British media, it brought widespread transportation problems, school closings, power failures and twenty five deaths. A low of -22.3°C (-8.1°F) was recorded on January 8, 2010, making it the coldest winter since 1978/79.
Although it has just begun, the winter of 2010-2011 threatens to be just as challenging. The earliest widespread snowfall since 1993 occurred on November 24, primarily affecting Great Britain and Scotland. Two days later snow began to cover Ireland, and the continuing severe weather has taken a toll.
Scotland braced for three feet of snow
SCOTLAND is today bracing itself for a second wave of icy weather conditions after forecasters warned a freezing snowstorm would hit tonight - bringing up to three feet of snow in some areas of the country.
Winter weather: December 'set to be coldest since 1910'
December is on course to be the coldest since records began in 1910, the BBC weather centre has said.
Christmas Day is likely to be extremely cold around the country, with overnight temperatures dropping to minus 17C at Worcester and minus 18C at Altnaharra in northern Scotland.
A severe weather warning for western Scotland is in place due to ice, BBC forecaster Liam Dutton advised.
Tuesday coldest day ever recorded in Ireland
THIS DECEMBER has been the coldest on record, with air temperatures over the first 22 days of the month falling 5 to 7 degrees below the mean average, Met Éireann has said.
Head forecaster Gerald Fleming said average daily maximum temperatures of between 2 and 5 degrees and nightly minimum temperatures of -4 to -1 degrees had been recorded at weather stations across Ireland this month.
“At all our stations thus far it has been the coldest December on record,” Mr Fleming said. “Those records in some cases go back to the mid-1850s.”
40,000 Left Without Water in Northern Ireland
Anger is mounting in Northern Ireland where some 40,000 people have been left without running water for up to eight days after pipes shattered following a deep freeze and a rapid thaw.
Big freeze presents old problem for modern boilers
British Gas records 100,000 broken boiler call-outs as extreme cold stalls even most modern condensing boilers
Freezing Brits steamed over new green boilers
Five years ago the global warming crowd and their comrades in the Labour Party mandated the use of new green technology boilers in Great Britain. Government and environmental experts said that the ‘condensing boilers’ would not only greatly reduce the consumer’s carbon footprint, but would also lower their heating bills. Saving money and saving the planet, what could be better?
The UK Daily Mail reports that during the recent record cold spell in Great Britain, tens of thousands of people were without heat due to a serious flaw in the new boiler’s design.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This whole global warming hysteria is about selling you things you do not really want, such as carbon credits that are the feedstock for Enron-like scams, global government that is already clearly fascistic, ethanol fuels that provide less power cost more and wreck your car fuel system, windmills that take more power to keep from freezing than they provide, "Green" batteries that cost more while providing less power, and now "green" heating systems that will not actually heat in the middle of a cruel winter the global warming cultists assured us was a thing of the past.
How many more times will you stand for these frauds being foisted at you before you decide enough is enough?
I am beginning to think Elizabeth Báthory had at least one good idea. Let's strip the global warming cultists naked, wet them down, lock them in an iron cage outside in the middle of Cumbria overnight, and ask them the next morning if they think the Earth is getting warmer.
Britain’s wind farms almost ground to a halt during the coldest spells in December, it has emerged.
As temperatures plunged below zero and demand for electricity soared, figures reveal that most of the country’s 3,000 wind turbines were virtually still, energy experts say.
During some of the chilliest weather, they were working at less than one-hundredth of capacity, producing electricity for fewer than 30,000 homes.
Frozen Britain: snow and ice continue to disrupt travel services across Britain
Frozen Britain: snow and ice continue to disrupt travel services across Britain
A satellite image of a snow-covered Britain taken by NASA's Terra satellite yesterday, Monday December 20, at 1322, and issued by the University of Dundee
Tuesday coldest day ever recorded in Ireland
THIS DECEMBER has been the coldest on record, with air temperatures over the first 22 days of the month falling 5 to 7 degrees below the mean average, Met Éireann has said.
Head forecaster Gerald Fleming said average daily maximum temperatures of between 2 and 5 degrees and nightly minimum temperatures of -4 to -1 degrees had been recorded at weather stations across Ireland this month.
“At all our stations thus far it has been the coldest December on record,” Mr Fleming said. “Those records in some cases go back to the mid-1850s.”
