

L'Autre Monde 27 janvier 2011: En Tunisie et ailleurs, il faut savoir viser la vraie dictature, celle des instances financières internationales
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L'Autre Monde 27 janvier 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 27 janvier 2011:
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Egypt Rocked by Deadly Anti-Government Protests
Energized by Tunisia, Egypt protesters surge onto streets in 'Day of Wrath'
Democracy protesters in Egypt took to the streets in Cairo and at least six other cities, calling for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Is another US puppet regime about to crumble?
Inspired by Tunisia, Egypt's protests appear unprecedented
Egypt's protests today appear to be the largest public call for democratic reform and an end to the Mubarak regime for years.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Odd there is no mention of the poverty imposed by the bankers! :)
breaking: Gamal Mubarak reportedly flees Egypt
The son of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Gamal Mubarak, has reportedly fled Egypt for the UK with his family. Unconfirmed reports out of Cairo say the younger Mubarak boarded a private jet bound for London with his family and nearly one hundred pieces of luggage. His departure, if confirmed, comes after a day of unprecedented mass protests in the streets of Cairo and other cities throughout Egypt.
Egyptian protesters turn tables on police by forcing water cannons onto THEIR wagon
Angry Egyptian demonstrators being targeted with water cannon retaliated by turning one of the powerful hoses back onto the security forces.
Egyptian police were attempting to disperse the crowds protesting against the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak and the country's grinding poverty in the centre of Cairo.
But the crowd fought back.
It was a small victory against the security forces who have also used rubber bullets, batons and tear gas to try to control the protesters.
Protesters in Egypt Defy Ban as Government Cracks Down
The Egyptian authorities outlawed public gatherings and said any protesters would face “immediate” arrest on Wednesday, a day after tens of thousands of people marched in opposition to the nearly 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Egyptian people are just beginning to feel their power against a dictatorial government which has absolutely no concern about the quality of their lives.
Were I a betting person, I would bet that that these protests will continue, to the point of bringing down the entire government, and demanding new elections; it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Cairo erupts as Egyptian protesters demand Mubarak resign
Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets across Egypt Tuesday, facing down a massive police presence to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in protests inspired by Tunisia's popular uprising...
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YouTube Gives Users Ability To Flag Content That Promotes Terrorism
Huffington Post
In response to concerns it's become a means of radical promotion, YouTube has now added an option for flagging content that is terrorist in nature.
When you flag a video as inappropriate, "promotes terrorism" now appears as an option under the "violent or repulsive content" category on the Google-owned website.
CRTC proposes easing ban on broadcasting false or misleading news
The CRTC is proposing a regulatory change that would give Canadian TV and radio stations more leeway to broadcast false or misleading news.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I keep telling you Canadians. Learn from our mistakes. Save yourselves while you still can!
Vatican warned Irish bishops not to report abuse
A 1997 letter from the Vatican warned Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report all suspected child-abuse cases to police — a disclosure that victims' groups described as "the smoking gun" needed to show that the church enforced a worldwide culture of covering up crimes by pedophile priests.
The newly revealed letter, obtained by Irish broadcasters RTE and provided to The Associated Press, documents the Vatican's rejection of a 1996 Irish church initiative to begin helping police identify pedophile priests following Ireland's first wave of publicly disclosed lawsuits.
Study: Many college students not learning to think critically
An unprecedented study that followed several thousand undergraduates through four years of college found that large numbers didn't learn the critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication skills that are widely assumed to be at the core of a college education.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is intentional. The powers that be are perfectly willing to sell you an advanced education on credit, and to fill your head up with memorized dogma, but they dare not allow people to learn how to actually analyze and comprehend what they see happening before them. Logic and critical thinking are the hallmarks of a free society, while rote memorization and repetition are the dictator's counterfeit.
45% Of Students Don't Learn Much In College
A new study provides disturbing answers to questions about how much students actually learn in college – for many, not much – and has inflamed a debate about the value of an American higher education.
The research of more than 2,300 undergraduates found 45 percent of students show no significant improvement in the key measures of critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing by the end of their sophomore years.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is not by accident: it is by design.
People without the capability for critical thinking are far more likely to go along with every policy their government adopts without saying a word; like for example, the continued immoral and illegal wars the US is fighting in places like Afghanistan and Iraq (remember that one?!?).
Over Two Million Children Are Now Homeschooled
Purcellville, VA—In a new study released today the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) estimates there were over 2 million children being homeschooled in the United States in 2010.
“The growth of the modern homeschool movement has been remarkable,” said Michael Smith, president of HSLDA. “Just 30 years ago there were only an estimated 20,000 homeschooled children,” he added...
Confirmed: Stuxnet Was False Flag Launched by Israel and U.S.
On Saturday, the Gray Lady of establishment propaganda, the New York Times, passively admitted that the Stuxnet virus responsible for crippling Iran’s nuclear energy program was engineered by Israeli and U.S. intelligence.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And the possibility of releasing a Chernobyl-like radiation disaster by tinkering with other people's nuclear facilities was apparently never a concern.
French FM backs Palestinian statehood
Haaretz: l'Espagne le premier pays européen à reconnaître l'Etat palestinien
Ireland upgrades status of Palestinian mission to embassy
Medvedev recognizes E. Jerusalem as capital of future Palestinian state
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has made his first visit to Palestine without stepping foot on Israeli-occupied soil.
World leaders usually visit Israel when visiting Palestine to show impartiality.
Observers say the visit was also distinguished by the president's backing of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Abbas: We will not make unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ruled out a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, saying that there was no possibility of having an independent state without Israel's collaboration, Qatar-based news channel Al-Jazeera reported on Saturday.
"At this stage there is no option to declare a Palestinian state without Israel's collaboration," Abbas said in an interview aired on Al-Jazeera. "A Palestinian state will be established only with an agreement from Israel."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Congratulations, Mahmoud Abbas: you have just ripped the possibility of a Palestinian state out of the hands of your people by making that statement, at a point in time when many countries are recognizing Palestine as an independent state, and the Russian government has just re-affirmed that. One actually has to wonder whose side you're on here. By making this statement, you have just thrown popular Palestinian support to Hamas, and terminated your usefulness to Fatah.
Are you suffering from selective memory regarding the fact that Israel unilaterally declared itself a nation?
Israel doesn't want a Palestinian state, or peace; they want territory by any means necessary. This is why you are seeing the brisk Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, coupled by forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in which they have lived for generations.
If there is any actual popular Palestinian uprising, as a result of frustration with your, Hamas' and Israel's leadership on this issue, the Israelis will put down any insurrection as brutally as possible, and will kill as many Palestinians as they think they can get away with.
Israel will work to disconnect Gaza from power grid
The Palestinian Authority’s insistence on confronting Israel in international forums at every opportunity cannot go on forever, and will lead to a breakdown in ties between Israel and the PA, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a meeting Thursday with new French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot- Marie. He told his French counterpart that there was a “dangerous gap” in relations between Israel and the PA.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Just to prove how petty we are!" -- Tel Aviv
Security measures at Domodedovo Airport “clearly violated” - Medvedev
Domodedovo is a good and modern airport and many recognize this, the president said in an interview to be published shortly by Vedomosti daily. But what happened clearly shows that measures of ensuring security were violated, he stressed.
It is difficult to bring such a quantity of explosives, the president noted. The airport management, all those who take decisions there and who are connected with the company “should be called to account,” Medvedev said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Of course, if you have agents inside the security company itself to open key doors at key times, smuggling in a wheelbarrow full of explosives get much easier!
Putin: Chechnya separatists not suspected in Russia airport blast, based on preliminary information
"It is necessary to fight mercilessly with terrorism and extremism," Putin said.
The premier also said the preliminary information showed the Domodedovo blast was not linked to Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Chechnya.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Chechnya is out, so who else would bomb Russia just days after Medvedev recognized Palestine?
Think hard.
Real hard.
Moscow bombing: Carnage at Russia's Domodedovo airport
interesting timing
by jukkis on 24.01.2011 [16:44 ]
President Medvedev was just in Palestine, without setting a foot into Israhell, and recognizing East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.
Seems like those Mossad bastards just gave their "thanks" to Russia...
Viva Palestina Libre!
This is just 1 comment from a Russian website. Read the rest. Seems like they already know who did it.
No Israeli Casualties in Moscow Airport Attack
Webmaster's Commentary:
Imagine my surprise!
2 jours avant cet attentat à Moscou... je m'attendais à ce que les sionistes déclenchent leur Armageddon - à cause de la reconnaissance de l'état palestinien par de plus en plus de pays à travers le monde. (voir plus bas les news du 22 janvier, 22:45)
La Russie venait juste de reconnaître la Palestine. Le président russe venait de s'immerger dans le Jourdain lors de son voyage en Palestine occupée.