Piers Corbyn On Britains Coldest Winter in 100 Years
As the snow buries Britain under a freezing white blanket, Piers Corbyn has a lot to say about the weather forecasting in Britain, which is a good time to remember that the Head of the UK Met Office is a one time director of eco mentalists pressure group WWF.
The WWF along with Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and Oxfam are major players in the great global wealth redistribution scam, no one really calls it Climate something or other anymore.
UK's coldest December for 100 years
Temperatures regularly plunged to between -10C and -20C overnight as country hit by snowy weather, Met Office says.
2010: Another record breaking winter. So what happened to global warming?
Britain and Europe have been hit hard for the third straight record-breaking winter season. Labeled by experts as the coldest winter in 100 years and set to blow well into 2011, it is already raising some very interesting questions about the new ideological split we are witnessing throughout society in the much celebrated green debate.
Okay, Al, what's this global warming thing you have been yakking about?
ORIGINAL CAPTION: Europe hit with coldest December in 100 years; snow cancels 1,000 flights in Germany when it saw more snow than in the past 100 years with the highest snow depth since 1893. Two employees of the Frankfurt international airport walk along a passageway made by thousand of tons of snow piled up near the runway of the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. 30, 2010. (Boris Roessler / EPA)
Met Office knew big freeze was coming but hushed it up
The Met Office warned ministers to expect an ‘exceptionally cold winter’ but then kept the prediction secret from the public.
The forecaster decided not to reveal the information because it was embarrassed after wrongly predicting a ‘barbecue summer’ in 2009, BBC analyst Roger Harrabin said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It just does not get more obvious than this. Last October, when the UK Met office was predicting a mild winter, they knew they were lying to the public, in order not to undermine the COP 16 conference in Cancun with acknowledgment of the brutal winter to come.
Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.
Snowiest December in a century in Berlin
More snow has fallen on Berlin than in any December for at least a century, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). But bitter cold could soon follow the brutal start to winter.
It doesn’t get much colder than this
For those looking for a ray of good news, it is unlikely that temperatures will fall any further.
“We’re about at low as we come,” said Michael Christiansen of the Danish Meteorological Institute, “Minus 22.5 will be a pretty tough one to break.”
Carbonazis rip off Denmark for $7 billion (with a 'b')!
The Danish tax authority has been robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal that has rocked the market for carbon off sets: while the story saw some press a year ago, significantly higher losses have since been reported and the MSM has ignored the story.
Record-Breaking Snow Depth Predicted in Helsinki
Heavy fines for snow and ice on roofs
Swedish police say they will ruthlessly enforce regulations governing house owners who do not clear dangerous icicles and snow from their roofs.
They promise to slap an $18,000 fine on those who do not comply.
The fines have long been in existence but the police have not tended to apply them. However on Thursday a police team took to the streets of Stockholm in search of dangerous icicles and overloaded roofs.
House owners or appartment associations will now be given a 48-hour warning to clear their roofs - or face stiff fines.
Swedish stores out of spikes to prevent falling
Swedish stores selling spikes for shoes that give better traction on snow and ice covered sidewalks say the shelves are empty.
One tabloid newspaper traffic expert actually left his car on the road to check out the different models of spikes on the sidewalks.
His recommendation: avoid the Italian and Swedish brands and go for the rugged Norwegian - if you want to avoid ending up in those long lines at the Swedish emergency hospital clinics taking care of those broken and wounded bones from people falling on the ice.
Ice closed Öresund bridge temporarily (Southern Sweden/Denmark)
While snow returned to much of Sweden on Wednesday, the treacherous icy conditions experienced in the past few days forced the temporary closure of the Öresund bridge, which links Sweden and Denmark. Car traffic over the bridge was stopped by police for a while around lunchtime after clumps of ice began falling from the cables high up on the bridge.
Snow-clearing budgets busted (Sweden)
The constant fall of snow is costing local councils serious money - and in some areas basic materials are running out.
"We have no salt at all right now" says Lars-Göran Danielsson, head of services management at Kalmar municipality.
"Economically speaking, it's a catastrophe", says Jan-Olof Hasselborn, responsible for keeping the streets clear in Uppsala. The central Swedish town has seen its snow-clearing budget shoot from 40 million SEK to an estimated 52 million.
Jan Pettersson, department chief at the Swedish Traffic Authority, says that there could be a European-wide shortage of salt on the way. "In Sweden there is still salt so far, but the incoming supplies are starting to dry up here as well."