Israël vient de lancer un message fort à la Russie, et ça doit probablement aussi servir d'exemple aux autres pays... Les services secrets de ces pays savent bien que c'est Israël qui mène le bal du terrorisme international et de la soi-disant "guerre contre le terrorisme".
Dans la psyché malade des sionistes chrétiens, l'antéchrist va prendre le contrôle de l'Europe et attaquer Israël (reconnaître la Palestine c'est "attaquer" Israël). Donc ces temps-ci, en voyant l'amérique du Sud et des pays européens reconnaitre massivement l'État palestinien, les sionistes chrétiens sont sûrement en train de penser que la fin est enfin arrivée et que c'est le temps de nucléariser le Moyen-Orient pour permettre la "Seconde Venue du Christ"...
Un paquet d'infos sur les liens entre l'oligarque (mafia juive "russe") Khodorkovsky et les Rothschild (via Ioukos).
Wiesel sauvera-t-il l'oligarque Khodorkovsky?
So much for airport security: Man 'smuggled 80 guns into Britain' by hiding them in suitcases
An American man is suspected of smuggling 80 weapons into the UK by hiding them in his suitcases.
Former U.S. marine Steven Greenoe, who holds British citizenship, apparently strolled through airport security in both Britain and America with dozens of handguns stashed in his suitcases on ten flights last year.
He is believed to have delivered them to criminal contacts in the North West of England.
On one occasion, Greenoe was stopped after officials at Atlanta airport spotted the firearms.
But incredibly he was allowed to board the flight after telling officials he worked as an international security consultant.
Are full-body scanners at Canadian airports really just a marketing stunt?
Security officials at Calgary International Airport have been blasted for insensitivity after 82-year-old Elizabeth Strecker complained last week she was forced to reveal the gel prosthesis she has worn since a mastectomy, which turned up in a full-body scan.
The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority apologized to Strecker, who considered the action sincere, but still plans to file a formal complaint after she received several harassing anonymous voice mail messages that accused her of sharing the incident for personal gain.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This seems to be the latest tacky tactic by government propagandists; to accuse anyone complaining about the government is "exploiting" the abusive treatment for some kind of gain.
Hezbollah's candidate to form Lebanese government
Billionaire businessman and former premier Najib Mikati won a majority of parliament support in two days of voting that ended Tuesday.
He defeated Western-backed Saad Hariri, who has been prime minister since 2009.
Mikati's win comes as Sunnis protested the rising power of the Syria- and Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah, burning tires and torching a van belonging to Al-Jazeera.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder just how soon Israel will be reinvading Lebanon, considering this turn of events.
This appointing of a Hizbullah-backed candidate as Prime Minister Elect by Lebanon's President may well be the "justification" Israel uses for its next military strike against Lebanon.
Saudi Arabia Abandons Lebanon Talks
Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry officials announced today that they are formally abandoning all mediation efforts in Lebanon, insisting that they can do no more in that regard and that the situation is getting more and more dangerous.
Reports have suggested the two sides did actually come to a deal, but it was rejected by Lebanese PM Saad Hariri, under pressure from the US.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Saudi leadership knows what is most likely to happen next here, and wants no part of it; Israel will invade Lebanon, and this time, they will go all the Litani River.
Hizbollah is supported by the governments of Iran and Syria. Hizbullah will be pushed into a military confrontation with Israel, and Israel may well use the invasion of Lebanon as an excuse to start a military conflict with Iran, into which Syria will be drawn, as it has a mutual defense pact with Iran.
Of course, the US will be drawn into the Israeli side of the conflict, due to its defense treaties with Israel.
Is it any wonder that the Saudis want to "get out of Dodge" while the getting is still good?!?
‘Turkey Probes US Nukes At Airbase’
Turkish parliamentarians are discussing a report revealing that the United States has deployed 90 nuclear bombs at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Force base, a report says.
The report, called the “US nuclear weapons in Europe,” indicates that Washington currently has 90 nuclear bombs of the “B 61? variety in Turkey, all on the Incirlik Air Force base, Turkey’s Hurriyet newspaper reported on its website on Friday.
Last month, in The Dreyfuss Report, I wrote about recent news that the United States is considering a major escalation of its military activity in Yemen, specifically giving the CIA permission to work with US Special Forces to set up "elite US hunter-killer teams" and Pakistan-style drone attacks on terrorist targets. As I wrote then: "By bungling into Yemen with a massive US covert operation, the result is guaranteed to be an intensified crisis that will collapse and split the Yemeni government and lead to a Somalia-like state of disorder."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Take a good look at the following map:
You cannot "bomb out" insurgency when the people of a country, ruled by an autocratic, self-indulgent dictatorship, are struggling just to stay alive.
Any aid going to Yemen cannot be military only in nature; there has to be a "carrot and stick" approach to aid, which has to include food, education, healthcare, development, and some kind of hope for a better future; additionally,particularly when it comes to Yemen, there must be mechanisms in place to validate that the aid actually gets to where it's supposed to be going.
South Korea: North Korea Defense Talks Proposal Accepted
South Korea said Thursday it accepted a North Korean proposal to hold high-level defense talks a day after the leaders of the U.S. and China called for better communication between the two Koreas.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This at least is a hopeful sign, if followed through on.
This will do much to tamp down the possibilities of a military conflict between North and South Korea, which would almost inevitably lead to a military conflict between the US and China.
Gates: US Needs Troops in Japan ‘Long-Term’ to Target China, North Korea
In a speech today at Keio University in Tokyo, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates insisted the US needed to keep its 47,000 troops in Japan “long-term” and that the presence is “more necessary, more relevant and more important than ever.”
In the end, the claims of grave threats that warrant such a presence ring extremely hollow. China is an ally, and economic ties ensure that far more than the threat of US attacks. North Korea, on the other hand, is teetering on the brink of collapse, with South Korea openly talking about annexation. Neither seems a major “threat” to either the US or Japan.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder about the timing of this rhetoric on the part of Sec Def Gates, in light of the fact that Hu Jintao is visiting Washington on a series of issues regarding trade and economy next week.
Also, apparently Sec State Clinton made remarks denigrating China's human rights record in the wake of the jailing of dissident Liu Xiabo, who won the Nobel Prize.
Both of these, put together, do not augur well for any substantive progress with China on any of the issues to be discussed next week.
First of all, it infuriates me that the federal government is working as private cops for the RIAA. Think about how they pushed through the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, and forced the music and computer industries to use copy protection.
It also maddens me because the Founders only allowed ten year copyrights, after which the rights were turned over to the general public, to benefit from the work.
It's time to come up with a saner version of digital copyright, because this is crazy and wrong:
BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures
The domain seizures by the United States authorities in recent days and upcoming legislation that could make similar takeovers even easier in the future, have inspired a group of enthusiasts to come up with a new, decentralized and BitTorrent-powered DNS system. This system will exchange DNS information through peer-to-peer transfers and will work with a new .p2p domain extension.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. " ― Princess Leia to Grand Moff Tarkin
Copyright infringement bill could bring the FBI to your intranet
A senator from Oregon has threatened to block a copyright enforcement bill that would give U.S. law enforcement the right to shut down Web sites without trial or defense if it finds the central reason for the site is to distribute copyrighted information illegally.
Ron Wyden, (D-Ore.) calls the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, or COICA bill the "wrong medicine" for copyright infringement, partially because it includes enforcement measures like a sledge hammer, when ice tongs are more appropriate.
Record Labels To Pay $45 Million for Pirating Artists’ Music
The major record labels are known for their harsh stance on copyright infringements, which in an ironic turn of events is now costing them millions of dollars. Revealing a double standard when it comes to ‘piracy’, Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI Music and Universal Music now have to pay Canadian artists $45 Million for the illegal use of thousands of tracks on compilation CDs.
L'échec des Nations unies en Haïti
par Benjamin Fernandez
Les résultats du vote du 28 novembre 2010 pour l'élection présidentielle haïtienne ne sont toujours pas connus. Le Conseil électoral provisoire a donc décidé de reporter le second tour prévu le 16 janvier. Dans son édition de janvier, Le Monde diplomatique consacre deux articles aux crises politique (Alexander Main, « Voter dans un pays qui ne s'appartient plus »), humanitaire et sociale (Christophe Wargny, « Haïti entre Dieu et ONG ») qui s'aggravent dans l'île. Alors que le nombre des victimes de l'épidémie de choléra augmente, la colère de la population vis-à-vis de la Mission des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en Haïti (Minustah) - accusée d'avoir accidentellement introduit la bactérie dans l'île - s'intensifie.
Deux enquêtes épidémiologiques internationales ont confirmé que la source de l'épidémie provenait du camp népalais de la Minustah, situé près de Mirebalais, dans le centre du pays. Les déchets produits par le camp infecté ont été déversés - « en quantités phénoménales », selon le premier rapport - dans un affluent du fleuve Artibonite, le plus important du pays.
L'épidémie a déjà officiellement causé plus de 3 000 décès et affecté plus de 52 000 personnes. Mais, selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), le nombre de cas pourrait atteindre 70 000, la maladie touchant environ 400 000 personnes au cours des douze prochains mois. De leur côté, les autorités sanitaires et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) se déclarent impuissantes à enrayer la contagion.
Ces révélations viennent ébranler la crédibilité de la force internationale dirigée par le Brésil, dont l'efficacité a déjà été mise en question. Alors que l'incertitude sur l'issue du scrutin électoral et les suspicions de fraude provoquent une nouvelle flambée de violence dans la capitale, Port-au-Prince, que près d'un million de personnes vivent toujours dans des campements insalubres livrés aux gangs, l'action onusienne est ressentie une nouvelle fois comme un échec, échec d'ailleurs pleinement reconnu par M. Ricardo Seitenfus, qui représente l'Organisation des Etats américains (OEA) en Haïti depuis 2008 : « Haïti est la preuve de l'échec de l'aide internationale », a-t-il concédé dans une entrevue accordée au journal suisse Le Temps le 20 décembre. Immédiatement après ces propos, le haut fonctionnaire a été rappelé au siège de l'organisation.
La Minustah est la cinquième mission de maintien de la paix organisée sous l'égide de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), qui compte dix-sept ans de présence dans le pays. Elle a fait suite à l'intervention américaine qui renversa le président élu Jean-Bertrand Aristide : son mandat de « restauration de la démocratie » ne manqua pas de susciter quelques doutes parmi la population (...)
Lire la suite de cet article inédit de Benjamin Fernandez :
One Year After Haiti Earthquake, Corporations Profit While People Suffer
One year after an earthquake devastated Haiti, much of the promised relief and reconstruction aid has not reached those most in need. In fact, the nation's tragedy has served as an opportunity to further enrich corporate interests.
The details of a recent lawsuit, as reported by Business Week, highlights the ways in which contractors - including some of the same players who profited from Hurricane Katrina-related reconstruction - have continued to use their political connections to gain profits from others' suffering, receiving contacts worth tens of millions of dollars while the Haitian people receive pennies, at best. It also demonstrates ways in which charity and development efforts have mirrored and contributed to corporate abuses.
Where did all the Haiti relief money go?
The amount of money raised for Haiti earthquake relief has reached a staggeringly high $1.4 billion in less than one year from the United States alone. Everyone from celebrities to regular people held telethons, bake sales and dinner parties whose proceeds went to help Haiti earthquake victims.
A year later, people who opened their purse strings and wallets so generously are asking where the money went and how well was it spent. According to a survey by the Chronicle of Philanthropy of 60 major relief organizations, only 38 percent of that money has been spent to provide recovery and rebuilding aid. By comparison, in New Orleans, about 80 percent of the money raised for Hurricane Katrina victims has been spent.
Furthermore, only 63.6 percent of the money pledged for 2010 has been disbursed, according to the U.N special envoy for Haiti.
Haiti cholera deaths surpass 2,700
According to Haiti's Public Health Ministry, each day about 40 people die of the water borne disease.
The epidemic has also infected 130,000 people, with nearly 70,000 hospitalized.
International health experts say that the figure will triple in the next twelve months.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Note that there is not even a whisper in the US corporate media of how bad this situation has become.
Ex-dictator 'Baby Doc' returns to Haiti
PORT-AU-PRINCE (AFP) Ousted strongman Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier returned to Haiti on Sunday after some 25 years in exile as the country wrestled with a post-election crisis.
Webmaster's Commentary:
A massive quake, a US invasion, Cholera, and now the US puppet tyrant returns. Those poor Haitians!
What's ahead is anyone's guess, but some issues are clear. Duvalier faces no serious prosecution threat. At most, he'll be hand-slapped, perhaps agree to return pennies on the dollars he stole, but be able to stay or leave as he wishes and remain free in luxury until all issues against him are resolved.
In a January 21 email, Law Professor Francis Boyle commented on his arrival, saying:
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 21 January, 2011 at:
"Duvalier’s return comes in the midst of a desperate attempt by President Rene Préval to maintain control of Haiti by ensuring the election of Jude Celestin, his chosen successor. President Préval did this by appointing a Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) that was biased in his favor, which refused to allow candidates from over a dozen political parties to participate in the elections. Among those excluded was Lavalas, Haiti’s largest political party and the party most popular among Haiti’s poor. The result was a deeply flawed election that generated widespread and sometimes violent protests among the Haitian people."
"Had the elections truly been inclusive, the most likely result would have been the election of a president who represented the impoverished majority of the Haitian people. This would have been contrary to the interests of the rich and powerful business elites of Haiti, whose main goal has always been the exploitation of the Haitian people as cheap labor. It is these wealthy Haitian elites who benefited under the reign of the Duvalier regime and who would no doubt benefit if he were to return to power."
Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer
America's "War on Drugs": CIA- Recruited Mercenaries and Drug-Traffickers
My unit, the Hard Narcotics Smuggling Squad, was charged with investigating all heroin and cocaine smuggling through the Port of New York. My unit became involved in investigating every major smuggling operation known to law enforcement. We could not avoid witnessing the CIA protecting major drug dealers. Not a single important source in Southeast Asia was ever indicted by US law enforcement. This was no accident. Case after case was killed by CIA and State Department intervention and there wasn’t a damned thing we could do about it. CIA-owned airlines like Air America were being used to ferry drugs throughout Southeast Asia, allegedly to support our “allies.” CIA banking operations were used to launder drug money.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is a phrase from the French, which states "the more things change, the more they remain the same."
No where is it more true than in the US's alleged "war on drugs".
And when you take a look at the soaring opium trade in Afghanistan, remember this; under the watch of the Taliban, opium cultivation was nearly completely eradicated.
And what happens after the US/NATO invasion and occupation of Afghanistan? Opium cultivation soars.
This is no mere coincidence.
Obama eases rules on US travel to Cuba
The president said he had instructed the relevant government departments to allow religious groups and students to travel to the communist-run island.
President Obama said he believed the new, more relaxed, rules which also make it easier to send remittances to Cuba will support civil society there.
The changes will not end the decades-old US trade embargo.
The rules will be modified to, among other things:
- Allow religious organisation to sponsor religious travel to Cuba under a general licence
- Allow accredited institutions of higher education to sponsor travel to Cuba
- Allow any US person to send remittances (up to $500 per quarter) to non-family members in Cuba to support private economic activity
- Allow remittances to be sent to religious institutions in Cuba in support of religious activities
- Allow US airports to apply to provide services to licensed charters
(*So now , all you have to do is make it through TSA . )
Conspiracy Theory? Authorities Fear Cops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 Hours
Authorities are worried a recent wave of police officer shootings may not be a coincidence.
In just 24 hours, at least 11 cops were shot around the country...
consider the vids..
Congress quietly prepares to renew Patriot Act
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) has introduced a little-noticed bill that intends to once again renew controversial provisions of the Bush administration's USA Patriot Act that are due to expire this year.
When the act was first signed into law, Congress put in some "sunset" provisions to quiet the concerns of civil libertarians, but they were ignored by successive extensions. Unfortunately, those concerns proved to be well founded, and a 2008 Justice Department report confirmed that the FBI regularly abused their ability to obtain personal records of Americans without a warrant.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The very ironically titled "Patriot Act" was only a ruse for destroying what little civil liberties we had left; with the extension of these provisions, we have devolved from a nation of laws to a nation of people.
This legislation has absolutely no impact on keeping us more safe, and every impact on what used to be our freedoms and rights guaranteed to US citizens by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Scientists identify how to spot a future criminal at the age of THREE
It's worrying news for any parent who's struggled with a headstrong young child.
But scientists claim that children who have low levels of self-control at three are more likely to have health and money problems and a criminal record by the age of 32, regardless of background and IQ.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If you take a three-year old and tell him he is destined to be a criminal every day, year after year, and he becomes a criminal, is it because that is what he really is, or only that is what he was told he is?
People may have good intentions putting themselves on an organ donor list when getting a drivers license thinking they are doing good and very unaware of how this has corrupted some of the hospitals seeking to make profits more than saving lives.Organ donors should be voluntary and not a forced condition to obtain an drivers license. This is the type of corruption that happens when government gets involved in the health care system. Health care should be not for profit and in privet hands completely without government interference. When the government got its hands in our medical system turning it from a not for profit to a money driven enterprise were greed has corrupted the once great medical system that was the envy of the world.