Coldest December in Sweden in 110 years
This means that several parts of Sweden, including the southern region Götaland and eastern Svealand, will have experienced the coldest December in at least 110 years.
Sweden deploys vintage trains to battle snow
The trains, old DA locomotives normally resident in the Swedish Railway Museum in Gävle in northern Sweden, have been dusted off and put back into service to clear the tracks of snow between Mjölby and Alvesta in southern Sweden.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"But, but, but, Al Gore told us there would be LESS snow, and so we decided we didn't need to buy new equipment...."
Sweden in 'coldest December in 100 years'
Power outages, traffic accidents as well as train and flight delays have left Swedes reeling from Thursday’s snowstorm, which forecasters say isn’t over yet.
“Slippery conditions will continue across the country. There is already a lot of snow on the roads,” SMHI’s Elin Torstensson told the TT news agency.
She explained that Sweden has experienced more cold days and more snow than is normal for December.
“There were a number of days in a row with below-freezing temperatures, so called ice days. And that we have that before Lucia (December 13th) hasn’t happened in more than 100 years,” she said.
Snow blower snatchers take Stockholm by storm
Sweden’s exceptionally snowy winter has police chasing a new class of thieves who may simply be looking for a way to give their weary backs a rest.
Thefts of snow blowers have spiked in the Stockholm region in the wake of a string of heavy snowfalls, the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper reports.
In the southern Stockholm suburb of Tyresö alone, 18 snow blowers have been reported stolen in recent weeks.
“Having so many thefts is something new for me,” Börje Holmberg of the police in the southern suburb of Nacka, told the newspaper.
According to SvD, stores throughout Sweden are suffering from a shortage of snow removal equipment, including shovels and snow blowers.
Record low temperature at Crosby coast
Part of the Merseyside coast has been experiencing its lowest temperature since records began.
A Met Office weather observing station on the coast at Crosby, north of Liverpool, recorded a temperature of -17C on Sunday night.
It was the lowest since operations began at the site in 1983
The Met Office spokesman described the record low as a "truly exceptional figure given its maritime location".
Mama Mia! Snow in Naples and Capri!
Global warming arrives in southern Italy.
"That's just ashes from Vesuvius!" ~ Al Gore
Climate change no longer scares Europe
The fight against the delusion of dangerous man-made global warming remains an uphill struggle. For decades, the climate debate has been obfuscated by cherry-picking, spin-doctoring and scaremongering by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other climate alarmists, including the environmental movement and mainstream media. Their massive campaign to overstate the threat of man-made warming has left its imprint on public opinion.
Record cold in BERMUDA!
Bermuda’s record breaking cold temperatures continued today, with the recorded low of 48F/9C the coldest temperature of the year, and also the record low for the whole month of December.
Bermuda Weather Service meteorologist Michelle Pitcher said “As far as the record low, we actually set two this morning. 48F/9C is the record low for the 21st of December, the previous low for this day was 54F/12C set in 1955. We also broke the record low for the whole month of December. The previous low ever reached in December was 50F/10C which we reached twice in 1955 and in 1962. One more interesting fact is that it is also the coldest temperature recorded so far in 2010.”
The Bermuda Weather Service climate records date back to 1949.
Daily maximum temperature anomaly for Australia
Are AGW pushers going to claim that Australia is unusually cold because of global warming?
Australia swaps summer for Christmas snow
Snow fell in Australia on Monday, as the usual hot and summery December weather was replaced in parts by icy gusts sweeping up from the Southern Ocean, giving the country a taste of a white Christmas.
Snow has fallen in parts of east coast states New South Wales and Victoria, leaving ski resorts -- some of which are usually snow-free at this time of year -- with dumps of up to 10 centimetres (four inches).
"It's white, everything is white," Michelle Lovius, the general manager of the Kosciuszko Chalet Hotel at Charlotte Pass told AFP.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Carbonazis are running around trying to claim that global warming causes cold weather, but if that were really true, then why did Hadley CRU claim snow would be a "thing of the past" in 2000?
Snow falls in parts of NSW - in summer
Global warming is dead, let's move on
According to the Bureau of Meteorology, 2010 was Australia's coldest year since 2001. Since logic tells us the planet can't be getting hotter and colder at the same time, we can confidently pronounce global warming dead, buried and comprehensively beaten.
ICE AGE? Wintry weather brings snow to Australia in midsummer
Australia normally experiences temperatures of 86F (30C) at this time of year, but the chances of a rare white Christmas have increased after plunging temperatures and snow swept across the east of the country.