Monitoring America: The Government’s Development Of A Vast Panopticon Spy Network
The Washington Post today reports on the vast growing domestic spying apparatus that the federal government is using, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to target millions of law-abiding American citizens who have not been accused of any wrongdoing.
In a lengthy report entitled “Monitoring America”, the Post details how a vast centralized snooping machine is being constructed and employed by local, state and federal agencies as well as military investigators, to collect, store and analyze swathes of personal information.
Justice Department seeks to have all web surfing tracked
The US Justice Department wants Internet service providers and cell phone companies to be required to hold on to records for longer to help with criminal prosecutions.
"Data retention is fundamental to the department's work in investigating and prosecuting almost every type of crime," US deputy assistant attorney general Jason Weinstein told a congressional subcommittee on Tuesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Jason Weinstein: the intelligent criminals/terrorists know better than to use the net or cell phones for transmitting any potentially damning evidence, and will use other means of communication.
This is just another attempt at the Federal government inserting itself into every aspect of innocent citizens' lives, and I, for one, resent it.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights, guaranteeing certain rights and priveleges to Americans, are being eviscerated, and what appears to be replacing them is full-bore "Code Napoleon" law, where everyone is considered guilty until proven innocent; it is the absolute antithesis of the great gifts the Founding Fathers gave Americans in their creation of the the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Homeland Security Grants Will Put Unmanned Surveillance Helicopters Over Super Bowl
Editor's Note: In 2007 it was revealed that unmanned drones were slated to watch over America, but it has remained somewhat secretive; confined mainly to border control. Now, the full rollout appears to be at hand as one of the world's most watched events will have drone helicopters circling Arlington stadium, as well as "bomb robots" on the ground. This is a new level of militarization that goes beyond the presence of soldiers at major events.
Ken Kalthoff -- NBC - DFW
Two years of planning have produced a comprehensive plan for North Texas Super Bowl security, officials said Friday...
‘We can see everything’: USAF launches ‘airborne surveillance system’
Editor's Note: The surveillance program is actually called "Gorgon Stare" -- just great.
WASHINGTON — The US military plans to deploy a new intelligence drone in Afghanistan, which military experts say will allow US troops to monitor much larger operational theaters than before, The Washington Post reported Sunday...
Genetic Soldiers? Advisory Group Urges Pentagon To Map Genes Of All Personnel
It sounds like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, but it's not.
A new report from a secretive, highly influential group of scientists is urging the Department of Defense to begin collecting and mapping the full genome of all military personnel -- a move that could well give the Pentagon the ability to select for certain genetic predispositions.
As if the Pentagon wasn't sitting on enough data already, the report envisions a huge new database (more likely than not run by some massive defense contractor). "The DoD will benefit by organizing personnel data into phenotypes of relevance to the military, then correlating those phenotypes with genetic information," it says.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if this will lead to an in vitro reproduction program, to breed whatever the DoD considers the "perfect" soldiers, and how it will define that.
Doctors Alarmed by Military’s Use of Mind Drugs on Troops
Dr. Grace Jackson, a former Navy psychiatrist, left the service “out of conscience, because I did not want to be a pill pusher,” she told Nextgov. Jackson believes psychotropic drugs are “destroying the force.” She is especially concerned about the anticonvulsive drug Depakote, which military doctors prescribe for mood control. Depakote can cause “cognitive toxicity,” impaired ability to think and make decisions.
Another expert, Dr. Peter Breggin, told the House Veterans Affairs Committee last year that combat soldiers should not be given psychotic drugs, because they can cause loss of judgment and self-control and lead to increased violence and suicidal impulses.
Dead Souls: The Pentagon Plan to Create Remorseless 'Warfighters'
Penny Coleman at Alternet.com gives us a look at a new program designed to dull the moral sensibilities of American soldiers in combat on the imperial frontiers: Pentagon, Big Pharma: Drug Troops to Numb Them to Horrors of War.
But as we'll see below, this attempt to peddle magic pills to chase away the horrors of war is just one front in a long-term, wide-ranging "warfighter enhancement program" -- including the neurological and genetic re-engineering of soldiers' minds and bodies to create what the Pentagon calls "iron bodied and iron willed personnel": tireless, relentless, remorseless, unstoppable.
In the Pentagon's view these killer soldiers are the "victims."
US Army: Atheists Unfit To Serve
The US Army distributes a mandatory survey called an SFT, which stands for “Soldier Fitness Tracker”. The purpose of this survey is to measure an individual soldier’s competency in four areas, Emotional, Social, Family and Spiritual. Justin is an atheist, as well as a highly dedicated soldier, but according to the SFT, he is “unfit” to serve specifically because he is a non-believer.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"You gotta believe in GAWD before we let you break all those commandments!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Federal court blocks Obama Administration attempt to spy on cell phones without a warrant
The Obama Administration's effort to obtain your location from cell phone towers without a warrant was rebuffed Wednesday by a federal court.
The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the Justice Department cannot obtain information about which cell phone towers mobile phones communicate with without a warrant.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Bravo to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals!
I hope one of the next cases they hear will be the practical obliteration of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution,forbidding unreasonable search and seizure, courtesy of TSA's "Grope/Scanazis"!
Court OKs searches of cell phones without warrant
SF Chronicle
The California Supreme Court allowed police Monday to search arrestees' cell phones without a warrant, saying defendants lose their privacy rights for any items they're carrying when taken into custody...
UN mulls internet regulation options
WikiLeaks sparks push for tighter controls.
The United Nations is considering whether to set up an inter-governmental working group to harmonise global efforts by policy makers to regulate the internet...
Government to Control the 'Net – Good Luck With That!
Conclusion: Millions and billions of words will be written about the coming government (power elite) control of the Internet; how bad it will be; how much worse it could be than it is. Plenty of business models will be floated. Much hair will be pulled out. Clothes will be rent, metaphorically anyway. But in the end, it likely will not matter much. Instinctively, humans will expand the Internet because they must. The government will do this. But others will do THAT. It is not going to be easily or neatly controllable. It is not going to be conveniently regulated. It is not going to be turned off by a switch installed at the White House. It is going to cause fundamental change. It already has.
Web attacks target human rights sites
BBC News
Human rights groups and campaigners are being hit hard by huge web attacks launched by those opposed to their views, finds research...
we all know
we all know those h4x0rz are sitting inside a hill in telaviv,
the spammers too
the nigerian scammers as well
the viagra guys too
together the penis enlargement ones
funny as all shits how predictable these "people" are.
No shit.
Mike Rivero
No shit.
COINTELPRO 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent
'Prepare for all-out cyber war'
Government sites braced for attack by pro-WikiLeaks 'hacktivists'
Cahal Milmo and Nigel Morris
London Independent
Whitehall is preparing for a crippling attack on government websites as evidence mounts that the backlash against the arrest of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is rapidly growing into a mass movement that aims to cause widespread disruption on the internet.
Warrant needed to snoop on your emails, court finally rules
After many years of legal uncertainty, a federal appeals court has finally declared that emails have the same Fourth Amendment protections as regular mail and telephone calls.
"Given the fundamental similarities between email and traditional forms of communication, it would defy common sense to afford emails lesser Fourth Amendment protection," the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled (PDF).
If the ruling is not overturned by the Supreme Court, it will put an end to the practice of law enforcement agents using court orders, rather than warrants, to gain access to emails. Court orders require a much lower standard than warrants.
Pentagon's Cyber Command seeks authority to expand its battlefield
The Pentagon's new Cyber Command is seeking authority to carry out computer network attacks around the globe to protect U.S. interests, drawing objections from administration lawyers uncertain about the legality of offensive operations.
Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight
A bill giving the president an Internet “kill switch” during times of emergency that failed to pass Congress last year will return this year, but with a revision that has many civil liberties advocates concerned: It will give the president the ability to shut down parts of the Internet without any court oversight...
NY Congresswoman: 100 Percent Chance of Cyber Attack against Power Grid
A New York congresswoman says the possibility of cyber attack against the nation’s power grid is 100 percent, and that such an attack would likely do untold harm.
US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites
(NaturalNews) As part of a new expansion of government power over information, the Department of Homeland Security has begun seizing and shutting down internet websites (web domains) without due process or a proper trial. DHS simply seizes web domains that it wants to and posts an ominous "Department of Justice" logo on the web site. See an example at http://torrent-finder.com
Over 75 websites were seized and shut down last week, and there is no indication that the government will stop such efforts. Right now, their focus is websites that they claim "violate copyrights," yet the torrent-finder.com website that was seized by DHS contained no copyrighted content whatsoever. It was merely a search engine website that linked to destinations where people could access copyrighted content. Google also links to copyrighted content -- does that mean the feds will soon seize Google, too?
These seizures were conducted on the basis of language in the DMCA law, which is vastly overreaching in its powers (it was passed to appease the music recording industry and the RIAA). Even so, the U.S. Senate is right now considering passing yet another law -- COICA -- the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/...), a new law that would give the federal government even more power to shut down websites it opposed.
Read more about COICA here: http://www.usa-anti-communist.com/w...
And here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris...
Here's the list of 19 US Senators who voted to censor the internet via the COICA bill: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20...
Homeland Security shuts down dozens of Web sites without court order
The Homeland Security Department's customs enforcement division has gone on a Web site shutdown spree, closing down at least 76 domains this week, according to online reports.
While many of the web domains were sites that trafficked in counterfeit brand name goods, and some others linked to copyright-infringing file-sharing materials, at least one site was a Google-like search engine, causing alarm among web freedom advocates who worry the move steps over the line into censorship.
All the shut sites are now displaying a Homeland Security warning that copyright infringers can face up to five years in prison
FBI pressuring Google, Facebook to allow ‘back doors’ for wiretapping
FBI Director Robert Mueller traveled to Silicon Valley this week to convince major Internet players to build "back doors" into their software that will allow law enforcement to wiretap data on their networks, says a news report.
It's part of an effort to expand the FBI's wiretapping powers to include the latest communications technologies, including social networking sites, voice-over-Internet (VoIP) telephone services and BlackBerries.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to thinking people with skills (particularly those with kids): get out of this country NOW!!!
Are You in the FBI’s Suspicious Activities Database?
At the same time that the FBI is expanding its West Virginia database, it is building a vast repository controlled by people who work in a top-secret vault on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington. This one stores the profiles of tens of thousands of Americans and legal residents who are not accused of any crime. What they have done is appear to be acting suspiciously to a town sheriff, a traffic cop or even a neighbor.
If the new Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative, or SAR, works as intended, the Guardian database may someday hold files forwarded by all police departments across the country in America’s continuing search for terrorists within its borders.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This country has devolved from a nation of laws to a nation of men.
Instead of the Constitution and Bill of Rights being the fountainhead of rights and protections afforded to US citizens, we are in the thrall of the ghosts of Code Napoleon Law, under which all accused (and now don't even have to be accused) are guilty until proven innocent.
I'm a published sacred choral composer, and no threat to anyone; the only radical thing I do once is a while is require a singer to sing an augmented 4th!
However, that having been said, I am appalled at the June Supreme Court Decision which literally criminalizes free speech in behalf of non-violent advocacy.
I have not only the right, under the First Amendment to the Constitution, to peacefully and logically criticize my country's government when I believe it to be headed in a wrong direction; I also have the moral responsibility to do this.
I have watched successive administrations over decades paint various other countries as the "villains du jour" to achieve various geopolitical outcomes that had nothing to do with the safety or security of We the People.
Therefore, as a responsible American, I cannot be silent when I see a war ignited against a country like Iraq (for the oil and to please Israel) or Afghanistan (for the installation of pipelines with which to control Eurasian oil).
If quietly and logically pointing out the truth makes me and those like me "criminals", I guess the next piece of music I need to compose is a "Requiem for the United States of America"; because that country, which I loved and respected because of the fundamental rights and protections it provided under the law, no longer exists.
Congress Back To Censoring Internet
Now that the elections are over, Congress can get back to the job of censoring the internet. The kerfuffle over the TSA taking naked pictures of you and/or giving you a groin pat-down has to come as a welcome voter distraction for those lawmakers bent on ramming S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) through Congress before voters even know what it is. Simply put, the COICA allows the government to keep “blacklists” of websites the government, in its sole discretion, decides are “dedicated to infringing activities.” The COICA does not require any hearing or judicial review, just “BAM” your website is gone. Not just the allegedly infringing material, not just the webpage upon which it appears, your entire website.
Judge warns of ‘Orwellian state’ in warrantless GPS tracking case
Police in Delaware may soon be unable to use global positioning systems (GPS) to keep tabs on a suspect unless they have a court-signed warrant, thanks to a recent ruling by a superior court judge who cited famed author George Orwell in her decision.
In striking down evidence obtained through warrantless GPS tracking, Delaware Judge Jan R. Jurden wrote that "an Orwellian state is now technologically feasible," adding that "without adequate judicial preservation of privacy, there is nothing to protect our citizens from being tracked 24/7."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Great for this judge!
However, this ruling will definitely be reviewed by the Supreme Court, and I wouldn't bet against the reinstituion of warrantless GPS tracking as a result of that decision, given its current constitution.
Ezra Klein: Constitution ‘Has No Binding Power on Anything’
A one minute video of liberal contempt for Constitution.
Anonymous said...
As much as it pains me to say so, both the previous comments are incorrect. Don't get me wrong! I would LOVE, absolutely L-O-V-E for the Constitution to still be in effect. It is NOT a confusing document, it is not ambiguous. On the contrary, it is very clear and stood as a shield between individuals and the Federal Government for many years. No longer...
Here is the hard fact, and while it is upsetting, it is better to face the hard fact and prepare for the worst, than to pretend belief in a pleasant fantasy. The Constitution is dead. It is gone. It is no longer in control of our government. I could list ways and times that the US government -- both the Republicans and the Democrats -- have repeatedly violated the Constitution and NOTHING is ever done to repeal the bad laws or to punish those who have infringed on it. Don't blame the Dems. Don't blame the Repubs. It is a joint effort between them both. Here are three quick bipartisan examples: Gun control laws are illegal. Read the Second Amendment. They have been passed by both parties, and neither party has repealed them, even when it controlled all major branches of government. Illegal immigration is illegal, but again, neither Clinton, the Bushes or Obama would do their job and obey their Constitutional duty to keep the States safe from invasion. The last President to act on illegal immigration was Reagan; he granted illegals amnesty! The Constitution says only gold and silver may be money, but both parties retain the Federal Reserve and will put you in prison if you try to use gold and silver as money.
And NO, our troops do not support and defend the Constitution. They swear to, but I have not seen US soldiers storming Congress and the White House. Instead, they are too busy being killed overseas so that the politically well-connected can make a fortune. All talk and hot air... with a few exceptions like Michael New.
So get mad, get angry, get livid, spit at me for telling the truth, but the fact remains. If you think that the Constitution is any restraint on the government, you are not just ignorant, you are stupid. You are dreaming. It is a very pleasant dream, but it is a dream. The fact is, the Constitution is dead.
What will you do? You need to do some serious thinking.
Anonymous said...
Was the Constitution suspended on 9/11? Sure looks that way.
Anonymous said...
"Was the Constitution suspended on 9/11? Sure looks that way."
Why yes it was. Bush declared a state of emergency which amounts to the white house sending a messenger to congress in Sept once a year to announce that the president is extending the state of emergency one more year.
There is no constitutional allowance for this. The name of your country is FEMA - Continuation of government. It is part of a 30 year plan to kill off baby boomers since they stole your money.
Go you youtube and search FEMA coffins. Ollie North alluded to this in Iran Contra to blackmail them for his freedom.
UK Police demand new stop and search powers after human rights ruling scraps previous law
Daily Mail
Police are hoping to win government backing for a new counter-terrorism power to stop and search people without the suspicion of criminal activity...
In the middle of Europe, a democracy introduces press censorship
Hungary's recently elected right-wing government has introduced a law demanding -- under threat of fines and even shut-down -- that news sources be "fair and balanced," to borrow a phrase from a US news network. The move has critics fearing that it could lead to a silencing of critical media outlets.
Under the new Law on Media and the Freedom of Press, national TV channels whose news coverage is found to be "unbalanced or offensive to human dignity or common morals" could be fined the equivalent of almost $1 million, reports the New York Times, while daily newspaper and Internet news sites could face fines of up to $120,000. Weeklies and magazines could see fines of almost $50,000.
Webmaster's Commentary:
We may well see similar draconian legislation presented and passed here when Congress returns as the official "response" to the Wickileaks setup.
The law here will be just as vague, to allow the maximum pressure on those who are critical of the Federal government in any way.
Our blacklist has failed us: Thai minister
A senior minister in Thailand's ICT authority, which oversees internet censorship in the country, said that blacklisting has failed and should be dropped.
Thongchai Sangsiri, director of computer forensics within Thailand's Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), told the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity cybersecurity forum in NSW today that its blacklists are verbose and have created onerous management problems for internet service providers.
"We would like [to] leave parents and teachers to decide what to filter … because [the current system] is too much to handle," Sangsiri said.
"The blacklists grow with many, many websites to become a burden on ISPs. Blacklisting doesn't work."
When the 'Future' Invades Our Lives. The CIA Funds 'Predictive Behavior' Start-Ups
What do Google, the CIA and a host of so-called "predictive behavior" start-ups have in common?
They're interested in you, or more specifically, whether your online interests--from Facebook to Twitter posts, and from Flickr photos to YouTube and blog entries--can be exploited by powerful computer algorithms and subsequently transformed into "actionable intelligence."