Bonnie Malkin
Freezing winds from Antarctica, blown up to Australia by a low-pressure system in the Southern Ocean, gave the country a taste of the conditions that are causing havoc across Europe...
Webmaster's Commentary:
It's SUMMER down under!
Australian govt is considering renaming 'climate change' to 'climate challenges'.
Australia: Government is considering re-naming 'climate change' (already changed from 'global warming') to 'climate challenges'. This is because most people no longer think that climate change is man-made, so the myth makers must find a more appealing phrase. [No matter how they sell it, at its core it is junk science leading to carbon tax.]
The Australian 2011 Jan 9
North India reels under severe cold wave
New Delhi: Intense cold conditions on Saturday tightened its grip on northern India as temperatures plummeted further in the region, even as there were no reports of snowfall on Christmas in hill states.
Ten ships, 600 crew trapped in frozen Sea of Okhotsk
Rescue efforts are under way to evacuate more than 600 crew on 10 ships trapped in ice in the Sea of Okhotsk.
The ice is up to 30cm (12 inches) thick in some places, according to the Russian news agency Itar-Tass.
Icebreakers rush to save 500 sailors on ships stuck in ice off Russian coast
Rare deep freeze prompts chaos across southern China
A cold weather snap has brought ice, snow and chaos to much of eastern and southern China, paralyzing highways, cutting power and damaging crops across an area not used to sub-zero temperatures, state media reported on Friday.
China Braces For New Round of Cold Snaps
Japan socked by another snow storm
NIIGATA, Japan, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Japan is being whacked by another winter storm this weekend, with up to 39 inches of snow expected by Sunday evening, meteorologists predicted.The Meteorological Agency said the snow would be whipped over land by 31-44 mph winds all the way from northern Japan to Okinawa prefecture, Kyodo News reported. The forecasters said winds would likely gust to up to 56 mph over the Sea of Japan, producing waves nearly 20 feet high in some areas.
Japan socked by another snow storm
NIIGATA, Japan, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Japan is being whacked by another winter storm this weekend, with up to 39 inches of snow expected by Sunday evening, meteorologists predicted.The Meteorological Agency said the snow would be whipped over land by 31-44 mph winds all the way from northern Japan to Okinawa prefecture, Kyodo News reported. The forecasters said winds would likely gust to up to 56 mph over the Sea of Japan, producing waves nearly 20 feet high in some areas.
Snow continues in wide area of Japan
In the Aizu region in Fukushima Prefecture, north of Tokyo, at least 300 cars are stranded after a large truck skidded and blocked a road on Saturday night. Many cars slid or could not go up the slope.
"global warming" hits Toyama Japan
Pour plus de photos et une video: http://www.buzzhunt.co.uk/2010/12/29/snow-roads-in-japan/
Freezing Vietnam To Enter Another Cold Snap
This is from the Official Vietnamese Organ of the Communist Party itself! Brrrr!! It's been colder than a.... well it's really cold in southern China too!
You Are Being Warned! Freezing Temps Worldwide
This strange weather phenomenon, which you will see in the video below, happened in Newfoundland where the waves were actually frozen as they crashed on the beach. This is exactly what one would expect at the end of the warmest year on record, right?
Are we freezing because of global warming? The media is still ranting that one of the effects of global warming is colder, wetter winters. Yes and building seven at the world trade center collapsed on its footprint from a burning ember? Or was it from a burning Rolls Royce engine that was catapulted from one of the planes. Was there ever a reasonable explanation for what was obviously a controlled demolition?
Claim 2010 tied with warmest year ever lacks historical perspective
You would think that NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration would be an objective and sober reviewer of temperature data. Apparently they are not. NOAA has proclaimed that 2010 was tied with 2005 as the “warmest year on record.” At first this sounds impressive. But as with all political proclamations there is always more to the story. The statement “warmest on record” means the period of time since 1880 that temperature has been measured with thermometers. To say the 2010 was tied with the warmest year on record is essentially meaningless when viewed in a true historical context.
40,000 'devil' crabs wash up on Kent coast after dying from hypothermia in freezing sea
Thousands of dead crabs have washed up along the Kent coast, with environmental experts believing the cold weather in Britain is to blame.
The Velvet swimming crabs - also called devil crabs - are thought to be victims of Britain's coldest December in 120 years, which left sea temperatures much lower than average.