CRTC green lights usage-based internet billing
The federal regulator on Thursday gave Bell Canada the approval to implement so-called usage-based billing to wholesale customers — usually smaller internet service providers that rent portions of its network — within 90 days. Under the plan, Bell will charge wholesale service providers a flat monthly fee to connect to its network, and for a set monthly usage limit per each ISP customer the ISP has.
Beyond that set limit, users will be charged per gigabyte, depending on the speed of their connections.
Canadian regulator to allow metered Internet billing
TORONTO (Reuters) - Smaller Canadian Internet service providers, who operate via networks owned by bigger telecom firms such as BCE Inc, will soon have to pass along the bulk of their host's charges for extra bandwidth use, the federal telecom regulator said on Tuesday.
The move limits the independent ISPs' ability to offer unlimited data plans, just months after Netflix opened for business in Canada, and gives greater pricing power to large carriers such as BCE's Bell unit and Telus.
The new usage-based billing policy takes effect March 31. However, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) gave the smaller ISPs a 15 percent discount on the retail rates cable and telecom carriers charge their own customers, citing a balance between fostering competition and the incumbents' right to manage traffic on their networks.
"It a very big slap in the face," said Rocky Gaudrault, the chief executive of small ISP TekSavvy. "We've just become a collection agency for the monopolies, with a 15 percent space to make the collections occur."
French govt. spy on media exposed
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has come under criticism for allegedly recruiting a surveillance unit to spy on journalists amid reports of government corruption.
The allegations first surfaced following a report in September by the daily newspaper Le Monde, in which the Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence (DCRI) -- the French equivalent of the CIA-- was accused of involvement in tracking down an anonymous source in the scandal linked to L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt's illegal donations to Sarkozy's 2007 presidential campaign, the Globe and Mail reported on Friday.
According to the report, the French president has allegedly set up and supervised a special unit of the secret service to tip off journalists, who launch reports or conduct any investigation into a string of affairs ranging from tax evasion to influence peddling to a conflict of interest involving Betencourt and Labor Minister Eric Woerth.
Former CIA director calls homegrown terror threat 'a witch's brew'
A former director of the CIA described the greater likelihood that terror attacks on U.S. soil would come from an American resident as "a witch's brew."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Michael Hayden: the real "witch's brew" in this equation is the continuous attempt by this government to create a state of fear in the minds of its citizens to keep them from logically analyzing what is going on in government.
But I would very much like to remind you and your cohorts who seem desperately anxious to see a true police state come to power in this country that there inevitably comes a point of "fear fatigue" where the effects wear off, and people start thinking critically again.
And it is at that point when people see the truth for what it is; and it will be at that point where you will see just what form public fury will take at having been so lied to for so long.
Man admits he lied to FBI to frame associates as terrorists
A man who lied to the FBI to frame several associates as a terrorists pleaded guilty Thursday to making false statements to officials.
Syed Omair Ali, 25, of Queens, admitted that he contacted the FBI last May to alert them to an effort underway to launch a terror attack against New York City with the help of radical operatives based in Pakistan.
Ali falsely told agents that these associates had "ties with the tribal guys back in Karachi, Pakistan," and were planning to travel there to be trained in insurgency tactics and then return to New York to commit a terror strike.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Another frame-up collapses.
FBI infiltrator prepared government raid on antiwar groups in Minneapolis and Chicago
At a press conference, subpoenaed AWC and FRSO member Jess Sundin outlined how Sullivan had become involved during preparations for the legally permitted demonstrations at the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sullivan worked her way up, chairing meetings, giving public speeches, and assisting with bookkeeping, in the process gaining access to membership lists and “unimpeded access to our financial records,” said Sundin.
“On September 24th, federal agents burst into our homes and turned our lives upside down,” said Sundin of the raids. At AWC offices in Minneapolis, FBI agents used the key that had been entrusted to Sullivan to enter, “seizing our computers, financial records and other materials.”
A memoir by a top former Turkish intelligence official claims that a worldwide moderate Islamic movement based in Pennsylvania has been providing cover for the CIA since the mid-1990s.
The memoir, roughly rendered in English as “Witness to Revolution and Near Anarchy,” by retired Turkish intelligence official Osman Nuri Gundes, says the religious-tolerance movement, led by an influential former Turkish imam by the name of Fethullah Gulen, has 600 schools and 4 million followers around the world.
In the 1990s, Gundes alleges, the movement "sheltered 130 CIA agents" at its schools in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan alone, according to a report on his memoir Wednesday by the Paris-based Intelligence Online newsletter.
The book has caused a sensation in Turkey since it was published last month.
Gulen could not be reached for comment.
But two ex-CIA officials with long ties to Central Asia cast doubt on Gundes’s charges.
Former CIA operative Robert Baer, chief of the agency’s Central Asia and Caucasus operations from 1995 through 1997, called the allegations bogus. "The CIA didn't have any ‘agents’ in Central Asia during my tenure,” he said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
See Fake Al Qaeda
PROPAGANDA ALERT - Phony Al Qaeda bomb manual published on internet.
Al-Qaeda has produced a new bomb-making manual in English with the aim of encouraging self-starting terrorists to launch their own attacks.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a replay of a hoax from the late 1960s called the "Black Panther Coloring Book." Actually created by the FBI (and exposed during the COINTELPRO leaks), this was a book filled with highly racist drawings that was mailed into American homes (even we got one in West Covina) in order to give the US Media an easy means to demonize the growing civil rights movement that was pointing out that the Vietnam draft seemed to place most of the black kids on the front lines and most of the white kids in the rear support areas. Likewise, as the white population began to listen to the legitimate concerns of the black population, and as Martin Luther King gained popularity, young people, "The Hippies", also started mobilizing against the war, which led to a second fraudulent book released in the early 1970s called "The Anarchist Cookbook." Like the above "Al Qaeda" manual, the Anarchist Cookbook was filled with recipes for making bombs. The Anarchist Cookbook was created to allow the media to scare ordinary Americans that dangerous anarchists were in their midst, requiring draconian police and FBI powers. Hoaxes by the Nixon administration, including the "Peacnik" riot at Disneyland and the SLA, were used to further terrorize the American people.
Here is the point that relates to the current hoax. The recipes for explosives in the Anarchist Cookbook were intentionally flawed. Key stabilizing ingredients were left out in the hopes that some idiot playing with the formulas would blow up his own house, thereby handing the media another "terrorist bomb lab" for the media to wave around.
So, along with guaranteeing you that this Al Qaeda bomb making manual is another intelligence agency fake, I can also promise you that the formulas in it are intended to trick you into killing yourself in a spectacular manner intended to allow the media to claim you are an "Al Qaeda" terrorist in our midst to justify further removal of our Constitutional Bill of Rights.
UPDATE: The source for this "Al Qaeda" bomb book is none other than MEMRI.
click for larger image
MEMRI is a known Israeli propaganda front.
Holder: terrorism stings aren't entrapment
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Besides, we need to keep setting up Muslim patsies in the press so that people forget it was Israel that actually did attack Americans last May! We cannot let the American people decide for themselves who to hate and fear; that is myjob! I mean, everyone knows that the Bill of Rights must be subordinate to the needs of Israel, right? Right? Right? ... Am I going deaf?" -- Official White Horse Souse
JP Wheeler: Another Dead Body From the Cheney Dual Nuclear Chain-of-Command Days Turns Up
Wheeler, as special assistant to Wynne, would have known about the dual nuclear chain-of-command established by Vice President Dick Cheney, bypassing the Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, that resulted in a spate of nuclear surety and security incidents during 2007 and 2008.
WMR reported on those incidents from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in 2008.
Obama administration expanding use of Guantánamo Bay: report
Forget closing Guantánamo Bay -- President Barack Obama has reportedly green-lighted a plan to begin charges against new detainees at the controversial off-shore prison for the first time under his administration.
"The Obama administration is preparing to increase the use of military commissions to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, an acknowledgment that the prison in Cuba remains open for business after Congress imposed steep new impediments to closing the facility," the New York Times reported.
Administration officials told the newspaper they were preparing military tribunal trials for several suspected terrorists at the prison, signaling a major policy shift for Obama in the face of high pressure from Congressional Republicans and numerous Democrats.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It is obvious that this Administration absolutely eschews the rule of law.
If this were not the case, these people would be tried, and found guilty or innocent, according to US law, where the standard for conviction has to be beyond a reasonable doubt.
The military tribunal criteria is much "softer" than that standard.
And one has to wonder if, according to this administration, some of these people cannot be tried in a civilian court, because waterboarding wasn't the worst thing which was done to them, and they don't want the public to see or hear what was done to them in order to obtain their "confessions".
Obama Administration Weighs Indefinite Detention
Even if the Obama administration wanted to try low-level detainees in U.S. courts, it faces so much opposition from Congress it would be hard to do. And now, with the new Republican majority in the House, what was once very hard could become impossible.
Another option is to imprison terrorism suspects without ever going to trial — to just hold them.
And that's what lawmakers are looking at now. In August, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina quietly introduced a bill that would codify indefinite detention. He wanted to answer questions such as what kind of enemy combatant could be locked up without trial? How much evidence would government need to do that?
Webmaster's Commentary:
Should Lindsey Graham's legislation on this pass, it will signal the end of this republic.
Once in place, this legislation will not only be used against alleged "bad guys": it will also be used against any individual who has a logical, reasoned objection to any foreign or domestic Federal governmental policy!
White House drafts executive order for indefinite detention
The White House is preparing an Executive Order on indefinite detention that will provide periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, according to several administration officials.
The draft order, a version of which was first considered nearly 18 months ago, is expected to be signed by President Obama early in the New Year. The order allows for the possibility that detainees from countries like Yemen might be released if circumstances there change.
But the order establishes indefinite detention as a long-term Obama administration policy and makes clear that the White House alone will manage a review process for those it chooses to hold without charge or trial.
The boy’s treatment after capture didn’t improve. Our rulers imprisoned him at Gitmo as an "enemy combatant." This totally unconstitutional, politically convenient category allows the Feds to play games with words and men’s lives by denying that prisoners of war are in fact prisoners of war. The prize? Since "combatants" aren’t POWs, the Feds may ignore international treaties and inflict such atrocities as torture.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US has now institutionalized both torture, and indefinite detention.
Having established both, there is now no guarantee that this same government will not visit these processes on American citizens who simply have a logical disagreement with policies of this government.
Military officials were instructed not to publicly discuss a decision made in January 2002 to presumptively treat all Guantanamo detainees with a high dosage of a controversial antimalarial drug that has been directly linked to suicide, hallucinations, seizures and other severe neuropsychological side effects, according to a retired Navy captain who signed the policy directive.
"Canadian Soldiers Being Encouraged To Commit War Crimes By Chain Of Command"
Drug expert claims David Kelly was murdered as he could not have taken overdose
Dr Andrew Watt, an experienced clinical pharmacologist, says he has told Thames Valley Police it is not possible Dr Kelly could have swallowed more than a ‘safe’ dose of two coproxamol tablets because there was so little in his system after death.
Dr Kelly was murdered: British experts
Drugs experts leading an inquiry into the death of Britain's former weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kelly, say his death was “murder” and not suicide.
Experts also called on the police to launch a murder inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, casting serious doubt on the official claim the scientist overdosed on painkillers.
According to Dr Andrew Watt who is a top clinical pharmacologist, Kelly could have only take a “safe” dose of coproxamol painkiller tablets as there was so little of the substance in his blood after he died.
“I reported to the Thames [Valley Police] force that I believe that the death of Dr Kelly may have been murder. I have received an acknowledgement and they have given me an incident number,” Watt said.
Tony Blair 'regrets' Iraq deaths but says Britain must stop apologising for invasion
Webmaster's Commentary:
We don't want an apology. We want your head on a lance for helping to lie us into that war, Tony. There is no greater crime a ruler can commit against his own people than to lie them into a war.
Downing Street ordered a cover-up after Jack Straw made an 11th-hour attempt to stop Tony Blair going to war in Iraq, it was claimed last night.
Explosive anonymous evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry said Mr Blair responded to his Foreign Secretary by insisting that he wanted to go to war.
Officials at Number 10 then allegedly ordered that no record was kept of the confrontation.
Oops, I think that letter was supposed to be burned
An interesting letter has been unearthed. It reveals that the Vatican was officially instructing its clergy to hide pedophilia cases from civil authorities.
At last, the damning evidence that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq
Many newspapers have so far either ignored or underplayed it, and the BBC has hitherto showed limited interest. And yet the new documents appear to establish more clearly than ever before that Tony Blair misled Parliament and the public about the legality of the war.
Some of the former Prime Minister’s political opponents and a few newspapers have previously accused him of lying, but the ‘smoking gun’ was never quite produced. This time it has been. His accuser is the former Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, a member of the Labour government before, during and after the invasion of Iraq.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Now that the war has gone on for years, now that the bodies of our's and their young are dead and rotted, now that the buildings have been destroyed, now that the cultural treasures of Iraq have been plundered and lost forever, now that the harm has been done and cannot be taken back, only now do governments and corporate media attempt to reclaim their credibility and the long-vanished trust of the people by grudgingly admitting what the blogs and the people knew way back in 2003; that the case for invading Iraq was based on lies and deceptions, and had no moral or legal merit.
How is it that the liars have to date been rewarded handsomely, while those that told the truth remain vilified and marginalized.
Do you really prefer to live in a world of illusion and deception?
Because that can be a most fatal indulgence.
Look at the world as it is today. Recall that we all got here because the liars in government and liars in corporate media demanded and received the attention and trust of the world's people. And if we are to change course; to pull back from the brink, to save what is left of life for ourselves and our children, the very first step is that we do not listen to the liars in the corporate media and the liars in the government any longer, but seek out and heed those who have all along been telling the truth.
I will have a truthful government, or I will have no government at all.
Whitehall chief blocks release of Blair's notes to Bush on Iraq
Britain's top civil servant, Sir Gus O'Donnell, is preventing the official inquiry into the Iraq invasion from publishing notes sent by Tony Blair to George W Bush - evidence described by the inquiry as of "central importance" in establishing the circumstances that led to war.
O'Donnell, the cabinet secretary, consulted Blair before suppressing the documents, it emerged tonight. The Cabinet Office said: "There is an established convention covering papers of a previous administration whereby former ministers would normally be consulted before release of papers from their time in government." The prime minister's spokesman said David Cameron had not been consulted.
Tony Blair's private letters to George Bush on Iraq were considered so sensitive they were expunged from the official Whitehall record, it was disclosed today.
Evidence released by the Iraq Inquiry shows that No 10 officials drew up two accounts of the then prime minister's dealings with the US President - with all references to their correspondence being removed from the version for general circulation.
Blair to be grilled on how he 'misled' Iraq war inquiry
Tony Blair will face allegations that he has "misled" members of the Iraq inquiry when he returns to give evidence to the panel this week.
Members of the five-strong Chilcot inquiry have grave doubts over the truthfulness of statements the former prime minister made to them last January and in his memoirs, published last autumn. The Independent on Sunday understands that the inquiry is concerned over Mr Blair's evidence on the legal advice he received before agreeing to join the invasion, and the timing of the decision to go to war.
Mainstream Media sold Gulf War
Blair: West must prepare to confront Iran with force
Former British PM says 'we have to get our head out of the sand' because Islamic Republic 'disagrees fundamentally with our way of life and will carry on unless met with determination and, if necessary, force'
"I say this to you with all of the passion I possibly can -- at some point the West has to get out of what I think is a wretched policy or posture of apology for believing that we are causing what the Iranians are doing, or what these extremists are doing," said Blair, who serves as the Quartet envoy to the Middle East.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Leave it to a man with blood still dripping from his hands from Iraq to echo Israel's position on Iran like a ventriloquist's puppet.
And it is really interesting, this position of Israel on Iran, for the following reason; Israel cannot, for love or money, get Iranian Jews to leave Iran. If Iran is such a threat to Israel, why don't the Iranian Jews flee Iran?!?
As reported on 22 September 2006 at:
Although Iran and Israel are bitter enemies, few know that Iran is home to the largest number of Jews anywhere in the Middle East outside Israel.
About 25,000 Jews live in Iran and most are determined to remain no matter what the pressures - as proud of their Iranian culture as of their Jewish roots.
'Prince of Mercenaries' who wreaked havoc in Iraq turns up in Somalia
Erik Prince, the American founder of the private security firm Blackwater Worldwide, has cropped up at the centre of a controversial scheme to establish a new mercenary force to crack down on piracy and terrorism in the war-torn East African country of Somalia.
The project, which emerged yesterday when an intelligence report was leaked to media in the United States, requires Mr Prince to help train a private army of 2,000 Somali troops that will be loyal to the country's United Nations-backed government. Several neighbouring states, including the United Arab Emirates, will pay the bills.
Lockheed Gets Big Bucks to Prep Soldiers for Urban War
By the end of the year, the U.S. Army will leave Iraq. But Iraq isn’t going to leave the U.S. Army.
American soldiers spent seven years patrolling the urban neighborhoods of Iraq; its troops battled insurgents there block-by-block and house-by-house. Now that the Army is getting out of Iraq, it wants to make sure its urban combat skills don’t wither away. So it today it gave Lockheed Martin a contract worth up to $287 million to build Urban Operations Training Systems — essentially, giant simulation facilities and modules to help soldiers get ready for life in the big, bad city.