FLASHBACK - Cold and rain kills 600 endangered penguins
Spokeswoman for South Africa National Parks said the cold was not unusual had combined with rain and windchill to deadly effect
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am reposting this article to make a point. Sudden chills kill wildlife. No surprise there; it has been happening all along.
We are in the midst of a harsh winter with cold temperatures not seen for a hundred years. And birds and fish and other animals (and sadly, homeless people) not used to this degree of chill are dying of hypothermia.
But my in box is being flooded with emails insisting that chemtrails and HAARP are to blame for these sudden die-offs, and not surprisingly, these emails come from the same people insisting that this cold winter should not be taken as evidence that the theory of human-caused global warming is wrong.
Cold weather kills dozens in northern India
Near-freezing temperatures and icy Himalayan winds have killed dozens of people in northern India over the past two weeks and forced schools to close in the capital, officials said Wednesday.
A spokesman for worst-hit Uttar Pradesh state said five people died from the cold overnight, pushing the number of deaths there to 41.
Uttar Pradesh is one of India's poorest states and nearly a fifth of its 180 million people are homeless.
A Homeless man frozen to death in America
A man was found dead next to a fence at Ninth and McGee Sunday morning. Saturday's temperature of 12 degrees and cutting wind has led to speculation that the man died due to cold weather.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Pay no attention to these frozen humans, we got strange and weird fish deaths and stranger and weirder bird deaths, and we have HAARP and Chemtrails to explain it all away so you don't look at the thermometer and realize that global warming was really a huge lie!" -- ABCNNBBCBSFOX
12 homeless froze to death in Poland overnight
Twelve homeless people froze to death in Poland last night bringing the country`s death toll caused by freezing temperatures in the past three days to 30.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So why is everyone all focused on the birds and fishes freezing to death?
Homeless Person Found Frozen To Death
Kansas City police said a welfare check on a homeless person under an overpass led them to find a homeless person likely frozen to death.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So why is everyone all focused on the birds and fishes freezing to death?
A homeless man was found frozen to death underneath the Quarrier Street bridge in Charleston, according to police.
Oh No, Not Another Ice Age
Yes, but how can that be? Global warming is in full swing so how can an Ice Age creep or crash in on us? If you are really paying attention to what is happening all around us in the world you will see the shaping story and a tragedy of staggering proportions. Most everything is pointing away from the concept of global warming, everything but the mainstream media and the corporate tyrants that rule it.
There is no doubt that the global climate is undergoing dramatic changes of ‘biblical’ proportion. And the evidence is mounting and human experience is shouting that it’s the cold that will bury us not the heat. You think it’s cold and snowy now in the northern hemisphere? Piers Corbyn from the above video predicts it will just keep getting colder for the next 20 to 30 years.
Global Sea Surface Temperature continues to drop
The following plot shows global average sea surface temperatures from the AMSR-E instrument over the lifetime of the Aqua satellite, through Dec 31, 2010. The SSTs at the end of December suggest that the tropospheric temperatures in the previous graph (see post here) still have a ways to fall in the coming months to catch up to the ocean, which should now be approaching its coolest point if it follows the course of previous La Nina’s.
Based on the most current data it appears that 2010 is going to show the largest drop in global sea level ever recorded in the modern era. Since many followers of global warming believe that the rate of sea level rise is increasing, a significant drop in the global sea level highlights serious flaws in the IPCC projections. The oceans are truly the best indicator of climate. The oceans drive the world’s weather patterns. A drop in the ocean levels in a year that is being cited as proof that the global warming has arrived shows that there is still much to learned. If the ocean levels dropped in 2010, then there is something very wrong with the IPCC projections.
The best source of sea level data is The University of Colorado. Only government bureaucracy could put the sea level data in one of the places farthest from the ocean, but that is where it is. I use both data sets that includes the seasonal signal. So with and without the inverted barometer applied. This is the source of the data that is used to show that the oceans are rising. Of course the rate of rise is greatly exaggerated and if the rate from 1993-2010 is used there will be a 1m rise in the year 2361.
Of course the rate is not constant. The rate of rise over the past 5 years has been half the overall rate. At the rate of the past 5 years it will be the year 2774 before the oceans rise a single meter. Of course a decrease in the rate is technically an negative acceleration in the rate of rise, so technically the rate of rise is accelerating, but in a negative direction. That statement is misleading though as most people consider acceleration to be a positive effect.
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