$170 million mock city rises at Marine base
A mock city roughly the size of downtown San Diego has risen in a remote Southern California desert to train military forces to fight in urban environments.
The $170 million urban training center was unveiled Tuesday at the Twentynine Palms military base, 170 miles northeast of San Diego.
The 1,560-building facility will allow troops to practice and refine skills that can be used around the world, the Marine Corps said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder how many of the Marines who train here will be deployed to fight against their fellow Americans, if there is any unrest here in the US.
UK Police may ban future marches to prevent disorder
Police may ban anti-Government marches through central London to prevent further disorder and strain on officer numbers.
Martin Beckford, Heidi Blake and Steven Swinford
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, said that outlawing the demonstations was an option for the authorities but conceded it could anger protestors further.
Anyone can dupe biometric scanner
Never mind using severed fingers or "retinal transplants" to dupe security systems. The natural changes that occur due to age and health - and the fact that prints from the same finger can differ because of dirt or moisture - mean that anyone can unwittingly fool the technology, leaving such systems "inherently fallible", according to the report.
FANS of James Bond know that biometric systems can be fooled to gain access to secure areas: now a US National Research Council report commissioned by the CIA, DARPA and the Department of Homeland Security confirms it.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After all that tax money given to Israeli security companies, now they admit this?
The 120 men and women were attending the International First Responder-Military Symposium, held at Hilbert College, a small “Franciscan tradition” place of learning. Not that St. Francis would have been interested in a military symposium, but if he’d been able to attend, he’d have heard all about a new technology that will help identify and track “terrorists.”
A lot of very disparate people have been tagged with that term of late. But this new tech may well be the final icing on the cake. It’s a computer program that trawls phone conversations, emails, and social networking sites looking for any signs of resentment of the government.
That’s right. If you’re angry at Washington, they want to know who you are and what you’re saying.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder just how soon those elements of US institutionalized torture and indefinite detainment might utilized by this government against anyone who believes they have a right to their own opinions, even if those opinions do not square with governmental policies.
This country is slouching toward becoming a dictatorship of incredible magnitude, and most people don't seem to be awake enough to see it coming.
U.S. judge dismisses targeted-kill program lawsuit
A judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to halt the Obama administration's program to capture or kill American citizens who join militant groups abroad, a case involving a Muslim cleric in Yemen.
The ruling was a defeat for civil liberties groups that brought the lawsuit on behalf of the father of Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who joined al Qaeda in Yemen and has been tied to plots against the United States.
"If the court's ruling is correct, the government has unreviewable authority to carry out the targeted killing of any American, anywhere, whom the president deems to be a threat to the nation," said Jameel Jaffer, the group's deputy legal director.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Judge Bate's decision was entirely wrong, based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As an American, Al-Awaki is entitled to trial by a jury of his peers and his day in court, no matter what he is alleged to have done or said.So, extradite the guy (if in fact he is still alive), and bring him to the US for a trial.
However, institutionalizing extrajudicial assassinations as a tool of US statehood, is a very morally dangerous path the Obama administration has chosen, with some very dark potential outcomes in the future.
The use of a tool like this in the Federal government's arsenal can very easily be used to silence any peaceful, logical, and reasoned criticism of that government's policies.
This ruling will have repercussions far beyond the original case, and those repercussions may well turn deadly for the status of free speech in this country.
Lawsuit claims that Taco Bell is using false advertising when it refers to using “beef”
The class-action lawsuit was filed Friday in federal court in the Central District of California by the Montgomery law firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles.
Attorney Dee Miles said attorneys had Taco Bell’s “meat mixture” tested and found it contained less that 35 percent beef.
The lawsuit on behalf of Taco Bell customer and California resident Amanda Obney does not seek monetary damages, but asks the court to order Taco Bell to be honest in its advertising.
“We are asking that they stop saying that they are selling beef,” Miles said.
Irvine-based Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch (PAYCH) said the company denies that its advertising is misleading.
“Taco Bell prides itself on serving high quality Mexican inspired food with great value. We’re happy that the millions of customers we serve every week agree,” Poetsch said. He said the company would “vigorously defend the suit.”
The lawsuit says that Taco Bell’s “seasoned beef” contains other ingredients, including water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch.
U.S. food companies caught faking blueberries with artificial colors and liquid sugars
A Food Investigations mini-documentary released today exposes the "blueberry deception" in name-brand cereals, bagels, breads and bars. As revealed in the investigative video (www.FoodInvestigations.com), big-name food companies that offer blueberry cereals, muffins, pastries and bars have been caught "faking" the blueberries by creating them out of artificial colors, partially-hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
3D films, TV and video games 'cause nausea and headaches'
Film, television and video games firms are touting it as the future of entertainment, but rather than thrill you, the increasing use 3D technology could make you feel ill, according to optometrists.
As many as a quarter of people report eyestrain, blurred vision, dizziness, headaches or nausea after viewing 3D content, the American Association of Optometrists found via an online survey.
Yet the entertainment industry is pouring billions into 3D, believing hit movies, such as James Cameron's 2009 hit Avatar, have demonstrated the public appetite for a more immersive experience. 3D films took £237m at the UK box office last year, 24 per cent of total revenues.
The American Association of Optometrists said those who suffer from motion sickness or already have depth perception troubles are most likely to come away from a 3D film feeling queasy.
The problem is caused by the way 3D images trick our visual system. The eye is hardwired to track and refocus on objects as they approach, but because a 3D display is not actually getting closer, it is forced to constantly override this impulse.
"That causes at least part of the discomfort and fatigue that people are experiencing," said Martin Banks, an optometry professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
The video games industry is also pushing 3D technology. Sony's Playstation 3 now has a small catalogue of 3D games and this week Ninteno launched the 3DS, a handheld console that does not require the player to wear glasses to experience a 3D effect.
Last night the UK's Association of Optometrists echoed Nintendo's warnings against excessive use, particularly for children.
"Children need a clear, sharp image in each eye in order for their vision to develop properly. If anything upsets that balance it could affect the visual development resulting in 'amblyopia' (lazy eye) or a squint," said spokeswoman Karen Sparrow.
"Similar to adults using computer screens at work, a sensible regime would be to have a break of five minutes after an hour's use."
Nature Knows Best
Most people think we get our depth perception from just our binocular vision, the distance apart of our eyes. But in fact we use ten different cues for depth perception, and 3D films only utilize two of those. As the article mentions, children whose vision is still being wired up in their brains can be greatly harmed by exposure to 3D entertainment. What we don't know yet is if the harm will be permanent. Want to experiment on your kids? I didn't think so.
The home 3-D system is
Mike Rivero
The home 3-D system is actually from the 1980s and is based on "Crystal Eyes", which uses liquid crystal shutters in the glasses to allow the alternating left-right display on the screen to only be seen by the appropriate eye. So far so good, but the problem is that the bran ONLY sees either the left or right image at any given moment and struggles to make sense of the information, which is what causes the headaches and feelings of discomfort. This has been a known problem with this approach since the 1980s and I am stunned they went to market with it anyway.
A Galaxies Cluster Older Than Possible! Scientists say
It is a confirmation that brings havoc among astrophysicists! If are correct the conclusions of Stefano Andreon, of INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Brera (Italy) and Marc Huertas-Company, of the Astronomical Observatory of Paris-Meudon (France), reported today on Astronomy & Astrophysics this news may lead to the revision of the most reliable models of galaxy formation and galaxy clusters. The data collected by two astrophysicists about JKCS041, confirm that fact, the cluster of galaxies "miracle" is really old, so old that it can not exist in accordance with what is believed about the universe today.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Getting past the mechanical translation, what this article says is that a fully-formed cluster of galaxies has been discovered at a distance that should be impossible according to the theory of the Big Bang.
No doubt those "scientists" who have drunk the Vatican Kool-Aid are hard at work to explain why even this discovery should not be used to question the divinely revealed truth of a universe brought into existence in a moment of supreme creation by Quetzalcoat (or whoever they are calling it this week).
In 1929, a Cal-Tech astronomer named Edwin Hubble observed that objects which appeared to be much further away showed a more pronounced shift towards the red end of the spectrum. Scientists building on Hubble's discovery concluded that the farther an object was away from Earth, the faster it was receding, and calculated the relationship between distance and velocity, called the "Hubble Constant" and concluded on the basis of this one observed fact and the assumption that there was no other explanation for that observed fact that the universe was expanding.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am relinking this article and encouraging readers to repost everywhere in light of the flood of articles reporting observations that contradict the theory of the Big Bang and the "epicyclic" efforts of scientists to reconcile the new facts with their religious delusions.
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